Russetpaw stumbled out of the territories, her green eyes glazed with pain. She had one thought running through her mind, over and over

Why'd they do it?

Russetpaw could still scarcely believe what had just happened. It had all seemed so surreal.

When Shadowclan and Riverclan attacked, old allies from the Great Battle long ago, Thunderclan and Windclan - her clan - had struck back.

The battle had lasted two Sunrises. Only the leaders knew why they were attacking, but by the end of the first day, they were all too dead to tell her. The next day had just been about 'justice'. Her clan had been obliterated in the fight, as they all had. Every cat died, even the medicine cats. From blood loss, or from the wounds directly, everyone was dead.

Except her.

She had run to save her pelt. She was Windclan, she was great at running.

Especially since she killed Rainstar of Riverclan.

It had been an accident.

But Riverclan didn't see it that way. Amberdawn and Iceclaw would make sure of it. A pang of sadness hit her as she thought of her parents. She was an only kit and they loved her above all.

Vaguely, Russetpaw was aware of her surroundings through a haze of physical and emotional pain.

She was in a lush, verdant grove. To her left was a dark forest, and to her right was a nice meadow.

Russetpaw wasn't ready to hunt. She needed to run further, faster...

"We need to rest here or we'll all be dead before Moonrise" a snobby she-cat's voice mewed from somewhere in the forest. Swiftly, Russetpaw ducked behind a bush. If it was a Riverclan cat, she was dead.

Three cats came out of the forest. All of them were her age and sporting scratches and bites from the fight.

But then her nose detected something through the blood.

They were all from different clans.

"Fine. But we need to get going soon Thistlepaw." A bulky black tom growled at a grey she-cat with white paws.

The snobby one's name is Thistlepaw Russetpaw thought, making a note

"What's the hurry Darkpaw?" A small, black and white tom asked, yawning

Riverclan! Russetpaw thought with a jolt

"Well Badgerpaw. I'm sure you heard what happened you our leaders"

"I don't want to run into the apprentice who killed Rainstar anytime soon"

I guess...I guess I can't join them. Not if their afraid of me

"Still. We have to stay the night, I don't think any of our enemies survived..." Thistlepaw mewed, her voice softening at the the realization

The other two apprentices nodded numbly




Then the three apprentices curled up and went to sleep

"Goodnight" Russetpaw whispered to the cool night air


Ta-da! Chapter one done! What do you think? Please R&R!