A/N: Okay, so this probably will be the last chapter of SWAK. And I know it's a short one, but I think it is a fitting end...
Now, I have promised that I would expand this universe. It'll mostly be NCIS episodes, considering I know these better than the CM's. I'll be waiting for requests about what episode you'd like me to write... Considering at the moment I have zero idea which episode I want to do next. It doesn't need to be chronological, just give me an awesome episode you like to see with Spencer and the rest of the BAU in it and I'll see what my plot-bunnies come up with.
As always, enjoy reading and please leave a review
Hotch stepped out of the elevator with a firm step. He was a man on a mission. He had left the rest of his team at the hospital to stand guard over the NCIS agent together with the man's team. He had been thoroughly impressed by Reid's cousin. It was clear by the way his teammates and Reid spoke of him the man was a very talented investigator. Not necessarily always doing things by the books, but a man who gained results with unconventional methods.
But he wanted to know more about the man. Hence why he was walking through the hallways of the Hoover Building right now, looking for a man whose name came up a few times as they were trading stories about the plague-ridden DiNozzo.
Finally, he arrived at the right office. With a perfunctory knock he let himself in the office without waiting for permission to enter. The grey-haired man looked up with an annoyed expression that turned into confusion as he recognized who had entered his office without preamble.
"Agent Hotchner," the man spoke curtly. "What an unexpected visit this is."
"Agent Fornell," the other man nodded his greeting. "I thought I'd step by and update you on some things that would interest you."
"Like what?" the other man was confused. "Serial killers are your expertise, Hotchner. You have an army of profilers and agents under you. I cannot imagine what you need me for."
The sneer of disdain was obvious in his tone. It was a public secret that there had been BAU members who had been less than courteous towards the rest of the FBI.
"No, the serial killers don't need your expertise, Tobias," Hotch allowed, not even commenting on the less than civil tone. "But I thought you'd like an update what happened with the team of your NCIS counterpart."
Fornell didn't need to ask what team Hotchner was talking about. His gut churned, what the hell had that old fool got himself into now? He hoped that he didn't need to get his ass towards NCIS to prevent an interagency war. Again.
"It seemed that there has been a biological attack on NCIS, Fornell," Hotchner spoke to him in a grave tone.
Fornell's eyebrows shot up towards his forehead. O no, this was bad. He knew instinctively that it wasn't Gibbs that had been the victim. That could only leave …
"DiNutso?" he demanded.
Hotch had to admit to himself that he was impressed with the other man's deductive abilities.
"Yes," he confirmed Fornell's suspicion. "Unfortunately, it wasn't just anthrax or one of the other usual suspects."
"Good God, man," Fornell exclaimed. "What the hell is it?"
"A mutated strain of Y-Pestis," Hotch's voice lowered with the severity of the situation. "It has been mutated so it has become resistant to antibiotics. Agent DiNozzo was the unfortunate one to open the letter that contained the plague. He is in Bethesda, has been for the last few days."
Fornell groaned, and in an abnormal moment showed the depth of his emotions by lowering his head in his hands. Even though the SFA was a master in pushing his buttons – and especially those of his agents, he liked the younger man immensely. Ever since they first met each other in Philly, he had spotted the raw talent and immense dedication the man possessed.
"How bad?" he whispered through his hands.
"Quite bad," Hotch allowed. "They almost lost him a little over a day ago. Though he has overcome the plague itself, he currently is battling a severe pneumonia. They aren't sure he is able to win it, with the state his lungs are in right now."
Fornell closed his eyes. He knew instinctively that they would lose Gibbs if they lost Tony. The stubborn bastard would not be able to go back to a team where tony wasn't on his six.
"How are you involved?" he asked the BAU leader.
"One of my team, dr. Spencer Reid, is Agent DiNozzo's cousin and next of kin. Ms. Sciuto came to inform him the moment they found out what was happening to him."
"Bethesda, you said?" Fornell stood up and started to close everything he was working on at the moment. He knew that Gibbs would need his snark to get the fire going. He needed someone to rant to, punch walls just beside his head; just do something to give voice to the helpless rage that was churning just below the surface of the marine.
"Yes, I can give you a ride if you want," Hotch spoke again. "I wanted to check on my team."
The two men quickly made their way to the parking garage. Without comment the men quickly got into Fornell's car and raced towards the Naval hospital.
As they, after what seemed like a lifetime, finally made their way towards DiNozzo's room, the two could hear something that made their heart's leap in relief. A voice, definitely male, croaked a comment. They both knew it could only mean one thing: DiNozzo was awake.
Standing in the door opening, they could see Gibbs and Reid at the left side of the bed, and the two Junior agents on the other side. Where the rest of the BAU was hiding, was a mystery.
Tony looked up with their approach.
"O God," he groaned. "Boss are you sure I'm not dying still? If Fornell comes to my sickbed, it must be the end."
