
Two Years later

The summer sun hadn't risen over Central yet when the Allen's residence was disturbed from their slumber by a streak of yellow and red.

"Uncle Barry! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

The eleven year boy that lived there, Wally West, jumped onto his uncle who had been sleeping soundly next to his wife.

Iris yawned, but didn't open her eyes.

"Your nephew's awake."

"Sun hasn't risen yet…and breakfast hasn't been consumed he is your nephew," came a sleepy reply.

Wally didn't stop with his bouncing; his new pair of red goggles falling from being loosely onto the floor.

"Come on, you promised!"

Barry sighed heavily but sat up much to Wally's delight.

The blonde man looked at the sight before him. His freckled nephew's face covered in the yellow mask that was connected to the suit. Messy red hair sticking out of the top; and a big lightning bolt on his small chest. Fit with red leggings and red glove and only missing the boots revealing two different socks.

One was the Green Arrow and the other was Batman.

"Just give me a few seconds, Wally then we will be out the door."

The child nodded and moved to sit on the edge of the bed, watching as his uncle got up and ran around the room in a blur; stopping suddenly dressed in his suit and holding Wally's goggles out to him.

"You are going to need these, Kid."

Wally grinned and slipped them onto his head and over his eyes. Excitement flurrying in his stomach.

Gone were most of his insecurities; becoming this persona had saved him from that torment.

The Wally West who had been scared to walk home, or scared of a B was now goofing around in class. He was now friends with another side-kick to a certain archer and had met once or twice the Robin, and got along with the rogues gallery whom he had many chances to meet, had speed beyond his wildest dreams and felt loved.

Wally West was slowly healing at speeds he never dreamed of healing.

Jumping up from his seat on the bed he moved and gave his aunt a kiss on the cheek.

"Love you, and make sure your uncle doesn't get into any more trouble alright?"

"Yes, Aunt Iris."

Barry put his hands on his hips and gave a little pout, making Wally laugh seeing the Flash do something like that.

"What kind of trouble could we possibly get into? It is just an easy run to Canada and back."

Iris gave her husband a look and Wally laughed; disappearing in a blur to find his boots, stopping at the front door as his uncle appeared beside him.

"Ready to make your official debut, Kid?"

Wally grinned, no more hiding behind this door and training. No more run-bys to help his uncle if things got too tough. He could officially be by his uncle side, he could finally run along with the Flash and meet the people of Central for real.

He could help people like his uncle had once done for him.


Barry gave him a wink behind his cowl and opened the door.

"Come on then; we have to show them what Kid Flash is made out of."

Wally laughed and raced out followed by his uncle.


Running used to be something he dreamed about doing; running far away from his troubles. Running as fast and hard away from his pain and hurt he got from his father. Running far away from the bullies and the lies and everything.

Now it was a feeling of powers; one he held tightly to. It was his new sense of freedom. It was his new sense of joy and happiness.

The wind in his hair, the stomping of his feet. Counting the blurred building that went by.




He could do this, this was something he could do right.

Wally would never want to be as fast as the Flash, or as strong as him. He would never want to really face the dangers that are personally on him. What he wanted was to be his Uncle Barry; someone that would rush in to help someone with only meeting them one.

To save someone when they thought they were worthless or stupid. Give them a reason to feel loved and cared for; he wanted to give people a reason to know there is still hope when the world feels dark.

And running along his uncle, he knew that he could try to do just that. He could help bring help to the people in need.

He was Kid Flash; defender of Central City, partner to the Flash, fastest boy alive.

He was Wally West; smartest kid in school, class clown, and the kid with the best secret on the planet.

A/N: Good-bye to this story, and to you loyal followers. I am so happy that I could have made this journey with you. This is the part of the episode where I say: DC owns all the characters and I own the story line.

To anyone interested I MAY (and this is a big May) right more stories for Wally (or get to Roy and Dick's stories) but I am starting to write another back story now. Moony's first book is posted (Because I intend to span from the bite to the death of Lily and James) and started to get written thought it will be a long process with school starting to reach the finales. So if you enjoy Harry Potter/ Marauder era things go there.

Love you all 3