usual disclaimers apply


It took seconds before Niklaus stared to respond to her kiss, well split seconds. He ran his tongue on her lower lip, and she opens up for him.

He had taken residence between her legs, her dress hiking up on her thighs, Caroline's hand reached up to his head, gently pulling on his hair. If that wasn't such a turn on, Caroline next move pushed his limits, her other hands, played with the collar of his shirt, flicking the Button with it.

If he didn't know any better, he would have thought she had done this a million times before. But like any rookie's when it comes to kissing, caroline, forgot to came up for air. She felt a little light headed as Niklaus nipped on her lips.

"Fuck!" Caroline cussed loudly. Niklaus's sensed jolted awake, as he pulled away from her. That did not just happened.

Caroline on the other hand, was not at all drunk anymore. Why the hell did she do that?

Both stunned with what had happened, Niklaus was the first to recover, he grabbed Caroline's hand that's apparently curled and crumpled on his shirt, roughly and held it.

"Caroline love, are you feeling okay?" He wanted to sucker punch himself for asking that question, of course he was not okay. This was the reason underage drinking was prohibited. Accidents like this are avoided by those rules.

"I'm -" she paused, longer that Niklaus liked, he was losing his cool and it was not a good sign. "Fine, the room's just spinning"

"That's usually a sign that you're not okay, Caroline." He shook his head. "Let's get you home. I'm sure Liz will kill me."

"I don't wanna go home." She wails like a child. "I wanna stay here with you. It's your birthday."

Niklaus shook his head, this was a really bad idea. "Caroline no!"

"But I want to-" whatever is it that she wanted to say, was cut off by Niklaus abruptly standing up to the dresser and looking for towel.

"You are not staying." He sounded firm enough.

"But I told my mom, I'd sleepover here." She pouted.

"Caroline, I am in no mood of your tantrums. You're drunk, and I'm tired." He bolted to the bathroom, leaving the door open as he wet the towel.

"Tantrums? Really Niklaus? I am not drunk, and don't get me started on you being tired." She tried to stand up.

"You are not staying here tonight Caroline!" He boomed. Good thing the party was loud and no one can here their argument.

"Why? Because I kissed you? I'm sorry okay? It won't happened again" She laid on the bed. She was planning to kill Enzo and Damon for getting her drunk, that is if Niklaus didn't beat her to it. Her feet dangling on the edge.

When Niklaus emerged from the bathroom, Caroline was already dozing off, with a sigh, put the towel on her face and started to remove her boots. After doing so, he adjusted her so that she's comfortably place in the bed.

"I didn't get to give you my gift." Caroline mumbled in her sleep.

He laid beside her, thinking how her lips tasted, and that wasn't helping then hard on he was sporting. Why the hell did she had to kiss him? He was angry and confused. She can't stay here and have a sleep over because of what had happened. Heaven knows how much he wanted it to happened again, the monster in him scared the shit out of him. He cursed inwardly. Damn Caroline!

Niklaus pulled her close, a few minutes later. When he was sure she was asleep. holy crap. "I can't stay here care, not because you kissed me. But because I kissed you back. You're my best friend, my little sister. That was a big mistake."

He then got up, and kissed her Forehead. He reached the door and took one good look at her sleeping form, before going back downstairs, where the party was.

As the door shut, Caroline smiled a bitter sweet smile, well at least now she know how big of an idiot she was, and how big of a mistake kissing him was.

A mistake she has no plan on repeating again. Ever.

okay! So! Long time? !

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