She sounded so serious on the other end of the phone. I had just shared a huge chunk of my real life with her. No gimmicks. No cameras and no scripts. It felt natural to talk to her. I don't know why I was so nervous about letting her in. She didn't judge me and she didn't run away from me either. She just listened and gave little bits of feedback here and there. The scared little boy who felt like the whole world hated him was quiet in the corner with a teddy bear and a warm blanket. He never felt secure like that before.

Dean: "Did you feel threatened by me and my contract?"

Jenna: "No. I don't feel threatened by any of it. I feel intrigued. I am curious how this is going to turn out for us and I can't wait to get started, but you're caught up on technicalities."

Dean: "Fuck the technicalities. We don't need a fucking contract to explore each other's desires."

Jenna: "Well, according to you we do. You brought out this contract and had us both sign it and agree to its terms. So, I am a legally bonded client now."

Dean: "You don't work for me, Jenna. You're agreeing to be my sub has made me the happiest man on earth and I can't wait to make you the happiest woman on Earth. You just have to trust me that this situation is going to work out just fine. I'm not out to make you feel like a client. There is no money exchanged here just pleasure."

Jenna: "No, but you want to buy me things and take me places. That's payment for my services."

Dean: "Look, take a deep breath. I know you're probably drunk and the wine is affecting your ability to see things clearly. This is not a job that you're contractually obligated to fill. Did Anna give Christian money for his services?"

Jenna: "No."

Dean: "At any time, did he expect anything back for the stuff he bought or the trips they went on?"

Jenna: "No."

Dean: "This is no different. You owe me nothing. The only thing I get is your pleasure out of this. Everything else is cake."

Jenna: "Cake, huh."

Dean: "Yup. Easy peasie just like cake."

Jenna: "OK. If its easy peasie like cake then why do you have this need to punish me so much?"

Dean: "Ah, I knew that was going to come up. The inevitable punishment clause."

Jenna: "Yes. Let us discuss the punishment clause in full disclosure please. Section 8 part 2 of Appendix 9 says the submissive shall do whatever the dominant wants including changing behavior to suit the situation of the dominates choice. What does the dominant chose to do with me that makes me have to change my behavior?"

Dean: "Well, first of all, we're going to be in situations that are nothing but business situations. Meetings, board discussions closed doors. Things like that and I can't have some crazed little girl running around screaming at the board members about how her ideas are right and their ideas are wrong. You have to be mature enough to handle adult discussions no matter what the outcome. You won't always get your way and the situation won't always suit your needs."

Jenna: "It's not about me it's all about them and their approach to me. I am mature enough to handle and adult board room and all the members. I am adult enough to hear their ideas and not run out of their screaming. My way is not something I expect often. I only ask that I am considered when making these choices and that I am taken into consideration. I don't require a lot of attention and I don't require a lot of maintained. I am mostly low key and very agreeable when approached with kindness and respect. Just don't come at me with a total disregard for my feelings and disrespect for anything I have to say."

Dean: "You many have to adapt a whole new attitude when it comes to having your feelings disrespected. There are different degrees in which they will attempt to test your feelings."

Jenna: "Like with what?"

Dean: "Well, let's just say some guys in there don't have an ounce of respect in their body and the near thought of you being in charge puts them into a deep dark degree of depression. Permanent disarray if you will."

Jenna: "What could a strong minded female possibly do to depress a full time board member whose soul duty is to sit behind a table and pass judgement freely amongst the community disregarding color, race, religion and political beliefs? What could possibly threat that content cocoon of comfort?"

Dean: "You being female with an opinion of your own threatened their content cocoons of comfort. In their world women say "yes sir" no sir anything you want sir and just nod like the little plastic dogs on the dash board of the car. They don't speak unless spoken to and they don't belong in their world."

Jenna: "Well, that's a load of horse shit."

Dean: "Sadly, it is true. Sexism still exists in the 21st century and there are still the "women belong in the kitchen bare foot and pregnant" types on the board."

Jenna: "Well, those guys can kiss my ever loving well-toned lily white ass."

Dean: "I'll have to use that the next time I'm stuck in a board meeting."

I hear Jenna laughing. She has a sweet care free laugh. Suddenly, I could give a shit less about any of the situations she'd be with me in. As long as I heard that beautiful care free laugh of hers I'd be fine. I also take into consideration that she was drinking and probably feeling here wine too.

Jenna: "Feel free to use it any time."

Dean: "Thank you. I'm always in the business for a new sarcastic response.

Jenna: "Hanging with me you're sure to get many."

Dean: "Is there anything else you'd like to discuss right now?"

Jenna: "Not that I can think of. But, if something else comes up I'll be sure to call you."

Dean: "Good. You need to get your sleep."

Jenna: "What about you?"

Dean: "I don't have a normal sleep schedule."

Jenna: "Yeah. I imagine traveling all over the world messes with that."

Dean: "Yes it does. You'll soon find out."

Jenna: "Who said I was going to travel with you? Becoming your Sub doesn't mean I'm going to be up your ass 24/7."

Dean: "I can assure you. You'll want to be there 24/7. It's in your nature as a woman."

Jenna: "No. I've never been the up your man's ass type. I've always been a fan of equal independence."

Dean: "Equal independence sounds nice. I've never had one of those situations or relationships."

Jenna: "Stick with me kid."

Dean: "Until we speak again."

Jenna: "Good night, Jon."

Dean: "Good night, beautiful."

We hang up and I place my phone on the charger for the night.

