Welcome to Part 2 of It's An Animal Thing!
Please review and let me know what you think!
To really understand this story, you may have to read It's An Animal Thing.
Warnings: A/b/o dynamics, knotting, mpreg, heavy smut, sub/dom dynamics, Top!Dean, Bottom!Cas, talks of past abuse, slavery. I'll warn each chapter if they are new/different from what's listed.
If you could only see
The beast you've made of me
I held it in but now it seems you've set it running free
Screaming in the dark
I howl when we're apart
Drag my teeth across your chest to taste your beating heart
My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl
My fingers claw your skin, try to tear my way in
You are the moon that breaks the night for which I have to howl, howl
Howl ~ Florence and The Machine
October ~ Harvest Moon
Dean ran around the house, his head spinning trying to make sure the house was clean...well, cleaner then it had been for the past week. He could only do so much and house work was not something he excelled at. Thankfully, Sam and Jess agreed to help him out. Even his five year old was running around picking up things. He stopped suddenly and smiled...his mate was finally coming home. Castiel had been away for several weeks and it was killing every inch of him.
Leeloo came bursting into the bedroom, her Lalaloopsy doll clutched tightly in her arms, "Daddy! My room's clean!" she yelled jumping up and down on her toes. Dean grinned, scooping her up in his arms.
"Good job Peanut! I see you found Cara...where was she?" Dean asked sternly. She smiled sheepishly and tucked her face into his neck.
"Under my bed..." she mumbled against his skin. He snickered, tickling her sides to make her come out of hiding.
"Where I said it was huh?" Dean said. Leeloo nodded and wrapped her arms around him.
"Dean! The car's pulling up," Sam called out. Dean spun around, nearly dropping his very squirmy daughter. He sniffed the air and felt every cell in his body sing when he could finally scent his mate.
"Let's go grab your brother, Peanut and welcome him home," Dean said, chasing after his brother and daughter.
Castiel sighed softly, the side of his head pressed to the cool glass of the SUV. His brother Lucifer had picked them up from the airport and he couldn't wait to be home. Four weeks...he'd been gone a total of four whole weeks. Everything had gone so well too, with the exception of one state.
Over the years they had expanded, building a sanctuary for Omegas or other runaways. So far they had four up and running. A total of two in Oregon, one in Colorado and the last in Kansas. The biggest packs in each state were pretty eager for the idea and happy to help break ground. They were slowly gaining more allies in these states and it made Castiel breathe easier. There were still packs out there that believed in slavery and torture towards Omegas. The more that were convinced of a better way...the longer peace could be attained.
Now that the new facilities were officially up and staffed...Castiel and Dean chose to expand even farther. Dean wanted to be the one to go but...they were going to a few states that would be easily threatened of Dean's reputation. Castiel chose to go, along with his brother Gabriel and twin sister Keelie. It was hard to be away from his family for so long but in the long run, it would be worth it.
Everything was going just fine too, until they got to Alabama, their last state on the list. The pack there had been one of the ones Cas had feared when he was younger. The second they met with their King, he wanted to bolt. Zane even had the audacity to try and scent Castiel, trying to make him whimper or cower in his presence. Even becoming infuriated when Castiel refused to submit. He didn't even waste his breath on explaining their idea. They left quickly, Keelie becoming very uneasy and almost aggressive as they made their way back to the hotel. It was the next day they were on the way to the airport when Castiel smelled an Omega in distress. He ordered Gabe to stop and bolted out of the car before Keelie could stop him.
Before he could say anything, he was tackled to the ground, an Alpha female holding a knife to his throat. Her eyes widened and scrambled off of him when she realized that he was an Omega. It took some convincing but she lead them to two others...Omegas and one of them was in heat. He called his sister over and watched with a proud smile as Keelie helped the Omega to calm, lessening her heat with just a brush of skin.
"How...how the hell did you do that?" Tracy, the Alpha asked with a slight growl. Castiel smiled and explained, handing her a bottle of water. She instantly handed it over to her companion. He went on to tell them more details of their pack...and that if they were to come back with him...they'd be free.
