Title: Love Always Succeeds
Author: Khrystyne (or, for the sake of continuity, LadyoftheHearts)
Summary: The sequel to "A Love To Remember". Harry and co. are in their seventh year at Hogwarts; Draco and Harry are engaged; Ron and Hermione are together; read the fic to find out more!
Pairings: Harry/Draco, mentions of Ron/Hermione and Dean/Seamus (not greatly detailed)
Warnings: slash, and . . . that's really all that I can think of at the moment.
Ratings: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the plot and I don't own anyone except the people you don't recognize. Everyone else belongs to the goddess amongst us mortals, the wonderful, brilliant, amazing J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 1

Privet Drive

Harry woke up on August 25, 1997, at around seven in the morning and, too excited to sleep, quickly got dressed. Usually, he had to drag himself out of bed because a new day simply meant another day of boredom, manual labor, and . . . Dudley. But, today was different. Today, he wouldn't have to deal with his cousin or his aunt or his uncle. Well, not until they dropped him off at the Leaky Cauldron.

He decided to read an updated copy of "Flying with the Cannons". He was on page 21, reading about their recent Quidditch victories, when a large eagle owl flew in the open window. Harry jumped up from his bed and eagerly pulled the letter from the owl. After a brief drink from Hedwig's water bowl, the brilliant white, gray and brown owl opened its wings and departed out the window. Harry ripped open the letter and read it.

Hey, love,
How are you? I know, it's a little pathetic I'm writing to you now when we'll be seeing each other later today.
Can you believe we're in our last year at Hogwarts? It's unbelievable; time's passed so quickly.
I'm very glad Dumbledore put that spell on me. Lucius was furious but as the spell doesn't allow anyone with bad intentions to touch me, he can't hurt me or give me the Dark Mark!
Speaking of my father, he wants me to come down for breakfast. We'll be getting to the Leaky Cauldron at about noon. I suppose I'll see you, Hermione, and Ron then. Can't wait, sweetie!
I love you.

Harry smiled contentedly as he placed his fiancé's letter on the bed next to him. He glanced at the clock on his bedside table, which read 8:30. He decided to go down downstairs and eat breakfast. When he reached the landing on the stairs, he was accosted by his huge cousin, Dudley.

"You going to your freak school today?" Dudley sneered.

"Unfortunately, no. But I am leaving here," Harry answered coldly. "And you'd better not let your mum hear you talking about my school."

Dudley grunted and waddled down the stairs ahead of Harry. The seventeen-year-old rolled his eyes and followed him. In the kitchen, Petunia was cooking pancakes, waffles, and eggs, and frying two packages of bacon. The Dursleys had given up on Dudley's diet about two and a half years ago. Now he could eat whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted. At the moment, Petunia was looking at Harry as though he might explode at any time.

"Here you go, Duddydums, enjoy," Aunt Petunia gushed, setting a full plate on the table in front of her whale replica she calls a son. Harry, knowing she wouldn't get him a plate, walked over to the stove and got himself one, piling a little bit of everything on. He sat down at the table and bolted down his breakfast, rolling his eyes as he listened to Dudley whine for seconds. After he was finished and he'd cleaned up his plate, he took the stairs two at a time to his room to write a letter to his adopted godfather, Remus.

Dear Remus,
I'm finally leaving the Dursleys! Today, I'm going to meet up with Ron, Hermione, and Draco at the Leaky Cauldron. I haven't seen them since the end of last year. I've survived this summer on only Ron, Draco, Hermione, and your letters (it's been worse than others because I'm almost finished my magical education; the Dursleys are making my life miserable).
I can't believe this is my last year at Hogwarts. I've lived there for the past six years. I don't know where I'm going to live after graduation. The Dursleys are chucking me out and I've never lived any—

"Boy!" Uncle Vernon roared up the stairs. "We're leaving in five minutes! Make sure you have all of your . . . funny stuff, as you're not coming back!"

"Yeah, be there in a minute," Harry mumbled, rolling his eyes.

