AN: This is for Lana as she is amazing, ok?

Kyle walked up the sidewalk, occasionally aiming as lousy kick at any lingering rubbish. He wasn't in a bad mood, just lonely and bored, for that moment. He had woken up slightly late, and, since he couldn't tell anyone where he was going, he couldn't get a lift from his mother, which resulted in him walking a mile and a half over to Tweak Bros with no companions, or, more specifically, the Tweak storage room, courtesy of their bi-weekly meeting.

Kyle, and obviously Tweek, weren't the only ones going; Butters, Kevin and Stan were all signed up as well. The group was extremely exclusive, and every member would die, even Tweek, before they let anyone know what they did at the meetings. Not that it was some mass orgy, or a cult, but the real thing was almost as bad, if you considered everyone else's reactions should they find out.

The club was for…boyfriends. That's right. Tweek was with Craig, Kevin was with Token, Jason with Jimmy, Kyle was with Kenny, Stan was with Wendy and Butters? Well, Butters was just Butters. Along with Stan, the two had come to get coffee one day for reasons concerning a paired project, and had overheard them all talking. Naturally, they settled on a bargain; they would keep their mouths shut as long as they were permitted to attend.

The concept of it all was they would meet up in the same place, at the same time, to talk about their respective partners. Not to backstab exactly, though there was admittedly a bit of that whenever a couple had a fight, but to trade tips and exchange advice. They had their own clique going on, and none of them would leave for a minute, even Stan and Butters, one of which was single and the other one was dating a girl.

Kyle stopped just outside the door, and did the complicated door knock they had all been tught due to Tweek's insistence a stalker or "underpant g-gnome" could get in under a false pretence of being a member. He waited patiently to be let in while he adjusted his Ushanka. He didn't have much to say about Kenny that week, as opposed to the last time when he had gone off in a tangent about Kenny's perverse ways.

"Nngh! Come in!" Kyle recognised Tweek's voice and stepped inside, giving Tweek a small smile. They were practically the same height, both so small and puny. Tweek showed Kyle to a spare beanbag, his eyes flitting around the room nervously. Sometimes, Kyle wondered why Craig put up with Tweek, even if Tweek was adorable, of which everyone who had gazed upon him agreed. But Tweek was a really nice, caring person, just a tad bit annoying when he went on about the gnomes and whatnot.

He sat himself down next to Stan, his best friend. He was almost glad Stan was there, things got a bit hectic at times. He turned his attention to Tweek, who normally started first, being the host and everything.

He often had a hefty amount of things to say about Craig, from Craig's flirting with the French exchange at school – they had soon sussed out Craig had merely said "hello" to her for a dare – to Craig's sweet attitude towards Tweek, because, sometimes, they just said nice things about their partners, for a change. However, Tweek wasn't speaking. Butters was, with Tweek and Kevin just holding his hands in a way of comfort.

"W-well, gee, guys. I , ah, got a heck of a problem." Butters was about to rub his knuckles before realising his hands were busy; he gave them both a grateful, watery smile. "I t-think, well, I got a crush something big on Clyde." There was a stunned silence, with everyone exchanging looks.

"Wow." Kevin said first, biting his nails anxiously as he stared up at Butters from his stall. He had no idea how to give advice to that, he was gobsmacked. Well, he would have been able to, having gone through a similar case when he first started having feelings for Token, but it was Butters. Just…Butters. And Clyde, the straightest boy around.

Kyle, meanwhile, had his mouth dropped open. He remembered the prime rule of the gang, and muffled a groan with his hands. It looked like everyone was going on a mission to help Butters get Clyde, or get over him.

We always help people solve their problems. Always.