"No one is free...especially not Omegas," Tracy grumbled out, her eyes becoming haunted as a hand automatically brushed the hair of the Omega in heat. Castiel shook his head and let out his breath slowly.
"Within my pack we are...we believe in free will...and Omegas are treated with respect. We've built sanctuaries in two other states, and have a contract to start building in a third..."
"Well aren't you saints...what makes you people so special?" Tracy scoffed.
"I'm the Anamchara of the Tillamook Pack...a Winchester," he explained. The other Omega, Ava gasped and grabbed Tracy's arm.
"Is it true then? That you're the ones who killed the Bouda Queen?" Ava asked in a hushed whisper.
Castiel nodded again and bit his lip, "Yes...our Conri...my mate killed both the mother and daughter. If you don't wish to join the pack, that's fine I understand. But please, come at least to regain your strength and let her wait out her heat safely," Castiel said. The Omega in heat sat up, her dark hair plastered to her forehead.
"Wh-What of the other Alphas..." she stammered. Castiel gave her a warm smile, his hand reaching out to touch hers.
"They won't lay a hand on you. Our Alpha's don't touch without permission," Castiel explained.
"Tracy...I don't know if I can run anymore, and we were almost caught last night...can we go with him? Please?" the young Omega, Nancy, asked. Tracy stared at Castiel before giving a quick nod.
Thankfully, Michael was able to switch their flights a few days later when Nancy's heat finally burned itself out of her skin. Keelie had taken care of her, always explaining to Tracy exactly what she was doing. It never ceased to amaze him how amazing his sister was. She had taken it upon herself to become, basically their witch doctor. Somehow she had found an herb mixture that helped lessen the heat, make it just a bit more bearable. Between her and Pam, the pack never wanted for much when it came to ailments.
"Almost there little brother," Lucifer said softly next to him. He looked over and grinned at his older brother, seeing a sense of peace and content in his face. It had taken months, but the silver managed to work it's way out of his system...for whatever the reason, it had affected him way more than it had Meg. Which no one complained about seeing as how the girl was pregnant at the time.
There were so many reasons Castiel was excited to finally be home. The feeling of security and family was just one layer of it. The compound was nearly being over run with little ones now, well there were 6 of them, including his own rambunctious daughter. He loved watching her, knowing that one day she would stand in his stead...but as their leader. Dean knew it and the pride filled smile always left goosebumps along Cas's skin. Their son was only a year old but Castiel could already sense the baby wasn't going to be an Alpha...and he was perfectly OK with that. He couldn't stop smiling, knowing that he would soon have his family in his arms.
"Is...is this where you live?" he heard a tentative voice ask. He peered back behind him and smiled, nodding slowly. The three women sat huddled together and Castiel prayed to the old Gods that they would want to stay.
Nancy stared out the window with wide excited eyes as the compound finally came into view. It was a beautiful site and he could feel the tension melt from his shoulders. It had taken a long time, but the freshly built cabins were finally finished, all the old ones torn down for the bonfires.
The main house had been last...and it was massive. They added more rooms, a bigger kitchen for Castiel too cook in and a much bigger library for Sam and Gabriel to do their work. Castiel loved it. There was even a garden that Anna, Keelie and Pam took care of. One half was vegetables and fruit while the other half was herbs for medicine. Though sometimes Cas would sneak the occasional Rosemary stem for dinner.
Speaking of the red head, he giggled while he watched her chase after a couple of the little kids, a huge smile on her face. Once they found a way to occupy her shattered mind...she became more lively and the far away glances became less and less. Charlie was even able to leave and take back her job of running the technical side of the clubs/safe houses. She was even building a bigger more efficient security system for the compound.
The car finally pulled into a parking spot and Castiel beamed, almost forgetting his place when he went to scramble out of the car.
"Welcome to Tillamook ladies," Luc said with a little laugh. Castiel grinned and took in a long deep breath.
