"Come on, the game's in our dorm room."

Yang led Alexei back to their dorms after lunch. He had been keeping her entertained just like Ozpin had told him. Alexei smiled a bit. Starting an actual relationship with Yang was probably the best decision of his life, his only regret was that he hadn't started sooner.

"Come on Yang, you know I'm not interested in that stuff. I know you just want to fuck in the library so why not cut out the middle man?"

Yang looked at him with a small pout once she'd reached the top of the stairs.

"Oh, come on baby, where's your sense of adventure? Excitement? Where's my romance?"

Alexei pulled her into him to give her a kiss on the lips. He pulled back and looked into her eyes. She giggled and easily got out of his grip.

"Oh you, it still won't get you out of playing Remnant: The Gameā„¢ it's always exciting to play with a new person."

They continued down the hall as Alexei spoke.

"I've played it with you before. It's so damn complicated that after forty-eight turns I finally realized that I was losing, and that was only because Ruby said, 'Hey, Alexei, you're losing.'"

Yang giggled again and put in the code for the door.

"It's not my fault that you're not..."

Yang stopped as she stared through the now open door with wide eyes and an open mouth. Alexei moved next to her to see inside.

"Not very what? What?!"

Alexei couldn't help but be shocked at what he now saw. Laying down, side by side on Weiss' bed, was the ice princesses herself, and Velvet, the bunny faunus. Just them near each other would have been a weird sight for Alexei, the last time he had seen Weiss she still acted like a slightly more open minded xenophobe, but that wasn't all that was happening. The two were making out with so much passion that Alexei was certain that at any minute, their heads would fuse together, he was even sure that he could see Velvet's hand moving under Weiss' skirt as well as Weiss' hand moving around under Velvet's shirt. Neither even noticed Yang or Alexei in the doorway. Alexei wouldn't admit that the whole thing was a bit of a turn on, both girls were undeniably attractive and he was still a teenage guy. Eventually though, both got over their surprise, and humor slowly took its place. All it took was for Yang and Alexei to look at each other before breaking out into a fit of laughter.

Weiss and Velvet separated, multiple strands of saliva still connecting them. Their tongues still hung out of their mouths and both were breathing so heavily that one might think they were about to pass out. Soon enough their eyes regained focus and they soon noticed the two teens in front of them clutching their sides while laughing their asses off.

"Y-Yang, Alexei! What the hell are you two doing here?! And why are you two laughing so hard?!"

Weiss stood up from her bed and attempted to keep her posture despite how red her face was, and the fact that her panties were at her knees. Velvet on the other hand was currently hiding behind all the pillows she had been able to grab, even though her ears stuck straight up from behind.

"I'm-I'm sorry Weiss!" Alexei could hardly form a coherent sentence due to how hard he was laughing. "I just never expected miss prim and proper to be swapping spit with a faunus!"

Alexei fell onto the floor and continued to laugh even harder and gasp for air, soon Yang fell on top of him.

"I had always tho-thought that you were into girls and guys," Yang had to stop and let loose another fit of giggles. "But I always thought it was my little sis you were into!"

Weiss stood over the two of them, her face now even more red and her eyes burning. Both Alexei and Yang stopped laughing and looked up, then they laughed even harder than before.

"Wa-Watch it princess, the school uniform skirts aren't as well guarded, I can see the Schnee family delicates, and it looks like there was a flood!"

"Wo-Woah not cool Weiss, you're fla-flashing my boyfriend!"

Weiss looked down at the frilly black panties that were down at her knees and screamed. Yang and Alexei's laughter became more deepthroated and strained.

"Fuck! I need air!"

"Alexei! Help me!"

Weiss desperately pulled up her undergarments and grabbed Myrtenaster. She pointed the sword down at the hysterical couple and summoned up a glyph to send them across the floor and into the wall of the hallway outside.

