Oh! Would you look at this?!At long last I finally bring to you guys a story update!
And I am so so sorry for the lack of updates all together...
"Uh-oh..." Hiccup muttered sliding farther down in his seat, hoping to hide from practically everyone.
Hiccup arrives, winded, straining under the weight of a full basket.
"You went back there again?" Fishlegs asked staring at the screen.
He looks at the scale he found. Toothless approaches him cautiously, and starts sniffing him.
HICCUP Hey Toothless. I brought breakfast. I hope you're hungry.
"You managed to sneak a bunch of food out of the village for your dragon?" Snotlout raised an eyebrow at Hiccup who shrugged.
"Not like anyone would notice since it's just me."
Hiccup drops the basket and kicks it over. Lots of different Fish spill out.
Toothless pounces on the fish, eagerly.
Most of the dragons looked at the screen in jealousy and a few baby dragons began to whine. Loudly.
Hiccup smiles crookedly at Toothless who hits a baby dragon away with his tail.
HICCUP (CONT'D) Okay, that's disgusting.
All the Vikings agree as they see how eager Toothless was for all the raw fish.
Toothless nears the pile, getting even closer to all the fish, settling in to devour the feast.
HICCUP (CONT'D) Uh..we've got some salmon...
Toothless swallows it.
HICCUP (CONT'D) ... some nice Icelandic cod...
Toothless perks up looking at the screen longingly.
Toothless swallows those too.
HICCUP (CONT'D) ... and a whole smoked eel.
Hiccup makes this weird highly disgusted face, so do the dragons, while the other teens start to look hungry themselves.
Toothless snatches it up into his jaws, chews a few times, then spits it out.
He shakes his head violently, snorts and scrubs his massive tongue on the sand.
Hiccup takes notices immediately.
"Yeah, eels gross..." Hiccup shuddered.
HICCUP (CONT'D) No, no, no! It's okay. Yeah, I don't like eel much either.
Stoick got a weird look on his face as he thought over what Hiccup just said, he never knew his son didn't like eel, most his soups he's made had eel in it! Gobber had to elbow him to return his attention to the movie.
Toothless focuses on the remainder of the delicious fish and with the dragon distracted, Hiccup unwraps his prosthetic fin and opens it like a fan.
The dragons perk up and most if not all the Vikings stare at the screen in awe and wonder.
HICCUP (CONT'D) Okay. That's it. That's it, just stick with good stuff. And don't you mind me. I'll just be back...here. Minding my own business.
"Err...Were you trying to be sneaky?" Snotlout snorted.
"Hiccup!" Astrid hissed, "You gotta be quiet if you don't want to be caught!"
The twins just started laughing.
Hiccup cautiously approaches the injured tail, but every time he gets near it, Toothless sweeps it away like a cat.
A few of the Vikings kids cooed at the sight.
HICCUP (CONT'D) It's okay.
Hiccup drops a knee on top of the tail.
Toothless' head juts up, slowing his chewing to a halt.
"Uh-oh!" Fishlegs eyes widened as he went to cover them.
"Fishlegs it's fine, calm down." Hiccup said trying hard not to laugh.
HICCUP (CONT'D) Okay...okay..
The dragon tenses, slowly spreading his wings. Hiccup straps the prosthetic fin in place. He cinches the straps.
HICCUP (CONT'D) (PLEASED) There. Not too bad. It works.
Gobber beamed at the screen proudly.
Toothless snaps his massive wings and takes to the air, carrying along Hiccup with him.
Many people gasp and there was a loud crack echoing throughout the air Stoick had broken the handles on his chair watching the screen in tense silence.
HICCUP (CONT'D) Woah! No! No! No!
Hiccup struggles to hold on to Toothless's tail. As the ground speeds away, Toothless suddenly tips down into a uncontrolled bank and dive.
Hiccup sees the folded fin rattling uselessly in opposition to its flared counterpart. Flapping as hard and as frantically as possible Toothless couldn't pull himself out of the dive.
Astrid squeezed Hiccup hand so tightly he was a bit scared it would break.
Everybody seemed a bit tense now but the twins look like they were on the edge of their seats.
Hiccup swallows his fear and crawls toward the folded prosthetic.
He reaches it and yanks it hard, pulling it open. The flared, fan- like appendage catches the air, stabilizing the twisting tail.
HICCUP (CONT'D) (excited, terrified) It's working!
As one all the dragons and Vikings seem to let out of breath they didn't know there were holding.
Toothless arcs just short of the water and climbs... high into the air. Hiccup then turns Toothless around and flies back to the cove.
HICCUP (CONT'D) Yes! Yes, I did it.
Dragons screech happily, and a few Vikings begin to chuckle.
Toothless glances back at Hiccup, busily holding the tail open while trying to hold on. They're going to crash.
The teens along with a few other Vikings all gasp while the dragons looked on strangely fascinated.
Hiccup is suddenly thrown from the tail due to the intense force of an abrupt turn.
And just like that everyone was tense and mentally freaking out again it was almost as though they all had forgotten Hiccup was sitting right there in the room with them.
He bounces repeatedly across the water's surface and takes a dive.
Without Hiccup to operate the tail, Toothless does the same, plunging in a massive cannonball, all the while panicking.
"Oh dear Thor..." One of the older Vikings gasped clutching at his chest.
Hiccup resurfaces, roughed up, but beaming.
"Why the hell are you so happy?!" Astrid snapped.