"Daddy!" Without opening his eyes he dropped to his knee and opened his arms to be attacked by his daughter. She giggled loudly and clung to him, taking in a deep pull of his scent from his neck. He picked her up and held her close, kissing her little cheek.
"Mommy!" He looked over just as Keelie scooped up her son Oz, the four year old babbling excitedly. He swallowed the huge lump in his throat; his sister held her son close and gently pressed a kiss to his forehead. The vision of her being barren...of Garth leaving her had been squashed with Garth's little declaration. The Theta gave them a moment before hugging them both to him, kissing Keelie on the forehead.
"Welcome home," Garth said softly. Next to them Gabriel was embracing his very pregnant mate Krissy and if Castiel did his math correctly...they should only have one more month to go. Castiel smiled at them before looking away to find his own mate, their baby in his arms. He moved Leeloo to his hip and hurried over, moaning softly as the mixture of all of their scents filled him, the small electric shocks of their bond coursing in his veins.
"Missed you so much baby," Dean whispered in his ear. Cas raised his face for a kiss that Dean happily gave him.
Dean sat at the table, watching his family interact with the three women that Cas had brought along with him. Tracy was a fire cracker and once her shields were down, was hilarious. Dean recognized that need to protect and he admired her for it. The other two girls were not family...but yet she still stole them away and ran. He thanked the Gods that it was Castiel who had found them.
The two huge doors were pulled open and Dean groaned at the smell of cooked steaks. He had missed his mate for so many reasons...and cooking was one of the top ones. Dean had tried to get him to relax but Castiel was eager to return to his normal routine, which was cooking up a storm. The pack didn't mind, they were drooling at the glorious smells coming from the house.
The old meeting hall had been torn down...and with it all the horrible memories. They built a better one that now stood in the middle of the circle of houses, the main house being at the north point. Usually everyone ate at their own houses but tonight was special so everyone was piled in, the peals of laughter music to their ears.
Dean had never realized how quiet it was around them until the children were old enough to make a racket. There was his daughter, Leeloo, then Alfie and Benny's daughter Rhiannon (Rhia), and next came Luc and Meg's son Charles that they fondly called Chuckles. The next batch started with Keelie's son Oz, then a year later Tessa finally became pregnant. Willa finally joined the growing group of children along with his nephew, Henry. It was too adorable for words how close Henry and Leeloo became, though she was older he tried so hard to "protect" her.
He looked up to see Charlie and Anna finally making their way into the hall, their adopted son Kenton stood between them looking extremely grumpy. Castiel walked over and gave the girls a tight hug, pressing a kiss to Anna's forehead.
"Kenton didn't want to clean his room before dinner so...no dessert for him Castiel...I mean it this time," Charlie scolded the both of them. Dean chuckled, shaking his head. His mate couldn't say no to any of the kids. Dean couldn't stop staring at him, watching him rushing around to make sure the food was keeping warm until everyone got there. It had only been a few weeks but it was far too long...and he could smell the small traces of heat along his mate's skin. Ever since their newest had been born, they'd been so busy and then Cas leaving...there was hardly any time to be intimate with each other. But Dean had a plan...and if he knew his mate...he'd be more than excited.
"So...what do you think so far?" his brother Sammy asked. Dean snapped out of his drooling over his mate to pay more attention. Tracy sat back in her chair, a small smile gracing her lips as she gazed at her two friends. Nancy the shyer, more timid one beamed, biting her bottom lip as she looked around.
"So much better then our last pack..." she said, her face falling a bit. Everyone stilled at the sudden rise of stress, Ava whimpered next to her. Dean frowned with worry and slid his hand toward them, his palm facing up.
"Even if you three choose to not stay or join the pack...you have my word that while you stay in Oregon no one will harm any of you," Dean said softly. Nancy raised wide eyes at him, tears threatening to spill over. Ava took in a slow breath and nodded, placing her hand gently in his. He reached out with his other hand and let Nancy grab at his fingers almost a little desperately. They calmed greatly and gave him a bright smile. He caught Castiel's gaze and felt warm all over at the huge smile he was given.
