AN: I'm sorry for all you Cassandra Cain lovers, but I'm going to let Zatanna takeover the mantle of "The Black Bat". Im sorry, I just really want to write this fic. But please enjoy!

I am Zatanna. I'm fourteen and my friends call me Zee. I'm the newest ward to Bruce Wayne, and the newest hero in Gotham. I am the Black Bat.

Zatanna swooped down from the top of Wayne Manor. Everyone knows "Zatanna Zatara, Daughter to the world famous Giovanni Zatara!" But that Zatanna Zatara was no longer. Zatanna was now a ward to the billionare Bruce Wayne! There was a trio now! There was the Dark Knight, the Boy Wonder, and the Black Bat! After loosing her father to Fate, Zatanna was trained by Batman to use her martial arts and new gymnastic skills instead of her magic. Though, however, Zatanna still studied her books and improved. So in emergencies, she could still recite a spell.

"Batsy, wait up!" A voice called. There was a cackle that followed it.

Behind the Black Bat, was the one and only Boy Wonder! The two were on patrol and soon returned to Wayne Manor to get dressed for Zatanna's new life with Bruce and Richard. Zatanna and Dick walked into the Batcave. Zatanna removed her cowl and let her beautiful midnight black hair fall on her shoulders. Her blue eyes sparkled, and her red lips curled into a smirk.

"Status." The Dark Knight demanded

"All clear, Bruce." Zatanna reported

"Good. Go get dressed. It starts in an hour." Bruce ordered

Zatanna and Dick walked over to the elevator that lead to Wayne Manor disguised as an old clock in the family room with a large picture of Dick's parents over a fireplace. The two got dressed and headed down to the gala.

Zatanna wore a black dress that reached to her knees, black heels, and her hair braided to the side. The black dress was strapless, but had lace over the torso that reached high up her neck.

Dick wore a nice suit, with a white dress-shirt under the jacket of the suit. A blue silk tie around his neck, black trousers, and very nice dress shoes. He had his hair geled back, and was no longer the cackling Boy Wonder, but Richard Grayson, Boy Billionaire.

Alfred had everything set up, and ready to go. All that was left was Bruce Wayne's presence and everything could be started to announce Bruce's new ward.

People began piling in the doors. Everyone shook hands with the trio and enjoyed. James Gordon and his daughter, Barbara Gordon, was there too. Barbara was Dick's best friends at Gotham Accademy, and Zatanna had never met her.

"Hi, I'm Barbara, but call me 'Barb' or 'Babs'." the red head introduced her self.

"Zatanna Zatara. It's a pleasure." Zatanna said giving a quick bow.

Barbara was really pretty with ginger hair like Wally. She wore a nice green and black dress with black heels. He hair in a bun, and a sliver chain with a bat on it bounded her neck.

Barbara gave her a slight nod.

Dick greeted her like everyone else, but promised her that he and Zatanna would catch up with her later.

The night dragged on with conversation upon conversation. Finally, Zatanna and Dick were released, and they soon found Barbara talking with another girl. This girl had golden curly hair, and she wore a simple black dress.

"Hi, Zatanna, I'm Bette Kane." The girl said

"Its a pleasure to meet you, Bette." Zatanna said smiling as best she could.

They talked with Dick's friends until the party was finally over at two 'o clock A.M.

Zatanna and Dick trudged up the stairs, and both fell back on the couch.

Zatanna groaned as she kicks her shoes off.

"Egnahc ruo kool won." Zatanna ordered, and she and Dick were in their pajamas. Zatanna wore a red spaghetti strapped tank and short black shorts, and Dick wore grey sweat pants and a black t-shirt.

"Damn, that feels better." Dick commented

"I know, right." Zatanna agreed

Zatanna sighed.

"And tomorrow, we make the Black Bat known to Gotham as their new protector." Dick said smiling down at her.

"well, right now, 'The Black Bat' wants to sleep, got it?" she said

"Okay, okay," Dick said laughing a little

Today is the day. The day I officially take on the mantle of 'The Black Bat'. What could go wrong? Right?

Gotham City January 10, 2012, 20:30 pm

Zatanna stepped forward dressed in a black body costume, with a yellow and black cape and yellow bat symbol, a cowl that covered her entire face, and a gray, yellow, and black utility belt. This uniform showed none of her face, just the outline of her nose, and there were just whites were her eye were so she could see, otherwise no facial features could be seen. Her hair was also not seen, it was hidden beneath the strong fabric of the spandex suit. The flat space where her mouth should be was a built in fresh air breather/a voice modifier.

"Will you, The Black Bat, protect and defend our city, and our people?" The mayor asks

Zatanna nodded curtly, "With my life," she said in a voice that was more strict and course than her normal voice that was whole hearted and sweet.

The mayor smiled, and turned to the crowd, "Gotham, I give to you the Black Bat!"

Zatanna turned, shot her grappling hook, and swung up to the nearest building. She crouched there as she watched all the citizens exit safely.

"So, how was it?" a familiar voice asked

"Um, fine..." Zatanna replied

"You okay?" he asked crouching next to her

"Fine... I was just wondering what my dad would think..." Zatanna said.

