Life is Full of Miracles
Chapter 5-Don't Wanna
Danny looked out at the man who was continuously trying to get him to come out of the car. Lifting an eyebrow, he stayed planted against the seat. He said he didn't want to go so he wasn't going to listen. Not caring anymore he looked to the other side of the car. It's been about a month since he's been living with Vlad. Yes, he has grown to like the man enough to call him by name. With the month almost over, his birthday and school starting.
He would be seven years old and be in the second grade. He wasn't excited for either. It was for those reasons that he's here now. Vlad thought that it was a good idea to go to the mall and try to figure what he wanted for his birthday and later on to buy his uniform.
The latter peeved him the most. He didn't want to go to some fancy school. He was going to miss his friends, well one friend. There is the possibility of Sam not being able to go. Turning back to Vlad, who seemed to have given up and decided to seat next to him, he looked at the man in a bored manner. "Daniel," the gentleman asked. Danny still ignored him. There was no way that he was going to answer to that. He constantly told the man that he preferred Danny. Daniel just sounded odd. A shiver went down his back, it sounded icky.
"Little Badger," the man tried again with a stern voice. The little boy's eye twitched at the nickname. This man knew he hated that name, but he knew if he didn't answer soon then the nicknames could get worse. "What," he answered with a huff.
Vlad looked at the boy at first then sighed and looked at the back of the front seat. Having a child for a month was a bit tiring but nonetheless fun. There were moments where Daniel, he knew the boy hated his full name but he thought it was more proper, would actually go out of his way and seek him out like two nights ago.
He had to work late in his study and had put Daniel to bed. He was extremely tired from forcing Daniel to bathe and eat his vegetables but was quite excited about the experience. He had read about it parent magazines and wanted to deal with it too. He was working on filling out some forms for the expansion plan for his company when he heard the click of the door knob. The door cracked opened to reveal a disgruntled six year old. He chubby hands rubbing at his face trying to force himself to stay awake, but failing.
Vlad's eyebrows creased in worry for the child. Why would he be up? Did he have a nightmare! He almost smiled in glee before he caught himself. He shouldn't be happy at that, but the idea to bond more with the boy and giving him fatherly advice for nightmares was strong. He beckoned the boy over, who shuffled over with his stuffed ghost toy. The older man cringed slightly at the toy. Out of all the toys the boy could have asked for, he asked for the ghost. Why did Daniel want it? The older man wouldn't be able to give you an answer.
"What's wrong my boy," he loved the to say that. Daniel looked at Vlad and staggered over to him as tears started to form in his eyes. Vlad being quicker scooped him up in his arms and held the boy to his chest. The poor boy was wailing and kept apologizing for it. The business man didn't know what "it" was but whatever it was is causing his son stress. He rocked him slightly and shushed him. Rubbing a hand through the boy's hair, he asked what was wrong. Daniel didn't respond. He cried even harder and started to pull away a bit. Vald sat down and tightened his hold around Daniel and rocked him. Eventually his cries died down and soft sobs were heard. He walked to his room and put the six year old on his bed, a hand grabbed at his collar and let out a lopsided smile. With some effort, he climbed over Daniel and laid down next to the boy. The following morning they ate whatever the little boy wanted to eat and just overall relaxed until he got a call about work.
Vlad was happy to share some type of bonding with him, even if it came to distress of the other. It sounded wrong but he did kind of wish that the child would have more nightmares so that he got those few moments to hold him. There wasn't many times that he was able to actually hug him. There were mostly moments of pats on the heads or rare moments of catching him when the boy would trip over thin air. When those moments happened the boy would flinch and start to fidget. Vlad looked outside and decided against his judgement and went ahead and grabbed the boy and pulled him out the car. Of course from his brash action, Daniel let out a brash action as well. When Vlad sat him on the ground, Danny bit his hand hard.
Who did this man think he was? Danny mouth released it's hold. He looked at his work quickly before pouting and turning away from the old man. He frowned as guilt started to form in his chest. Maybe he didn't have to bite Vlad, but he didn't have to pick him up. Biting his bottom lip, Danny looked over at the man who has been taking care of him. A grimace marked his face before it softened into a cautious look and held his hand out to the boy. Danny looked up at the man with astonishment but also anger.
Why didn't he yell at him? Why doesn't he get mad at him like the other children did when he acted out? Why couldn't Danny find it in himself to hate Vlad. Maybe you hate yourself more? Danny griped the side of his shorts and laid a hand in the man's hand. The bigger hand carefully wrapped around the other one. Giving off a promise of safety and acceptance. The six year old didn't look up at the man as he lead him into the mall. He didn't look up when he went into the toy store. He didn't show any interest in the toys that Vlad showed him.
He did show interest when he let go of his hand and walked away. It's not like his mind was still in toddler's stage. Danny knew the silver haired man wasn't going to leave him, but somewhere the possibility formed. Slowly it consumed him when the man didn't return yet. Slowly blue eyes widen and teared up at the thought. One step went forward, then another, then another, the pattern quickened as the boy started to run through the small aisles of the store.
Where is he?
Did he leave?
Would he be alone again?
He wouldn't leave me here!
He said that he wouldn't. He cares about me.
After almost knocking over other kids, Danny saw the stupid man talking to a woman and her son. A mixture of rage and sorrow swirled around his being. Was he going to replace me with another? A better version that wasn't so odd? Danny didn't want that. Piercing green eyes looked angrily at the man but with longing as well. A ring of light erupted from his midsection. With a speed that the child only knew in replays of events in his nightmares, he reached the man and hugged his leg. If everyone wasn't so busy or had a late reaction to a child throwing himself to him, they would have seen a ghostly being in the space that once stood a boy. Its white hair being tousled by a breeze that only affected it. Green eyes looking forward. Its black pants and shirt contracting against the paleness of its skin.
Vlad was quite shocked to see the boy hugging at his leg so tightly but also the shiver that went down his back. Could a ghost really be here? Where is it? His eyes shifted around trying to locate the spectare. Each time he turned, Daniel squeezed tighter on his leg. Vlad didn't know which thing should be his priority. The ghost or his son? With a sigh, the business man bent slightly to remove his boy from his leg. The tiny thing had such a strong grip on it that he wouldn't be surprised if bruises were left behind.
Vlad picked him and laid his small head on his shoulder. He looked extremely pale which worried him and was able to gain all his attention away from the ghost. Turning quickly towards the woman he was talking to about toys, he shook her hand, not noticing the acid green eyes of his ward glaring at her son. Quickly, he speed walked towards the few benches in the mall that were free. He sat down and felt the boy's forehead and pulled back from the heat. He rubbed a hand down his neck and back to figure out if it was his whole body and not just his face. A frown crossed his features and the business man started towards the car. One hand holding Daniel and another dialing a doctor to be sent to his home.
He went to put the boy into his car seat and buckle him up. The boy was sweating heavily and looked to be in pain. "Danny what happened to you," Vlad looked with a face full of concern, not even noticing that he said the preferred name for the six year old. Said boy heard it and smiled slightly at it. "I don't wanna be left alone," mumbled a weak Danny to the Vlad that was rushing out of the parking lot.
A/N: Happy New Years! Review!