Chapter 1: Barnacles' Vacation

"We're done with the mission, Octonauts and me, until the next adventure." Captain Barnacles sang with the rest of his crew. "Good work today everyone."

"Yes, especially you, Captain." Professor Inkling smiled. "You were struck by lightning, trapped in a clam's mouth, stung by a jellyfish, chased by baracudas, fell over a cliff, got caught by a whale, was thrown into a shipwreck, and ran out of air. And not once did you call for help."

"The manatees were more important, Professor." Captain explained. "I'd rather worry about the sea creatures and my crew before I worry about myself."

"And that is a true captain." Inkling nodded. "I'm very impressed by your work, Barnacles. I made the right choice choosing you as captain."

"Well, thanks, Professor." Barnacles blushed.

"In fact, I'm so impressed, that I think you deserve a little treat." Inkling giggled.

"A treat?" Barnacles rose an eyebrow in confusion. "What did you have in mind?"

"Captain, you've been working very hard lately, I do believe you deserve a vacation." Inkling explained.

"A vacation?" Barnacles gasped. "From the Octonauts. Oh, I couldn't do that, Professor. I love my crew too much to just head out on a vacation."

"Oh, but I insist, Captain." Inkling crossed his tentacles. "I won't take no for an answer."

"But, who will take care of everything while I'm gone?" Barnacles asked.

"That decision is up to you." Inkling pointed. "Who do you think is more likely to lead?"

Barnacles thought for a moment, trying to think of someone in the Octonauts that would be a great leader next to him. Only one name came to his mind. It could be a good choice. He's proven to be a good leader many times before.

"I guess, Kwazzi, can be second in command while I'm gone." Barnacles answered.

"Very well then, Kwazzi." Inkling called to the cat.

Kwazzi looked up from what he was doing and made his way over to the two.

"What is it, Professor?" Kwazzi asked.

"Kwazzi," Inkling began. "I've told Captain Barnacles here to take a little vacation from the Octopod."

"That's great, Captain." Kwazzi applauded.

"Aye, you deserve it." Shellington nodded.

"You've been working so hard Captain," Dashi also agreed. "It's good for you to take a vacation every once and awhile."

"But, when you are gone, who will be in charge?" Peso asked.

"I've chosen Kwazzi to guide you while I'm gone." Barnacles explained. "He's proven to me plenty times before that he is capable of being second in command."

"Me, Captain." Kwazzi was shocked, but also honored. "I won't let you down Captain."

"Thanks Kwazzi." Barnacles smiled. "Professor, I accept my vacation."

"Good." Inkling smiled. "Now, go out there and have some fun."

"Maybe I can use this as an opportunity to do some of the things I've always wanted to do." Barnacles thought.

"Like what, Capt'n?" Tweak asked, taking a bite from her (random) carrot.

"Like, jogging around the Texas Canyons." Barnacles answered. "I hear the view is really nice."

"Ok, but be careful Captain." Peso warned him. "Many travelers have gotten lost in those canyons before."

"Don't worry Peso." Barnacles laughed. "I can take care of myself."