_Jenna POV_

I feel like we've bonded even more after that conversation. He feels more human to me sharing the most intimate part of his personal life with me. That gave me hope that he will come around to being the boyfriend type eventually. It was never my goal to make Jon my boyfriend. I figured we'd just have a one night stand and that would be it. I didn't even think we'd have this long of a relationship. But, I am genuinely happy that it was more and that he's feeling more as well. He'll never come out and say it, but I know he has some sort of feelings for me. I wonder when the first night will be. I'd have to get over the contract first and there are a lot of things to consider. So far most of it is doable for me. The only thing I don't like is some of it sounds like he wants me to be someone different in certain situations.

I'm sure that there can be a compromise on some things and he won't have to change me for anything. I'm already a grown woman and I made that perfectly clear to him.

I went to bed that night with a million and half different dreams in my head. I found my mind wandering off into a "what if" scenario.


Dean is doing what any other normal human would do when they wake up the next morning. He's checking his voice messages on his phone and going over his e mails. Now, the only ones that I know he answers are my e mails. So, there could be other people. He's not exactly Mr. Social media dude from what I understand. For whatever reason, he's up at 4 AM going through his e mails and listening to his voice mail.

Now, anyone that knows me knows I'd be sound asleep at 4 AM. But, he finds a voice mail from me on his phone.

"Hey sexy, I know your probably getting ready for work so I thought I'd leave you a message to say I'm thinking of you and have a good day today."

He goes on about his morning routine and leaves for the office. For whatever reason or another, he's in a board meeting. Now, I don't imagine WWE has many board meetings that involve the talent sitting there in a suit. But, he's going through the boring dynamics of a board meeting and what I can only guess is a few hours later, he leaves the meeting and goes back to his house to change out of the monkey suit and go to his normal business day.

Now, why I was at his house waiting for him, I still have yet to figure out. But, I was at his house and I was walking around his kitchen in some form of a sexy kitchen apron and nothing else under it. So, when he walked in this was his greeting.

Dean: "Hello beautiful."

Jenna: "Hello Jon. You like my new outfit?"

I twirl around like there is something to it and he smiles and pulled me closer to him and starts kissing me. I kiss him back and it progresses into this wild and crazy scene where he is throwing me all over the kitchen. We cleared the counter and he fucked me right there on the kitchen island. Then we ended up in his bathroom and he fucked me again on the bathroom counter top. I shared that I had a fantasy about fucking him in a bath tub while taking a bath and he draws up a bath for us.

For whatever reason, God only knows Dean called Roman. Why Roman is in my dream I will never know. I just know it was really odd that after that crazy kitchen sex Dean would want to talk to him.

Dean: "Dude, I know you're probably busy doing something right now, but I had to call someone and you're the only one I know who is up right about now."

Roman: "It's like 9 in the morning. Why wouldn't I be up?"

Dean: "Jenna finally did something that can only mean one thing and that's that she loves me just as much as I love her."

Roman: "And what exactly did she do for you that made you call me at 8 am?"

Dean: "She finally showed me she loved me."

Roman: "What did she show you?"

Dean: "She farted for me. It took her forever and a damn day, but she finally let herself go in front of me. I was relaxing in an Epsom salt bath and she bent over and just let it fly. I don't think she intended for me to get happy over it. It was just one of those random things."

Roman: "Most normal people don't get happy over that."

Dean: "Dude, I just had to tell someone. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. She loves me that much."

Roman: "She loves you enough to challenge you to an ass off."

Dean: "An ass off. Now that's a new one."

Roman: "It's basically you and her battling it out with your assholes in a closed space."

Dean: "Oh yeah. That sounds dangerous."

Roman: "It could be downright explosive if executed right."

Dean: "She didn't even make a stink face and it blew back on her first."

Roman: "Well, considering your alternative I don't think she considered herself an ass face. So, she'd rather have the comforts of your arms."

Dean: "One minute we're fucking all over my kitchen and the next she's farting in my bathroom. Yes, I know I'm not a normal person."

Roman: "I assure you she's not excited like you are right now."

Dean: "I don't expect her to be. I'm just glad she finally relaxed around me and stopped worrying about every little detail."

Roman: "Go back to your lady, dude. We can talk later at work."

Dean: "All right, bye."

Roman: "Bye."

They hang up and I come back into the room and for whatever reason, Dean and I have traded places. Now I'm being dominant and trying to get him to submit to me.

Dean: "Your confidence never weens."

Jenna: "I'm afraid not Mr. Ambrose. I will not be broken by this simple act of trust."

Dean: "Well, I'm afraid those men in the suits will have to wait while I fuck you into next week."

Jenna: "Oh yeah? You want to fuck me into next week on the board table huh."

Dean: "I do. I want to take off that plum dress and remove your panties with my teeth. Then I want to fuck you until you cum all over my lips."

Jenna: "Wow, Dean. You really love to be crude don't you?"

Dean: "I do love being crude. It's gotten me a lot of ass."

Jenna: "Would you be so crude if I were to fart directly on your face?"

Dean: "I might. It depends on the situation and who's present."

Jenna: "Well, why not bring Roman into it? He deserves to be polled in this election."

Dean: "I assure you his vote pulls no weight here."

Jenna: "You sure as hell decided you needed to call him right now."

Dean: "I couldn't help it. Women never admit they fart ever for any reason."

Jenna: "I usually have more grace then that."

Dean: "I'm the last person you need to be embarrassed in front of."

Jenna: "I'm not embarrassed. "

Dean: "That's good news."

Jenna: "You will submit to me next. I will have you on your knees."

Dean: "Oh I would get on my knees for you in a minute. Is it possible that you're getting cocky?"

Jenna: "Oh it is possible indeed."

Of course as with all good dreams, I had to wake up right before the good stuff happened again