Summary: What if Zaheer and his gang got away with kidnapping Korra? Asami's more worried than anyone much to Mako's dismay.
Suyin promised Lin and Team Avatar that Avatar Korra would be safe in the metal city of Zaofu. That had been a lie, however, when Zaheer and his gang got away with kidnapping Korra as they had planned. No one anticipated this, but Mako doubted otherwise.
They were in the courtyard the day after the event and Mako was sure someone had helped or taken part in Korra's disappearance.
"It doesn't make any sense. We've interviewed every guard in this place and not anyone of them is linked to Korra."
Bolin spoke. "I don't know," he said uncertain,"everybody is innocent until-"
"Proven guilty! Gosh, did I tell you that was my favorite line?" Varrick randomly showed up, spooking Team Avatar in the process.
"Sorry! I overheard your situation and thought I could shed some light on it."
Mako sighed figuring that he shouldn't doubt Varrick this time. "Alright."
"Well, a way to really prove someone is guilty is to check their rooms because the items belonging to that person could possibly serve as evidence to the crime."
Mako stood their stunned. "Wow, Varrick, that was, uh, impressive."
"Anytime Mako. Anytime." With that he left Team Avatar to ponder their thoughts.
Mako felt guilty, granted that he blamed himself for Korra being gone. He thinks he could have saved her. He would have saved her. What made him question his troubles was when he talked to Asami. Every time they spoke about the Avatar, he would carefully note how her voice sounded overly positive. It was as if Korra brightened Asami's horizon and, though it didn't matter, Mako was jealous of her. A year ago, it wouldn't bother him that his girlfriend and the girl who had a crush on him were best friends. Now, he had to reevaluate how deep their friendship really was. Looking at her in the light of day, Mako noticed Asami's discomfort.
They were still good friends, that much he knew, but something bigger than what he previously thought irked him.
Did Asami have feelings for Korra?
Normally, Asami would sleep for days if someone she cared for was taken from her. Not this time. Korra wasn't dead. Just missing. She would be a liar if she said the Avatar didn't enchant her. Korra was attractive, especially, Asami thought, with her hair down. The thought alone gave her chills.
Asami was prepared to take down Zaheer with her friends. Earlier, they found Aiwei was the perpetrator involved in Korra's kidnapping. Suyin had given her the keys to the jeep so they could track down the criminals. It was a risky mission. They were going behind Lin's back to do it too.
The young heiress was distressed over the whole thing. She even sensed Mako knew. He wouldn't handle it well. He was in love with Korra before, but the two were just friends. It meant her infatuation with the Avatar wasn't going to last and if Team Avatar was lucky, Korra would be right where she belongs. She needed to be around people who loved her and Korra would most likely not feel the same way about Asami. Best friends or not, Asami would do everything in her power to not admit her feelings. Besides, Mako started to suspect her of having feeling for girls. She would contain it, bury it deep within her heart if she had to.
Her bedroom door was bought open. An unkempt Mako stalking in tiredly. Asami stopped observing herself in the mirror and turned to look at him. He looked visibly upset.
"We're leaving soon, 'Sami." Mako rubbed lazily at his eyes.
Asami's eyebrows furrowed. "Why so early? You obviously didn't get enough sleep."
"Look," Mako stood up straighter,"I need you to just get ready so we can leave."
"Why are you acting rude, Mako?"
He sighed. "I'm concerned for Korra's safety just like you are."
Asami watched something flicker in his amber eyes. Realization maybe? "What?"
"Don't try and act cute about it. You and I both know how we feel about Korra."
Asami nodded slowly. "She's my friend too, Mako. Why can't you move on and accept it? Everybody else has."
The statement angered him. "You're pretending you don't even know! Do you want me to say it?"
She remained silent.
"Fine! You have feelings for Korra." His breathing was unsteady. "I saw how heartbroken you were after she was taken. I wish I could have done something-"
Asami raised her voice, her tone reaching out like an icy sharp blade. "I have feelings for Korra, yes. That shouldn't bother you. I'll suppress my attraction, not for you, but for Korra's sake. Happy now? Because if I hear one more word about this problem you have I won't speak to you."
Mako snorted, unfazed by her comment. "I don't believe your shit for even a minute." He backed up into the door way. "See you soon."
Her life was going to take a complete turn from there.
A/N- You're probably wondering why I started this story. Watching "The Terror Within" I wondered what would happen if the bad guys plan actually worked and then this happened. I'm not sure if I'm going to continue it or not but I'd love if you'd review and give me some feedback. Thanks!