—where else in the wizarding world except Hogwarts and the Weasleys'. Anyway, I've got to go. We're leaving for Diagon Alley!
Talk to you soon.

After he signed the letter, Harry tied it to Hedwig's leg and carried her to the window. He took a look around his room to make sure he didn't leave anything behind. He pulled out "Flying with the Cannons" to read on the way. He slung his Firebolt 2000 over his shoulder and began dragging his trunk to the car. When he reached it, he and Uncle Vernon heaved it into the car. Panting from the exertion of carrying his heavy trunk so far, Harry then ducked in the car and sat down, holding the 286-page book in his lap.

Uncle Vernon started the car and pulled out of the driveway. It was about an hour's ride to London (A/N: Sorry, all you Brits. I have no clue how long it takes to get from Little Whinging to London, assuming Little Whinging in an actual place. If it is and you know how long it takes, please tell me!!!!!!!), so Harry opened his book to page 21 and sank into the plays. After about ten minutes, Dudley gave in to his curiosity and glanced at Harry's book.

"Mum, Dad, the pictures in Harry's book, they're—they're moving!" he burst out. Uncle Vernon nearly caused a pile-up as he stood on the brakes to turn and yell at Harry.

"Put that ruddy book away or I'll take it and throw it out the window!" he bellowed, spraying Harry with spit.

"If you do, the Muggle police will probably pick it up," Harry replied coolly. "Then they'll fingerprint it, find your fingerprints, and take you in for questioning," Harry finished dramatically.

Uncle Vernon's purple face receded quickly to white. He looked like he was searching for something to say. As he couldn't find anything, he turned back around and continued driving, grumbling to himself. Harry smirked and withdrew into the Chudley Cannons' loops, swerves, goals, saves, and catches.

The Leaky Cauldron

Meanwhile, Ron, Hermione, and Draco waited anxiously inside the grubby pub, Draco the most anxious of all. He was nervously pacing back and forth as Ron and Hermione watched from a nearby table, sipping their butterbeer.

"What if he's not coming? What if the Muggles won't bring him?" Draco wondered, becoming more alarmed at each 'What if...?' "What if he doesn't love me anymore, so he's going to avoid me forever? What if—" He was cut off by Hermione getting up and shaking him.

"Draco, calm down," Hermione instructed slowly. "If you don't, you're going to drive us all insane. Besides, Harry is coming, the Muggles are bringing him, and Harry loves you very much. I mean, you're getting married at the end of the year, for Merlin's sake!"

"She's right, Draco," Ron agreed, nodding and standing up as well. "Much as I hate to admit it, she's right. Again." A shadow of Draco's smile appeared before hidden under anxieties again.

"You're—you're positive? I mean, you're absolutely sure?" Draco asked timidly, fiddling with his silver engagement band. Inscribed in it read, H & Dwith two tiny emeralds flanking the words. Harry's was the same, except his inscription read, D & H with a miniscule diamond on either side.

"About . . . what?" Ron asked, slightly puzzled.

"The Muggles are bringing him. How do you know?" Draco pressed.

"Well, erm, you see, Ron and I—we sort of—um—threatened them," Hermione mumbled, slurring the last couple of words as she turned a brilliant red. Draco's eyes widened in astonishment.

"Hermione!" he exclaimed, shocked.

"It made them agree to bring him, didn't it?" she asked defensively, still blushing crimson. "And why just me? Ron threatened them, too!"

"I know, but I'd expect that from Ron," Draco responded, a mischievous twinkle in his grey eyes.

"Um, hello? I'm still right here?" Ron cried indignantly.

"I know," Draco replied indifferently, shrugging.

"Oh, shut up, you prat," Ron said, lightly shoving the blonde. Draco grinned and continued to pace, although he didn't "What if?" anymore.

"Draco, sit—" Hermione began, grabbing one of his arms while Ron grabbed the other.

"—Down!" Ron finished as he and Hermione pushed Draco into a chair.

"Ow," Draco murmured after a moment.

"What?" Ron asked.

"I sat on the armrest," the tall boy answered, shifting in his chair. After settling in, he brushed his silver-blonde hair out of his eyes. Suddenly, Draco's eyes lit up.

