A/N: I really hate waiting to start a sequel. XD

Well, if you haven't already read the summary, this is a continuation of my lat fic 'A New Family Member' so if you're going to read this, I suggest stopping now and heading over to the first installment of my series. Believe me, you'll all be less confused if you do so. :)

Anyways, I hope you all enjoy my sequel, and reviews would be much appreciated! Thanks!

(Light P.O.V)

I could hear the tapping of the keyboard from L's desk. It wasn't hard to miss, and it woke me almost instantly. Despite that, however, I woke up with a smile. Knowing he was right there was enough to make me smile. He'd just gotten home from a case in Paris and I'd been worried for him the whole time he was gone. I was relieved when he came home, and I gave him more of a welcoming than he'd anticipated.

Needless to say neither of us got much sleep last night.

I chuckled. "You can't be working on another case right now."

"Nope. I'm actually grading tests."

I sat up a bit in curiosity. "Oh? I suppose you're grading the boy's tests then."

He hummed in response. "Matt is doing excellently in computer screening and advanced technology, not to mention his art score is through the roof. Mello is actively advanced in both the language arts and physical education. His sensei is most proud of his achievements in the martial arts."

"And Near?"

L seemed to lose his impressed nature. "Near is slipping in all his courses. Mello is looking to pass him within the next few weeks if he's not careful."

"Not good. That means his headaches aren't getting any better. Last time he had migraines like these he was bedridden for a week. It took him a while to catch up with his work. The doctor gave him pills, but it doesn't look like they're working."

"Perhaps we should speak about… you know…"

"Near is a brilliant kid, L, but he's still only eleven. He could get scared if we mention it to him again."

L sighed. "I'm just thinking about what's best for him. You know how smart he is, how much he's proven himself. He can't waste his talents like this because of a headache…"

"I know." I interrupted. "But we need to bring it up carefully."

I slipped out of bed and began to pull on some pants. Of course, L had to say something.

"You really should keep them off. It's less boring when I talking to a completely nude you."

I scoffed. "Well, I'd be happy to do so for you, my love. But you forget that I have a job to do in this school. If I slack off for you alone, the boys might kill each other before the day is through."

"I do so love it when you become all motherly with them." He replied sarcastically. "Makes you look so manly."

I strode over to the bathroom, flicking his head on the way there. "You know just as well as I do that I could dominate you without hesitation or restraint. I choose not to because I deserve the royal treatment much more than you do."

"Royal treatment? Is that what sex is to you?"

I didn't reply. Simply strode into the bathroom and shut the door, locking it.

(L P.O.V)

Poor Light forgot I was able to pick locks. Well, maybe I'll wait when he starts his shower, then join him.

Just as I was getting lost in my sinful thoughts, I heard grates creaking above me. It had gotten louder and louder until the vent opened up and a bag of sweets dropped in from the sky. Most of it being chocolate. It all looked rather familiar…

It was mine! The sweets I'd bought from Paris! How in hell…?!

I didn't have to wonder for long.

The blonde bandit himself dropped drown silently and impressively from the vent. Hair covered in dust bunnies and mould. What the teen wouldn't do for a bar of chocolate.

He stood up from his stance and picked up his bag before realizing he wasn't in his room.

He turned to me, a look of fear coursing through him. He hadn't moved an inch when under the realization he was caught in the act. Little bastard was getting brave nowadays, what with stealing my sweets under my nose. It was cute when he was little, now it was getting tiresome.

I sighed. "I'll let you take a bar if you relinquish the bag."

The blonde grinned nervously, setting down his bag. "Okay, okay, I know when I'm beat." He kneeled down to grab his bar… or at least that's what I thought.

"But it's not today!"

He bolted for the door, stealing away my candy, and was in the hall before I could catch him.

I'd ran like hell to catch up to him, but the kid was smart, swift, and clever. He'd routed out all the air vents and knew them better than his own self. So it didn't surprise me when he wall jumped up and into one of the vents the second he found a chance to do so. There were days I cursed Light for getting him that martial arts trainer. And then other days for teaching the blonde to be more impressively fit than he first seemed.