"You could've gotten yourself killed!" Stoick said angrily, not that he was angry at Hiccup more so as angry at himself for not being home to notice any of this.
Toothless appears mere seconds later.
"Oh thank Thor..." Stoick muttered relieved.
"Why the hell are you happy about a near death experience?" Snotlout demanded Astrid's earlier statement.
"Uh..." Hiccup chuckled nervously, "Spur of the moment?"
GOBBER Today is about teamwork. Work together and you might survive.
"Oooooooh." Fishlegs winced nervously.
ON A DOUBLE DOORS-WIDE ENTRYWAYS. Gas seeps through the cracks.
A few other younger Vikings all gasped in Surprise.
A cloud of smoke engulfs the ring, swirling around the paired-up teens. Astrid with Ruffnut. Snotlout with Tuffnut. Fishlegs with Hiccup. All carry buckets of water, poised to throw them.
GOBBER (CONT'D) Now, a wet dragon head can't light its fire. The Hideous Zippleback is extra tricky. One head breathes gas, the other head lights it. Your job is to know which is which.
"How can you tell the difference?" One of the kids of the village asked but no one answered him. They were all too busy watching the screen.
The smoke encircles them, cutting them off from each other.
The teens LISTEN and WATCH for any sign of the dragon.
"I feel like I should have screamed but just then to try and scare all of you..." Rose muttered but no one was really paying much attention to her.
FISHLEGS (muttering to himself) Razor sharp, serrated teeth that inject venom for pre-digestion. Prefers ambush attack, crushing its victims in its...
Some kids gasped, scared out of their minds.
HICCUP (TENSE) Will you please stop that?
Snotlout and Tuffnut are both moving nervously through the fog, back to back. Snotlout is singing to himself to calm his nerves.
Ruffnut snorted with laughter and Snotlout blushed beet red.
SNOTLOUT If that dragon shows either of his faces, I'm gonna-
Suddenly Snotlout cuts himself off...
Snotlout and Tuffnut hurl their water thru the air and into the fog.
"Did you get it? Did you!" A younger Viking asked excitedly.
RUFFNUT It's us, idiots.
"Aww..." the kid pouts and crossed his arms.
Astrid and Ruffnut are soaked.
TUFFNUT Your butts are getting bigger. We thought you were a dragon.
Astrid and Ruffnut both leaned over and punched Tuffnut. Hard.
Snotlout (TO ASTRID) Not that there's anything wrong with a dragon-esque figure.
Astrid Punches Snotlout in the face.
Ruffnut causes Tuffnut to drop to the ground with a hard punch directly to the throat.
Hiccup winced and absent mindedly rubbed his own throat.
They FREEZE. A tail SWEEPS out of the fog, taking them down. Their buckets spill.
Soon Fishlegs and Hiccup come across them. They see the puddles of spilled water.
TUFFNUT Oh, I'm hurt. I am very much hurt.
A few of the dragons snorted with laughter.
FISHLEGS Chances of survival are dwindling into single digits now...
"That ain't exactly something you want to be telling someone. . ." Gobber chuckled.
HICCUP Look out!
A Zippleback head emerges out of the smoke. Fishlegs hurls his water at it, completely dousing the head. It leers and opens its mouth, spewing gas into the area.
FISHLEGS Oh. Wrong head.
The very same head for said dragon spits out some gas just to prove his point.
GAS FLOWS around their legs. Fishlegs flees in a panic.
GOBBER Fishlegs!
"Sorry Hiccup..." Fishlegs looks down.
"It's okay." Hiccup smiled half hearted.
A clicking sound comes from behind them. Sparks flash in the smoke.
GOBBER (CONT'D) Now, Hiccup!
Hiccup flushed remembering what happens next.
The other head sweeps out of the smoke. Hiccup hurls his water with all his might. It arcs and drops short of the dragon's sparking mouth. The dragon grins.
HICCUP Oh, come on!
A few of the Vikings and the dragons laugh at the irony of what just happened.
Gobber COVERS his eyes.
"Gobber!" Stoick reprimanded his friend.
The Zippleback hesitates. SNIFFS. Then retreats.
The teens get to their feet, watching transfixed. Gobber peeks through his fingers to see The Zippleback backing away from Hiccup. He stands and holds his hands out, as if controlling it.
Toothless looks up curiously.
HICCUP BACK! BACK! BACK! Now don't you make me tell you again!
The Zippleback retreats through its door and into its cave, hissing.
HICCUP (CONT'D) Yes, that's right. Back into your cage.
Hiccup slyly OPENS his vest, revealing the spotted smoked EEL from earlier. He TOSSES it inside the door, then SLAMS it shut.
Toothless rolls his eyes and flops his head back down.
HICCUP (CONT'D) Now think about what you've done.
Hiccup turns to the teens and Gobber. They stare, slack-jawed
HICCUP (CONT'D) Okay! So are we done? Because I've got some things I need to...
Hiccup jogs out of the ring, past the speechless group.
HICCUP (CONT'D) Yep...see you tomorrow.
Astrid SNEERS. Something's going on.
"Oh really? I never would've guessed!" Rose gasped flinging herself across Astrid and Hiccup's laps.
Astrid glared and pushed her off causing her to fall onto the floor, almost on to Toothless and the twins, with a loud thump!
"...Meanie..." Rose pouted but made no move to get up.
Hi! Would you look at this! I'M BACK EVERYONE!
All I have to say for myself is stress, school, jobs hunting and college searches.
And I am so very much sorry for ANY OCC-ness and for the shortness of this chapter.