This is my first story so let me know how you think of it so far

Ace, Sabo an Luffy were sitting in their tree house talking about how they were going to all become great pirates one day.

"My crew is going to be 100x better than yours Ace!" Luffy shouted, causing Ace to smack him in the back of the head.

"What was the for?" Luffy asked?

"You're crew will never be better than mine because you're three years younger and you have less experience" Ace said,

causing Sabo to giggle because he knew it was true.

"Just because I'm younger doesn't mean I can't kick your ass!" shouted Luffy, the two began to fight, then Sabo

interrupted them by punching them both.

"Both of you quiet, I don't think you two realize the situation that we're in." Sabo told them about that
he doesn't want to seperate from after becoming so close to them.

"I suggest that we start a crew as all of us being co-captains." Sabo offered

"What's a co-captain?" Luffy asked

"It's where we are all captains of the ship and we all share equal power." Sabo Answered

"Luffy can't even share his meat with us, what makes you think that he can share being the captain of a pirate crew?"

Ace asked


"Only joking, I like the idea but how will we all set sail at the same time if Luffy is 3 years younger than us"? Ace


"We will have to set sail when we are both 20 Ace, unless you want our brother to be constantly in danger" Sabo answered

"But isn't he always in danger already?" Ace asked

"Danger here is nothing compared to what I've read about the sea, there are sea kings, cyclones, and all kinds of

disasters on the sea, and that's not including marines and other pirates." answered Sabo


"We all are going to have equal power Luffy, there's no best co-captain" Sabo answered

"I agree with this idea" Ace finally said

"Me too, but I'm getting tired" Luffy answered

"Let's get some sleep, we're going to need to be at our full strength if we want to train tomorrow." Sabo answered.


"EVERYONE WAKE UP!" Ace yelled

"What's with all the noise?" asked a sleepy Luffy who was still rubbing his eyes

"I'm excited to train with my crew for the for the first time" Ace said

"We can train later, because first we need to get some food" Sabo explained

"MEAT!" Luffy yelled


I need to get more food than both Ace and Sabo so I can prove that I'm the better co-captain, Luffy thought. I don't even have enough food for myself, I only caught 4 deer and I need to get 10 more if I want to be able to feed all three of us. That was when Luffy suddenly heard an ear piercing scream coming from behind him.

"Oh no, that sounded like Sabo, I need to see what's wrong." Luffy whispered

That was when he heard the bushes moving in front of him, Luffy got into his fighting stance and prepared for the worst.

Ace suddenly burst through the bush tackling Luffy. "Luffy, Bluejam caught up to Sabo and they brought him to his Dad." Ace whispered

"WE HAVE TO GO SA-" Ace put his hand over Luffy's mouth to stop him from talking

"Luffy be quiet or they will know we are here." Ace whispered, Luffy nodded signalling that he understood

"This is the plan, if we go and try to take them on right here and now, they will kill both of us. We need to sneak into High Town and steal him back." Ace said quietly.

"Okay let's go now". Luffy said with Ace nodding in agreement.


"Dad let me go back to my friend's, I hate it here and I want to be happy" Sabo said to his father

"I don't care about what you want, you need to bring pride to our family and marry a noble." Sabo's father answered sharply.

That was when Sabo heard something behind him and turned around to see Ace and Luffy signalling him to come with them. Sabo tried to shoo him away because he knew if they tried to help they would only get hurt. The last thing he wanted was for his two brothers to get hurt. They needed to continue without me and continue to go for their goals.


"Why is he telling us to go away?" asked Luffy in a sad tone

"He wants to come with us, I can see it in his eyes. I think he doesn't want us to get hurt" Ace answered sadly


"We'll visit him one he's back in his house, for now lets get something to eat." Ace said


"Sabo, I know you don't want to be with us, so we got a replacement for you, meet your brother." Sabo's Father said

"HE'S NOT MY BROTHER! ACE AND LUFFY ARE!" Sabo screamed before running to his room

When he opened his door, he saw two boys sitting on his bed. Both with toothy smiles on their faces.

"Come on Sabo, Let get out of here." Ace said

"I can't." Sabo said sadly

"Why not?" Luffy asked

"If I go with you two, there's a chance that you might get hurt and that's the last thing that I want to happen." Sabo said

"Sabo, I don't care about getting hurt, if you're not coming with us we will have to kidnap you". Ace said coldly

"I'm sorry, but I can't go, and by the way, where did Luffy g-" Luffy shoved a bag over his head and tied it.

"Come on Ace, let's get out of here!" Luffy exclaimed

"Good job Luffy, now lets head out of here." Ace yelled

While running away they heard the townsfolk talking about a fire that was going to happen soon. Neither of them could believe what they were going to do. They had to warn the people of Gray Terminal.


"I can't believe you guys actually did it." Sabo said with a toothy grin

"Sabo, now isn't the time we need to go warn the people of Gray Terminal about the fire." Ace said, Luffy started to head out before Sabo stopped him.

"Luffy, my Dad probably payed Bluejam to look for me, we need disguises before we go." Sabo told him. That was when Ace got them their hooded cloaks and they went to warn the people about the fire.

Sorry for the short chapter but I have to head to bed, let me know what you think so far :)