Hey everyone! It is so awesome to hear that you all love my story! Thank you guys for favorite/following my story!

I hope you guys enjoy chapter 4!

Disclaimer: I do not own any of Hollywood Heights!

Loren and Eddie fell asleep in each others' arms after their amazing night.

In the morning, Loren wakes up and notices Eddie watching her.

Loren- Good morning, handsome. (Smiles)

Eddie- Good morning, beautiful. (Smiles)

Loren- How long have you been awake?

Eddie- A while.

Loren- Why didn't you wake me?

Eddie- Because you're so cute when you're sleeping. (Smiles)

Loren and Eddie begin to kiss. After a few minutes, Loren pushed Eddie away.

Loren- As much as I would like to continue this, we have to get ready. We need to go see what's up with Mel, Adam, and Chloe.

Eddie groans and they both get out of bed.

Loren- Well I'm gonna go get a shower.

Eddie- Okay.

Loren walks into the bathroom and turns on the water. Eddie tries to sneak in to also take shower, but he realizes the Loren had locked the door.

Eddie- Ugh!

Loren laughs.

When Loren gets out of the shower, she blow dries her hair and then curls it with a curling wand. She wore light makeup and chandelier-shaped earrings. She wore dark-wash skinny jeans, a white lace tank top, and a black leather jacket on top. She paired the outfit with black leather ankle boots.

Loren walked downstairs and saw Eddie on the couch, on his laptop.

Loren- What are you doing?

Eddie- Looking at the news on the accident, has Mel-

Eddie saw Loren and his jaw dropped to the floor.

Loren- Close your mouth you'll get flies, honey. (Chuckles)

Eddie- You look amazing!

Loren- Why thank you. You don't look so bad yourself.

Eddie- Well I will look better once I get a shower. We would be leaving now if you hadn't locked the door! Thanks to you, Los Angeles is going to just loose even more water.

Loren- (Laughs) Well hurry up!

Back at the hospital, Chloe is waking up from her long-night's sleep. Jackie runs over to her bed.

Chloe- Ugh, mom, I had the worst nightmare. I was hit by a speeding car and I broke, like, half my bo-

She pauses and glances down at her arm. It was in a cast along with her leg. Her neck was also in a brace. She groans.

Chloe- It wasn't a dream, was it?

Jackie- Afraid not, sweetie.

Chloe- Can I ever get a break?!

Jackie- It's just karma running its course. I'm sorry, honey.

Chloe- Didn't the fall already make me pay enough?!

Jackie- I know, I know.

Chloe- So what exactly happened?

Jackie- Well you were coming from Tyler's and you tried crossing the road when a speeding car hit you.

Chloe- Do they know who hit me?

Jackie- They do, actually. I-I think their names are, um, Melissa Sanders and Adam, well, I don't really know the boy's last name.

Chloe- Which one was the driver? When can I see them?

Jackie- Well I-I believe the boy was driving and I think their actually outside. They have been here all night to make sure you were okay.

Chloe- Well bring them in. I want to hear their pathetic story before I turn them in for attempted murder.

Jackie goes to get Mel and Adam.

Mel and Adam enter and immediately start repeating how sorry they are.

Chloe- I don't care about how sorry you are! You almost killed me and you're going to pay!

Mel- But we didn't see you until the very last second! There wasn't even a cross walk where you tried to cross! You are the one to blame for your accident!

Chloe- Wait. You're that teeny bopper's pathetic camera person!

Mel- Okay, first of all Lo is not teeny bopper and I'm not the pathetic one here—you are! You are the one blaming everyone else for your faults! You are the one who cheated on Eddie, who therefore you caused the break-up, not Loren! You are the one who didn't pay attention to where you can cross a street and where you can't! We learned that in kindergarten! Why can't you see that there is no one else here to blame, but yourself! If you are so convinced someone has to go to jail, it should be you! Adam and I did not just leave you lying in the street! We came here before anyone else did so you should apologize to Adam and I because we actually cared what happened to you!

By the end of the yelling, Mel was crying. Chloe was taken aback a little by Mel's statement.

Chloe- I don't care about you! The only thing that I care about, is that the pathetic kid pays for what she did. That means she can't have her best friends if I can't. You ruined my modeling career and now you are going to pay. Mom, get the detective in here, I need to tell him the real story- that ends in two pathetic kids in jail!

Chloe tells the detective her side of the story and presses full charges of attempted murder against Mel and Adam. The detective brings in two police officers and they put handcuffs on both Mel and Adam.

Detective- You are now under arrest. You have the right to remain silent. If you choose to give up that right, anything you do or say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney, and to have an attorney present during any questioning. If you cannot afford a lawyer, one will be provided for you at government expense.

Mel starts crying and Chloe smirks.

When Adam and Mel are being put in the police car, Loren and Eddie pull up to the hospital and start to run over to them. Loren can't run because of her heels, so Eddie gives her a piggy-back ride in order to get to the police car fast enough.

Loren- What the hell is going on here?

Detective- They are under arrest for attempted murder. When they have their case, we will contact you.

Loren gets a deathly glare on her face.

Loren- C'mon Eddie. I need a few words with the (air quotes) "victim".

Loren and Eddie quickly get to Chloe's room.

Loren bangs on the room door until Jackie answers it.

Loren storms in to Chloe's bed.


Chloe- (Sarcastically) Does the pathetic little tone-def rock star miss her murderous pals?

Eddie- Shut up, Chloe!

Chloe- Why would you want to be with a little girl when you could have me?

Eddie- Why would I want a cheating liar when I could have and amazing, beautiful woman?

Loren- Enough, Chloe! I want to know what part of your brain was damaged to the point where you can't tell the difference between the truth and the fake.

Chloe- I do know the truth. If I can't have my good looks, a.k.a my best friends, you can't have your pathetic teeny-bopper friends.

All of a sudden Loren drops to her knees. Eddie rushes over to help her.

Eddie- What happened?

Loren- My chest! It feels like an elephant standing on me. I- I can't breathe!


A doctor came rushing in with a few nurses and a gurney.

Eddie- I love you, Loren!