He expected the soft headslap after that comment, and shot a quick grin towards his boss. Any other comment was succumbed to a heavy coughing fit.
"Keep talking, DiNozzo," Gibbs barked. "And it damn well be your end. Just because you can think again, doesn't mean you can just up and walk out of the hospital."
When Tony wanted to protest, after recovering from his coughing bout, Spencer interceded.
"Tony, do you need me to go over statistics with you?" he asked with a soft voice, knowing damn well that his propensity to spout random statistics was something that Tony had tried to cure him from many, many times. Though it was all in good spirits, more like a running joke between them.
"No," Tony widened his eyes in horror. "No statistics necessary, Spence."
Gibbs snorted. "Gotta remember that, for future reference."
Tony turned his head fully to Spencer. "Why did you give him another weapon, his head slaps were enough. Now, I have to endure Gibbs spouting statistics?"
Fornell chuckled at the bantering between the three. He had heard about Spencer Reid, but never met him before. Now, seeing the two next to each other he could see how they were related.
Though he had to admit, DiNutso looked very ill. Although he finally was lucid and conscious again, it was clear he was still a long way from the safe zone. There were dark circles under his eyes and his skin was a pale grey. There were still touches of dark skin on his nose and lips. He looked down to the hands of the Italian; the nails were also darkened. Basically, he literally looked like death warmed over
"Accept it, DiNutso, you look like crap," he commented with his normal sarcastic voice. He knew that if he was going in mother-hen mode he 1) would not live it down the rest of his life by Gibbs and DiNozzo, and 2) the boy would shut down faster then a blown up robot.
"Looked in any mirrors lately, Fornell?" the SFA croaked back. "Ever heard of the invention that's called sunshine?"
"Reid, where's the rest?" Hotch intervened before a verbal battle could start between the two.
"Down in the cafeteria, trying to find some lunch," Kate responded before Reid could. "And there was a certain blonde computer girl that decided that the entire team needed some cheering up."
"She did it to me," Tony croaked with a rueful smile, although his eyes were drooping in exhaustion.
"That's Garcia," Hotch responded with a reluctant smile. If anyone would cheer up the very sick agent or his team, it would be her. "I'll go look for the rest then. Unfortunately, Strauss is refusing to give us any more leave from active cases. Reid, I can give you two more days, then I need you back as well."
Spencer frowned and opened his mouth to vehemently protest that notion, but was stopped by the cold hand on his arm. He turned to his cousin.
"Go catch the bad guys," Tony croaked. "It's what we do."
Spencer chuckled at that. He knew that Tony would make Gibbs kick his ass out of the room tomorrow if necessary. And he knew that his cousin was right. He was out of the worst of danger at the moment. He was lucid once more, and not literally coughing up his lungs. No, now it was disgusting mucus he was forcing out of them. And he would keep on coughing that up for the next few weeks.
"Alright, Tony," Spencer conceded. "But don't think I'll spend my free time anywhere else than here!"
"Free time?" Fornell raised his eyebrow. "What is this ludicrous idea you speak of? Since when does any FBI agent has the luxury of free time?"
Tony snorted at that, only to succumb once more in a heavy coughing fit.
"Rest, DiNozzo," Fornell ordered, as he walked back out of the hospital room.
Gibbs followed him out.
"Didn't know you cared, Tobias," Gibbs remarked blandly.
"Don't be silly, Jethro," Fornell answered snarky. "Just needed to be sure he was alive, otherwise I would have switched departments so I wouldn't have to deal with you without him buffering."
They both gave each other half-smiles, and Fornell quickly left. They both knew that Fornell cared about Gibbs and DiNozzo, more than he would ever willingly or unwillingly admit to anyone. And that he came to check up on him meant more to Gibbs and Tony than they would ever show anyone.
Gibbs entered the room again, looking on as Spencer was telling Tony a story with wide hand gestures. Moments like these showed Gibbs more clearly than anything else that the two were related. Tony was listening to his cousin with sparkling eyes and a smile on his face. It made him look better than before and more like his SFA. He was shaken out of his wandering thoughts by his cell phone.
"Yeah, Gibbs," he answered with his normal phone etiquettes.
The man on the other side replied just as succinctly.
"Noted, be there in thirty."
As he hung up he could feel his SFA's eyes on him.
"Morrow, gotta go," he clarified.
"See you later," somehow Tony managed to make it more a question than a statement.
Gibbs shook his head mentally. Even after three years working with him, Tony still didn't manage to grasp how much he meant to the team and Gibbs in particular.
"I won't be bringing pizza, DiNozzo," he barked and walked out, hearing the expected groan of misery at his words. A small smile appeared on his face as he walked through the hallways. DiNozzo would recover, that is all he needed at this moment.
Though, in the back of his mind, worry began to creep up that Tony's lungs would not recuperate enough to get cleared for field status. And he knew that would break the young agent like the plague didn't manage to.