I was out of breath and out matched. I'd have to find some way to get back at the little bastard for taking what was rightfully mine.

'Thank god I picked up a whole suitcase of candy.' I thought to myself, having a bit of hope left.

(Near P.O.V)

I held my head tight. The headaches had been getting worse within the past year. Even more, I knew Light was thinking about… the solution.

I shuddered at the thought. I hadn't wanted it then, and I didn't want it now.

Matt patted my back. "No worries, Near. Mello's gonna drop in any minute with the stuff. Knowing him, he got all the good stuff for us."

I grumbled. "Knowing him he probably got lost and took a wrong vent."

The red head before me grinned half-heartedly.

I scoffed, holding my bear tight to my chest. Yes, I may have been a little old for plushies, but I couldn't help it. They made my headaches less painful, and they were more fun than making friends here at Wammys. I didn't see any reason in wasting my time with finding a friend when plushies could be your friend for life. Maybe Mello and Matt were able to make friends, but I was not. Nor did I want any aside from my family.

That was the life I chose for myself.

(Mello P.O.V)

Getting away from L was an achievement for the ages, and it helped greatly that the vent I was in would lead me right to my room where Matt and Near were waiting. The albino had been suffering with headaches all night so I thought I'd pick up some candy for him to make him feel better. Of course, L had gotten back yesterday so of course he brought home candy. I figured, if I was going to steal, I might as well steal something good.

I followed the vent until I found the drop zone, making sure that this time it was my own room. I opened the vent from the ceiling and dropped the bag.


I dropped down soon afterwards and was basically greeted like a hero.

"Dude, you're alive!" Matt said happily. "And you actually got L's stash?!"

"Well, some of it." I said proudly. "Enough for us to eat like kings." I looked at Near. "How's the headache, bud?"

The little ball of white fluff shuddered a bit. "My meds will kick in soon."

I sighed. Poor kid had to go through migraines almost daily now. There was a permanent fix to this, but he was too afraid to go through with it.

I looted through the bag and tossed him some taffy. Banana flavoured, salt water taffy was his favourite, and he deserved some sort mental break from the headaches.

He looked up at me with a smile, half his face covered by his teddy bear. "Thank you, Mello."

I shrugged. "No problem."

(Matt P.O.V)

I admired how much Mello had gone through to make Near just a bit happier than before. I knew Mello well enough that he'd loved Near like his own brother, but was too stubborn to admit it. That was okay though. We all knew he was a softie at heart.

I stuffed my hands in my pockets, feeling two things. My gaming device, and the stone Nan had given me to prove my love to a certain someone. To Mello.

However, at the time she'd given it to me, I felt I was too young to really want to commit to something with the blonde. I felt that, in time, I'd grow out of him. That when he'd become a different person than he was a few years ago, I wouldn't have any strong affections towards him. Turns out, that was all untrue. For the both of us.

We weren't really a couple, not officially, but we did steal more than a few glances at each other. Not to mention the whispered 'I love you's when no one was around. But, other than that, there was nothing to confirm nor deny our status together. But I didn't bring it up too often. I knew how he felt, and that was more than enough for me.

I sat beside the two then, grabbing a sucker from the pile. "You know L's gonna be pissed when he sees his stash is a few sugary sweets short. Right?"

Mello shrugged, biting into a chocolate bar. "He already knows. I dropped into his room by accident."

Near turned to me. "Told ya."

I rolled my eyes, a habit I picked up from Light.

"Anything you wish you didn't see?"

"Surprisingly, no." The blonde replied. "I think Light was taking a shower by the time I dropped in."

"Well, you got lucky."

Near nodded. "You have to respect them for being so discreet about it, though. Unlike our history teacher and the janitor."

We all shuddered at the memory.

"Don't make me relive that nightmare." Mello pleaded. "I don't like the memory."

"None of us do, bro." I replied, another shudder running down my spine.

A/N: Next chapter will totally focus on one character, but I felt like introducing them - rather poorly... sorry - all at once in the first chapter. Just wanted you all to know. :)