"Oh! He's here!" Draco leapt up from his chair and began weaving his way towards the door through the many witches, wizards, warlocks, and other creatures in the pub. Hermione and Ron sat there, grinning at each other, and finished their butterbeers before going out to greet their best friend. Then they realized something.

"Muggle street," Hermione said slowly.

"Wizard clothes," Ron replied. A light bulb seemed to simultaneously click on over their heads.

"Not good!" they cried in unison. They, too, jumped out of their seats, knocking over their near-empty bottles of butterbeer in the process. They raced after Draco, calling back apologies to all the people and things they ran into.

In front of the Leaky Cauldron

Harry stepped out of the car, feeling gloriously excited at the sight of the dingy, grubby-looking little pub. Uncle Vernon climbed out also, looking between confused and furious.

"Well, boy? Where is this ruddy . . . this stupid . . . this—this Leaky Bucket place?" he demanded angrily.

"Number one: It's the Leaky Cauldron, not Bucket," Harry corrected shortly, still gazing at the pub. "And number two: It's magically hidden so Muggles like you can't see it."

Uncle Vernon glanced around furtively, as though expecting to see bystanders crowding around them in order to hear this odd conversation.

"How many times have I told you? Do not mention your—your . . . unnaturalness while in my presence!" he hissed madly.

"Oops. Sorry," Harry replied dryly. Uncle Vernon was clearly becoming infuriated at each of Harry's snide comments, so he was going to take full advantage of the opportunity. Uncle Vernon couldn't lock him up in his bedroom or the cupboard under the stairs anymore. Harry was opening his mouth to see if he could make his uncle's face turn any purpler when he caught a flash of silver-blonde hair. Draco was quickly walking towards him. Harry abandoned his idea of further angering Uncle Vernon and shortened the distance from himself to Draco. Draco wrapped his arms around Harry in a tight embrace.

"I missed you," Draco whispered into Harry's ear.

"I know. I got your owl this morning," Harry replied, smiling. He glanced quickly down at Draco's hand and, sure enough, Draco was still wearing his engagement ring. He withdrew from Draco slightly to look into his fiancé's eyes. "Don't worry; I missed you, too." Draco grinned and pulled Harry towards him.

"I love you," Harry murmured, kissing Draco lightly and hugging him. A loud coughing broke them apart moments later.

"Ron! Hermione!" Harry swooped his best friends into a warm hug.

"Did you tell them?" Hermione hissed.

"No. They wouldn't care anyway," Harry replied, shrugging. Behind them, Dudley was trying to climb out of the car with much difficulty. He finally popped out.

"Are these your only friends at your freak school?" Dudley asked, smirking, trying and failing to cross his arms on his fat chest.

"No, we're just his closest friends," Hermione corrected matter-of-factly.

"And fiancé," Draco added pointedly.

"You're getting . . . married?!" Aunt Petunia asked from the car.

"Yeah, didn't I—oh, dear. I forgot to tell you," Harry remarked sarcastically. "Well, I'm getting married. To the most wonderful man in the world."

"When's the wedding?" Uncle Vernon asked shortly. Harry laughed.

"Wha—you don't think you're coming, do you?" he asked incredulously. "No way. I don't want the people that have tried to make my life completely miserable at the happiest day of my life."

" 'S gonna be an empty wedding," Dudley snorted.

"Actually, he's got loads more friends at the castle," Ron replied. "And he's got about a million admirers, too."

"Him?! Why?" Aunt Petunia asked amazedly, finally getting out of the car.

"Because he's only one of the most famous people in our world," Hermione retorted.

"Why?" Dudley asked stupidly.

"Because—never mind," Draco responded, sighing and shaking his head.

"C'mon, you guys, help me with my stuff," Harry requested.

Draco shouldered Harry's Firebolt and caught the raven-haired young man's hand in his own. Harry grabbed one handle of his trunk while Ron picked up the other end. With one last bemused look at the Dursleys, Harry walked inside the tiny pub with his two best friends and his fiancé.