Hey guys, CKS here. I know it's been a while since I've updated this story - school, life, and other stories and whatnot. But I'd like to start by saying this:
Shakunetsu no Koi is going to be revised into a new story.
The third story I ever wrote... back then, I was still growing as a writer. I still am to this day, but I can without a doubt in my mind say that I'm better at writing than when I first started.
You see, when I first began on this website, I had the intention of writing stories. Stories that people could enjoy - that I could enjoy writing. To this day, I still have that goal in mind.
My style of writing may have changed, but I still enjoy it. Of course, I'm a senior in high school now. College admissions are growing closer and closer by the day, and this has proven to be my most challenging year so far - if only because I'm trying to stave off "Senioritis" (Read: Arrogance and overlooking the small details).
Either way, life has made writing 24/7 - 365 an impossible goal.
Getting back on track, there have been a lot of things that have occurred in a larger picture. Firstly, Monty Oum's death in February. It may be a tad bit late to address it, but it still is relevant to me. What I find most saddening about his death is not the circumstances - not to say that I'm unfeeling about it - but the fact that he left so soon. It's always tragic to me when the candle that burns brightest is snuffed out, when the legacy left behind is only just beginning. I can still tell the differences between the animation styles and flow of Volume 2 and 3.
I suppose that the seed has been planted, and we must watch it bloom and grow, budding into a magnificent plant that we can all enjoy.
Secondly, Star Wars. Specifically, the newest one, "The Force Awakens".
I am anticipating this with a morbid sense of dread, as are many others, I suppose.
Thirdly, Halo 5. Just a little disappointed in that one, I guess. Just a little.
Man, this is turning into more of a rant than an update...
I guess what I'm trying to say, is that we've all changed. Everything's changed. The final manga chapter of Naruto left me with an empty void in my otaku soul. I tried replacing it with other animes, and so far the only suitable replacement has been Tokyo Ghoul, Tokyo Ghoul Root A, Sword Art Online (Pre-Alfeim or whatever it's called), any anime that really catches my interest.
I also turned to YouTube, and found the inspiration to write you all this message from music.
This story... will be discontinued, yet not at the same time.
By the time I post this, I will have posted the revamped version of this story, "A Fox Among Us", so be on the lookout for it.
I'll leave you with a quote that I like and find appropriate for this type of situation:
"Never say goodbye. If you don't say goodbye, then you aren't really gone.
You just aren't there right now..."
-Agent Carolina, Red vs. Blue
See you all next time! Ja Mata!
-CrimsonKyuubiSage out!