Authors Note:

Eternal Blaze 5! Here with another story! I just had to write this because I suddenly got the inspiration for it. I know,yell at me because I'm trying to write to many stories at once. I hope you like it,although I don't know if I gave it the best start...but read and tell me when your done,kay?

A Surfers Love

Chapter 1

"So, where are we going tomorrow?" I asked my mother Layla as I saw her packing her things.

"Lucy, dear, we're going on a vacation!" she clasped hers hands together and her eyes glittered. "Isn't this wonderful?!"

I laughed nervously. "Are we going to the beach?"

She nodded her head enthusiastically. "We sure are! Oh, it's gonna be so much fun!"

I wearily glanced at her. " know I don't like showing a lot of skin...I'm pretty self conscious about myself."

She zipped up her suitcase and stood up patting me on the shoulder.

"Don't worry dear! You look gorgeous and have a wonderful body any man would die for!"

She smiled slyly and I saw a glint in her eye. "I'll even let you pick up a few boys, but don't go to far, okay? I really don't want to be a grandma any time soon."

My cheeks flared. "Ma! Stop teasing!"

She laughed and walked towards the stairs. "Just get packed! We're going whether you like it or not," and with that, she disappeared up the steps.

I let out a long sigh. This is the daily life of Lucy Heartfilia, which is me by the way. Having an hyper active mom isn't always a good thing. But she's fun in her own way. And me, I'm a regular 17 year old girl.

I have a few friends here and there. I wonder, should I invite them?

I walked up to my room grabbing my suitcase and filled it with clothes. I stared out the window as I watched puffy, white, cumulus clouds float in the clear, blue sky. As I watched the birds soar overhead, I decided against inviting them. After all, we shouldn't be here long and this was a a family vacation.


The Next Morning

"Lucy! Come on! It's time to go!" Ma yelled from the bottom of the steps.

"Coming!" I yelled back, trudging my large suitcase down the steps.

When I reached the bottom, I wiped off a few beads of sweat. That was a work out!

"Isn't it a beautiful day today?"Layla asked excitedly, springing out the door and admiring the warmth in the air.

"A perfect day to catch some rays!"

I agreed with her, as I walked out the door and closed it, locking it behind me. Then, I threw my suitcase into the back seat of our car. Ma did the same.

"Hop in Lu-tan! Vacation time!" she scooted over into the drivers seat as I did the passenger seat. The car roared to life and now we were on our way to our beautiful suite that sat right on the beach, which just so happened to have have one of the most exotic and magnificent coastlines. I heard you can even see tripods of dolphins, and go snorkeling.

During the whole ride my mom had the radio blasting and was singing old songs from Michael Jackson to Prince and Elvis. It was pure torture especially because of the fact my mom couldn't sing.

The ride was about six hours away, and around the second hour I decided to catch some Z's. I closed my eyes and before I knew it, my consciousness had slipped away.


I woke up to the chirps of seagulls, the crashing of waves against the shore, and could smell the salty scent of fresh ocean water.

I immediately perked up, and my mom was putting on her sun glasses and hat. She had her bathing suit in hand. "Get your bathing suit, Lu Lu! We're heading straight to the beach!"

I rubbed my eyes and lazily got out the car. Digging in my suitcase, I grabbed out my swimming suit, towel and goggles, throwing them over my shoulder.

We headed into a nearby bathroom, and I quickly changed, throwing my hair up into a ponytail. I slung my goggles around my neck and tucked my towel under my arm.

I stepped out the bathroom stall and looked into the mirror. I smiled contently, cause it was just the way I liked it. I had on a pink one piece swimming suit with black polka dots on it, and some black swimming shorts.

I don't like to show a lot of skin, remember? I hate when guys stare at me, because of my over sized proportions. Big breasts, wide hips, a skinny waist... all that draws a lot of unwanted attention and I try to keep it at a minimum.

My mom had on a green bikini, paired with her favorite hat and sunglasses to match.

"Time to let loose and relax!" she yelled, as we walked out into the evening sunlight, being welcomed by the hot sand that sunk in between my toes as I walked.

We walked further onto the sand. "I'll be setting up our area here," Ma said, propping up her umbrella.

"Okay," I replied as I looked around.

Now what should I do? Just play around in the sand or something?

I stared into the distance and I saw a huge crowd of people, and I couldn't help but let curiosity get the better of me.

I walked closer to the group of people keeping my eyes on them, and before I knew it, I had collided with something hard and fell onto the ground.

I wiped my butt. "Oh, I'm sorr-"

As I looked up I was at a loss for words. Their was a holy being standing in front of me. An extremely sexy, tanned, pink haired male in orange swimming shorts.

His rippling muscles and toned abs and features were enough to make my eyes pop.

"Uh-Umm..." I stuttered, his affectionate gaze making my tongue twist weirdly so that I couldn't form appropriate words.

He looked down at me worriedly. "I'm sorry. Are you alright?" he lent a hand down and I reached for it. He started pulling me up. "Than-"

And before I knew it, I had toppled down back onto the ground.

"Ouch!" I yelled out in pain.

I glared up at him. "What was that for?" I yelled, his appearance not affecting me as much anymore.

He slightly chuckled. "Oh, sorry my hand must have slipped."

I stood up. "Yeah, right."

Just as I was walking away, I felt a hand grasp my arm.

"What do you want? You better let go of me before I start screaming," I turned around and looked at him, almost melting under his gaze. Why was this man so hot?!

He scratched the back of his head. "I'm sorry for what I did earlier. I just...couldn't help myself y'know?"

I turned around, more of my attention directing onto him. "Do you need me for something?" I asked him.

