Reader POV

You wake up with your face down. Confused, you attempt to lift yourself up, only to find that your arms are weak. You sigh and turn over onto your back. About 2 feet above you, you see logs binded into rows. You look around, even more confused. Four walls of the wood prison surround you, but one appears to be able to seperate from the cage you're in. You immediately sit up and crawl over to it, trying to bang against the small entrance/exit. Finally giving up, you sigh, but jump back as you hear someone in front of you sigh,

"Well, look who's awake."

It's a dude. The voice is soft, but has a stern kind of tone to it, as if his word goes. He has a cute British accent. You try to see who the mystery boy is by searching around the cage for an crevice to see through, but it's too dark. You sink into a corner feeling helpless. You reply to the boy,

"Who are you? And where am I?"

The boy walks up to the log-built box and squats down. You hear him shuffle around inside his pocket and pull something out. You realize it's a key as he unlocks the prison and peers in. He outstretches his hand and you hesitantly place yours in his. He gently pulls you out and you have a chance to size him up. You start with his hair. It's light brown, tossled slightly as if he runs his hands through his hair often. His eyes are a piercing light green with gold speckles sprinkled around the pupil. His skin is porcelain. A light blush sweeps across his cheeks. His lips are a soft pink. Further down, you see he's wearing a dark green tunic, similar to the shade of the tree leaves. His wrists sport thick brown leather bangles of a sort. He wears a brown leather belt around his waist and the same shade of green pants, barely visible under his brown leather boots that go up to his knees. Your eyes flick back to his face and you notice he's staring at you. You blush slightly and take a small step back.

"I'm Peter. Peter Pan. And isn't it obvious?"

You cock your eyebrow as he mirrors you. He looks cute with one eyebrow up.

"You're in Neverland."