The 4 pirates were heading in a random direction in the ocean. They all realized that they were lost...

"LOOK! A BIRD!" Ace yelled


"MEAT!" Luffy screamed launching himself in the air. The bird then clamped its beak on his head keeping him from getting away.

"YOU IDIOT!" The three pirates yelled

"HELP ME!" Luffy screamed in panic, the bird proceeded to take him to an island near them.

"Hurry! We need to go after him!" Zoro yelled

"NO SHIT!" Ace yelled


"HEY BITCH! GIVE BACK WHAT YOU STOLE!" An angry looking man yelled at an orange haired girl, when suddenly someone came down from the sky.

"Who are you guys?" Luffy asked

"WHO ARE YOU? YOU JUST FELL FROM THE SKY?" the angry man yelled

"Oh, can you take care of the guys for me?" the orange haired girl began, "they're trying to hurt me" she said sadly

"Sure" Luffy said "GUM GUM WHIP!" Luffy kicked the three pirates into the nearest building. "So, what's you're name?" Luffy asked

"My name is Nami." Nami said, realizing that this guy was strong. She thought that maybe he maybe able to take down Buggy so she could get 10 million beri.

"My name's Luffy! I'm going to be the King of the Pirates!" Luffy yelled.

"YOU'RE A PIRATE!" Nami barely sputtered out

"Yup! I'm going to be the king!" Luffy said proudly. Nami put that thought away and got her mind back on track.

"Well, you seem nice, can you help me take down a pirate?" Nami asked

"Sure, where is he?" Luffy asked cracking his knuckles getting ready for a fight.

"Follow me, but first you have to be tied up." Nami said deviously.

"OKAY!" Luffy yelled.


"So you came back you witch." Buggy said to Nami

"Yes, I brought my boss, he was the one who told me to steal the map of the grand line. He is an idiot so I betrayed him." Nami said

"Oh really? Well, I guess we're going to have to throw a party!" Buggy yelled. "MEN! GET THE BOOZE!" Buggy then proceeded to put Luffy in a cage.

"HEY! What are you doing?!" Luffy yelled

"We're going to shoot you with a cannon!" Buggy said

"Oh okay." Luffy said excitedly, causing Buggy to wonder why this bozo was so upbeat all the time. He just met him and yet he's already annoying him.

"NAMI! Show us where your loyalties lie and shoot this idiot with our special Buggy Ball!" Buggy yelled causing his crew to cheer.

I can't murder someone in cold blood, Nami thought.

"Having trouble lighting the match? Here let me help you." A pirate said taking the match and lighting it. Nami then freaked out and unlit the match thus burning her hand.

"YOU BITCH!" Buggy yelled, "You never were on our side were you? Men get her!" Pirates then surrounded Nami on all sides when 3 men came to save her.

"OI! YOU GUYS CAME!" Luffy yelled

"Luffy, we've been gone for 45 minutes, what the fuck did you get yourself into?" Ace said

"Were you expecting something else?" Sabo asked

"No, not really." Ace answered

"Who are you people?" Nami asked

"I'm Zoro."

"I'm Sabo."

"I'm Ace."


"WE KNOW DUMBASS!" The 3 pirates yelled

"Can someone get me out of this cage?" Luffy asked, "I want to go kick the clown's ass."

"WHO'S ASS ARE YOU GOING TO KICK?" Buggy yelled, disconnecting his hand from his body with a knife in it going straight for Luffy. Luffy caught the knife in his mouth and broke it.

"YOU HEARD ME BIG NOSE" Luffy yelled

"Sure!" Ace said picking up the cage and dropping it causing it to shatter. "But be careful Luffy, It look's like he has a devil fruit.

"Okay!" Luffy said cracking his knuckles. "GUM GUM PISTOL!" Luffy yelled, punching Buggy in the gut. Buggy then separated his body and all of his body parts started going after Luffy. Luffy caught his foot and put it inside the cannon. Nami then lit the cannon and the Buggy Ball destroyed his foot.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH! I'M GOING TO GET YOU FOR THIS!" Buggy yelled. He grabbed to knifes and started rushing Luffy. Luffy jumped in the air and punched both of this hands into the ground. He then stepped on his hands not allowing him to move. "GUM GUM BAZOOKA!" Luffy yelled hitting Buggy in the body sending him flying.

"YOU BITCH!" Buggy's crew yelled attacking Luffy. Zoro then took on Buggy's firstmate easily defeating him while Ace and Sabo defeated the rest of the crew.

"Thank you guy's for all your help." Nami said thanking them.

"Can you join our crew?" Luffy asked

"I despise pirates, but I like you guys so I'll travel with you for now. But don't think that I'm going to stay with you." Nami said

"Alright, can you navigate?" Sabo asked

"Yes, I'm the best navigator in the East Blue." Nami boasted

"OKAY!" Luffy yelled "Let's go!"

"Wait, hold on, I'm going to go steal Buggy's treasure." Nami said

"Okay! We'll wait here." Ace said while she walked towards Buggy's base

"What do you guy's think about the new girl?" Zoro asked

"SHE'S AWESOME!" Luffy yelled.

"I think she would be a good addition to our crew." Ace said

"I simply don't trust her." Sabo said

"Why?" The other three asked him

"I don't know, but I have a feeling that she may betray us." Sabo said. After he said that Nami got back with 2 sacks full of treasure.


"Luffy, do you ever shut up?" Ace asked but Luffy was already at the ship.

"Thank you people." An old man said "We've been trying to get rid of Buggy for ages."

"Don't worry about it, that guy was an asshole." Nami said, "But do you have a reward for us?"

"No, I'm sorry, our town is poor because Buggy took all the money." the old man said

"Okay, well we are leaving now." Sabo said hopping aboard their boat.

"Nami! Show us your navigating skills!" Luffy yelled

"Fine, just shut up for once." Nami answered

Author's Notes

Sorry for not updating for the past 2 days, I wasn't really in the mood to write for those days. But I hope you enjoyed the chapter :)