"I'm sure he would be proud of you, Zee." The Boy Wonder stated

"Thanks, Robin." Zatanna said

"No prob, c'mon, Bruce is coming on patrol with us tonight." Robin said

Zatanna sighed and the two grappled to the next building, and they continued swinging from building to building.

They played the childish game of who could get to DaddyBats first. Robin won but only by a second.

"C'mon Zee, I know you're quicker than that!" Robin says with a cackle

Zatanna rolled her eyes behind her mask and removed the strong cloth and the small device that concealed her identity and allowed her to breath fresh air all the time. "Says the boy that I nearly beat if it weren't for his smoke explosion."

"Not my fault, they slipped out of my utility belt." Robin lied with a smirk

The Batwave went off and Bruce turned to both teens. "Break in at the bank, let's go."

The three made no hesitation, as they jumped into the BatMobile and sped out of the BatCave.

Zatanna put her mask on when she got into the car. 'Yes, action. Something to take my mind off of today.' Zatanna thought to herself.

The three got to the bank and entered quietly. They heard a familiar laugh.

"Penguin." Batman muttered

Robin and Batman sneaked into the room while Zatanna perched on a marble pilar in the top of the building.

"Stop," Robin commanded, "stop right there." The Boy Wonder ordered in a low, slow threatening way.

"What make you think I'm going to listen to you?" Penguin asked

"I hope you would have said that." Robin said with a smirk.

Robin and Batman were stopped by the Penguin's minions, therefore causing their delay, and letting Penguin escape.

But Oswald didn't hear about the third bat, "going somewhere?" Zatanna's modified voice asked

"Wha-" was all Penguin got out before Zatanna knocked him out unconscious.

Batman and Robin had gotten past the two minions, and Zatanna had knocked out Penguin.

"Good work." Batman says

The cops showed up. And Penguin was taken away.

When the trio got home, Robin obviously saw something was wrong. "Hey, Zee." He says, "you okay?"

"Uh, yeah, it's just to day it's his birthday, I'd always go out and but him a cake, and a gift." She tells the Boy Wonder, "Every year, since I was eight."

Robin reached under her chin and pulled the part of her cowl that covered her beautiful face. There was a small strand of hair that curled on the end that lay on her left temple. He removed his mask so she could see his eyes.

"Everything will be okay, Zee." Robin promised her. Zatanna smiled and removed the cowl completely. "C'mon, let's go watch Harry Potter."

Dick knew that watching those movies would always cheer her up. He put in the first one. Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, it was her favorite. They watched Harry play his first game of quiditch as they drank warm tea that Alfred had made for them.

"Egnahc ruo kool." Zatanna muttered.

Smoke engulfed them and Zatanna and Dick were comfortably in their pajama's. Zatanna's were black shorts and a purple hoodie. Dick's were gray sweat pants and a black t shirt.

"Thanks, Zee." Dick whispered in her ear and kissed her temple.

"Anytime, Boy Wonder." Zatanna said.

They finished Harry Potter, and headed for bed.

The next day was December 1st. Dick's birthday.

"Recognized: Robin B01 Zatanna B08." The computer announced

"Rob! Zee!" Wally yelled as he sped in.

"Hey, Wally." Robin greeted.

Rob and Zee were wearing their gear. Wally took in Zatanna's new appearance. "Uh, Zee, whatcha wearing?"

"My uniform." Zatanna replied. "Oh! I need to change the computer's data, heh, I'm the Black Bat."

Wally looked super perplexed.

Robin face palmed. And dragged Wally into his room at the Cave. "Look, Zee is Bruce Wayne's new ward. And the newest hero in Gotham. She's the Black Bat."

"So, you and Bats are training her in hand to hand combat now?" Wally asked

"She'll become a bat. She'll be a master in Martial Arts and gymnastics. She'll learn everything I know. She's learning fast, and she's physically strong. She still practices her magic just in case." Robin explained.

Wally caught on faster than normal, and gave him a thumbs up. Robin sighed as Zatanna walked over to the two. "Hey, guys what are you talking about?" Zatanna asked

"So, 'Black Bat', huh?" Wally asked with his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face

"Yep, I'm the Black Bat." Zatanna comfirmed

It was official. Zatanna Zatara was the new Ward to Bruce Wayne and now, she's the Black Bat. 'This is what I need.' Zatanna thought to herself. 'I need a distraction. I need to not be alone.'

"Zee?" Robin's voice asked pulling her out of the girl's thoughts.

"Huh?" Zatanna asked shaking her head slightly

"You okay?" Robin asked.

"Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine..." zatanna told him

Later on that day, Zatanna kissed the Boy Wonder on the cheek, "Happy Birthday," she said smiling.

"Uh, thanks!" Robin replied rubbing the back of his neck with a slight blush. Zatanna walked away with a blush as well. "Wait, hold up, how' she know it was my birthday?"

"Dude, you're welcome." Wally said as he sped in then sped out leaving an awestruck Boy Wonder in the Cave's main Hall.