"Actually, I do. Come with me for a sec," He began pulling me somewhere isolated. Panic started to rise within me. Was this man a rapist, a pervert?

"Hey, where are you taking me?!" I yelled out struggling to get out his grasp. He kept silent, but held an iron grip on my arm.

We neared a shed and ran into it, and he closed the door, clicking the lock shut. I backed up against the wall.

"W-What do you want from me?" I asked my voice trembling. Although, this was an act. I would give him the option of letting me out the easy way, but if he didn't oblige, I could show him just what I was made of. After all, I wasn't afraid to fight for my life, or anything dear to me for that matter.

"I don't have any money! Please don't rape me!" I begged and pleaded.

A sympathetic look etched his features. "Calm down."

He placed a hand on my shoulder and for some reason it eased my hunches. Without really realizing, I had dropped my guard. I stared into his olive green eyes which seemed to calm me down almost instantly.

"I'm not gonna hurt you or rape you or anything," He told me in a quiet voice.

"Then...what do you want from me?" I asked as if I were in a trance.

He chuckled quietly. "This may sound stupid, but...I wanted someone to talk to."

I stared at him in disbelief. "Someone to talk to?" He nodded his head in conformation. "You don't know who I am, do you?"

I shook my head signaling I didn't know. "Why would I know you anyways? Have we met before or something?"

"My name's Natsu Dragneel...and I'm one of the most well known surfers in the country. I was just trying to get away from all the chaos, but then...I bumped into you and it seemed that you didn't know me, so I just had to talk to you. Sorry if I scared you."

My mouth hung agape. I must be dreaming. I mean one of the most well known surfers in the country is talking to me? So that basically mean he's a celebrity!

"So...your talking to me—a drab, plain old girl,and your a celebrity?" I asked

He laughed. "Well, I am still a teenager. So its not that weird to talk to someone around your age, is it? Just because I know how to surf doesn't mean I'm a superhuman or anything, I'm just like anybody else. It's just...been a long time since I've actually had a normal conversation with someone without them trying to pummel me down."

I nodded in understatement. "Ah, okay, I see," part of me was still thinking it was a dream while the other half knew this was reality.

"So, what is it you wanna talk about?" I asked him.

"Uh, I don't know. Why don't you pick something to talk about?" He replied.

I sighed. He kidnaps me and expects me to do all the talking? I should be mad, but I was actually the opposite.

I saw him staring at me again and I let out yet another sigh. "You mind if I talk about one of my family members?"

He shook his head. "Not at all!" he flashed me a grin, "By the way, what's your name?"

"It's Lucy Heartfilia," I flashed him a warm smile, I felt incredibly comfortable around him even though he was a complete stranger.

"So..." I started. He took a seat beside me, sitting criss-cross as I begin my rant. "My mom is just so hyper and she acts like a little girl! She's always making me do embarrassing things, or making me dress up and..."

Natsu laughed as I continued to tell him stories about when I was little. When I finished he let out a long, hearty laugh. "Your mom sure does sound fun! I hope I can meet her one day."

I let out a small giggle. "You might one day," his eyes lit up, "Does that mean we get to see each other again?"

I blushed and slightly laughed at his cuteness. "Sure, why not? You seem like a pretty nice guy."

He cheered and fist pumped the air.

"So, what does it feel like to be famous?" I asked rather curious.

He put his hand on his chin and furrowed his eyebrows. "It's not fun at all. You always have to go to interviews, you never get any free time, and they always have this super long schedule planned put for you," he stretched his hands out wide to emphasize the fact.

"That sounds like fun though. I wish I was a celebrity. I'm always so bored and have so much time on my hands!" I yelled exasperatedly.

Natsu looked down and the smile fell from his features. "Your lucky you can have free time and go anywhere you want to. Once your famous, you can't go anywhere publicly without people chasing you down or the paparazzi following you. I've always wished I could do things without constantly being stalked. Sometimes, I just wish my life would go back to being normal."

I looked at him sadly, his dull mood bringing mines down too. "Why are you still doing this, then?"

He sighed and a small smile spread across his face. "Because I love to surf. My dad taught me when I was little and ever since then I've fallen in love with it. Surfing is also one of the things I hold precious to me. Since, it's one of the things I can actually call a memento from him."

I turned my head to the side. "What's the other one?"

He held up his arm as I stared at him intently. "This is also something I got from him. I wear it all the time and never take it off. I just don't feel complete without it."

I stared at his arm and he had a silver bracelet rapped around his wrist. It had a small chain hanging off of it and on the chain was a picture of a white, striped muffler.

He clutched his knees to his chest. "I never expected to get famous or anything. I surfed, joined competitions from time to time and before I knew it, I was well known."

As I stared at him I couldn't help but feel saddened. I reached over and wrapped my arms around him, embracing him in a warm hug. He let out a slight gasp, and I pulled away.

"What was that for?" He asked a small blush on his cheeks.

I just smiled. "You looked like you needed a hug."

He smiled back and stood up. "It's getting pretty late. We should head back now."

I nodded and stood up to. We walked onto the beach and just as we were about to part ways he called out to me.

I looked back and he had a wide grin etched across his face. "We're having a surfing competition on the beach tomorrow. I'll see you there. Bye Lucy!" He waved and then ran off.

As I stared at his retreating figure, I couldn't help but feel a small pang of happiness in my chest.

A/N I kinda got this idea from a show called Mermaid Melody,that I watched quite a while ago,but I had the inspiration so I just had to write it! And I might not update this as quickly as I usually would because I have 2 other stories which are currently my top priority right now.

Please review,follow,and fav!

EDITED: 2/20/15