Once the level of stress wafted out of the room, everyone went back to their conversations. It was one of the many things he was so damn proud of his pack for...the need to protect any member of their family in need. Even if they weren't official yet. He had to take a moment for himself outside...sometimes the emotions were too strong and he had to calm down.
"You alright there brother?" Benny asked, the drawl in his voice calming the last of his strung out nerves. He smiled at his best friend and gripped his forearm.
"Yeah...Castiel found two more Omegas on the run," he said softly. Benny growled deep in his throat, his hand smoothing down his face.
"Well, thankfully they're here now. You think they'll join the pack?" Benny asked. Dean glanced back at the three women who seemed to be enjoying themselves, even Nancy was laughing openly.
"I think so...it'll be nice to have some new faces around here," Dean grinned. Benny laughed and rolled his eyes at that. There was a tingle at the base of his spine and he sighed with content just as his mate's arms circled around his middle. Benny smiled warmly at them, his eyes darting around probably to find his own mate.
"Hey Benny," Castiel said, his breath tickling Dean's neck.
"It's good to have you home Castiel," Benny said just as several little shouts exploded from the hall. They spun around and started laughing loudly. Leeloo, who had learned to shift a few months ago was a puff of fur, barking playfully at the newly shifted Rhia.
"That...I can't believe I missed that! Angel please tell me you got a video!" Benny whined brushing past them. Dean couldn't help cracking up, he remembered all to well when Leeloo had first shifted...he had been so proud and happy to see that she was going to take after Castiel's coloring. She had his eyes though...all that unruly black hair and bright green eyes. Little baby howls were almost drowned out with awws from nearly everyone.
"C'mere sweetheart," Dean growled pulling Castiel flush against him, holding him tightly as he sniffed up his neck. His mate moaned softly, long fingers dipping into the back of his jeans.
"Gods you smell amazing," Dean growled, teeth grazing along the pulsing vein. Castiel tugged his shirt up and dug his fingers into his skin.
"It's been too long Dean," Castiel moaned his own teeth nipping at his jaw. Dean tangled his fingers into his mate's long hair and pulled just enough to crash their lips together. Cas melted into him and Dean knew his mate needed to feel more of his skin. He wanted...craved it as well but the entire pack was just a few feet away. Not being able to help himself, he smoothed his hands down the curve of Castiel's back and squeezed his perfect ass, pressing their groins together. Castiel mewled into his mouth, their kiss becoming more hungry and desperate.
"Guys...really? In front of the kids?" Dean heard Sammy joke and he fought off the growl rumbling in his chest. The wolf inside was stirring and one glance down at the heated flush on his mate's skin woke him entirely.
He picked up Cas, grinning when his legs automatically wrapped around his waist. Dean looked over his shoulder at his brother who only rolled his eyes, nodding his head.
"Come on baby," Dean said, his voice deep and rough. Cas nuzzled at his neck and whined long against his ear. He grinned and carried his mate towards the tree line. The full moon wasn't for a few weeks but Dean couldn't wait. He peeled Cas off of him, his fingers instantly working at unbuttoning his shirt. Castiel licked his lips watching him with hungry shining eyes. It never took much to get Cas's wolf to present itself and Dean was glad for that.
"I want to chase you so bad," Dean moaned grabbing at Cas's slim hips, yanking him closer. The rough material of his jeans brushed against his arousal and he growled, kneeling down to rip the offending clothing off. Once his mate was blissfully naked, he stepped back to gaze at him...he was so breath taking it made his two intertwined souls sing.
"Will you let me chase you?" Dean whispered licking a long stripe up his neck, biting gently at his ear lobe. Castiel shuddered, brushing their lips together before taking a few steps back. Dean fought to catch his breath, his heart thudding in his chest as a huge beautiful smile spread on Cas's lips.
"Come get me my Alpha," he said and broke out in a run, his body phasing into his wolf. Dean laughed and let him get a head start before he took off after him, the soul of his wolf exploding out of his skin as he phased.
So many new faces! And we've only scratched at the surface. Please don't forget to let me know what you think!