Out there the two of them slowly lost their laughs, which were replaced by hiccups. Yang was still on top of Alexei and reached down to feel his hardened crotch.

"Well I see that little Alexei is all excited."

Yang got up and walked to Alexei's dorm room door.

"I can't help it. I'm still a guy, and seeing the two of them like that was a bit of a turn on."

Yang pushed in his code and spoke.

"Yeah, I got a little turned on too."

"Wait, what?"

Alexei wasn't able to say much else before he was pulled through the doorway to his room.

When Roman Torchwick woke, the first thing he realized was the fact he had spent an entire night in the same bed as Ruby Rose. He wasn't quite sure how to take that. At any rate, he had work to do today- boring robberies, a few bigger than usual, but nothing that out of the ordinary. He got up off the bed, and he shivered in the cold of the room.

Wait a minute. Shivered? No, that couldn't be...

With a start, Roman realized Ruby was still wearing his jacket. His favorite jacket. That jacket was his only one left, anyway, since Cinder had destroyed all the others. It was part of him- he was never without that jacket! People would start wondering and thinking if he wasn't wearing it- and it was never good when people started thinking. Then they got ideas, and they formed their own opinions, and then rumors spread, and the last thing he needed was one of those rumors getting back to Cinder. So, there was only one solution. He had to get the jacket from Ruby.

Roman moved to her side of the bed, ready to wake her up and yank his jacket back from her. But... she looked so peaceful while she slept. He didn't really want to wake her up, she was so adorable. He reached out a hand to pet her soft hair-

Wait! Adorable?! What the fuck was he thinking?! Quickly he withdrew his hand, disgusted with himself. Utter idiocy. If the girl woke, it wasn't like it truly mattered. She was only going to be here another six days.

Oh dear, Roman frowned deeply, he only had six more days. That was going to complicate things a little, wasn't it? He sighed, and shook the thought off before returning to the matter at hand. He reached out a hand to jostle her awake again- and, yet again, he just couldn't bring himself to do it. He stared at the girl laying there, and he wondered why he had the urge to pet her hair, to leave her peacefully asleep, and to just let her go back to Beacon where she wanted to be. What was wrong with him...? Normally he wasn't this... this nice! What the hell?!

His hand shook a little in horror of all the things wrong with the current situation. He had gotten himself into something very different this time, and it was starting to look a bit more dangerous than at first glance. No, he needed to get back in control of his emotions. He hated it when he started to lose control, because once he lost control, he stopped thinking and left the thinking to those who weren't supposed to be thinking. When the ones that were supposed to be following orders started thinking and forming their own ideas and opinions... things started going wrong. Roman decided not to let that train of thought go any further, and he simply stood there like a vegetable for a moment before realizing he still hadn't solved his problem of the jacket. Then he heard a yawn from the figure on the bed. Ruby Rose opened her silver eyes right into Roman Torchwick's green ones. He stared back at her fearless gaze for a moment, his confusion almost boiling over. Torchwick groaned in frustration before storming out of the room, his face as red as Red's usual hood.

It wasn't due to anger, either. The realization of this only worsened the feeling inside Roman. Out of no where a dog faunus came over to speak to Torchwick. "Torchwick, um, we have an inventory on all the dust-"

Roman snarled at the faunus. "What do you want?!" He was already ready to use all these faunus as target practice for Melodic Cudgel. He did not wait for an answer, instead shoving the damned thing to the ground. "Out of my way!" Roman stomped off into another part of the warehouse. He had been staying there to keep tabs on everything that happened, so he had his own area that none of the faunus knew about- and, quite honestly, they didn't need to know. Any of them that did know were hopefully smart enough not to speak of it. He began to examine the map he had, trying to focus on his plans. Yet, something continued to tug at the back of his mind, something that wasn't right. What was it? It wasn't his jacket, that certainly wasn't it. What the devil was missing? He scratched his head, puzzled. Then , at last, it hit him- or almost did, anyway. He stepped to the side and jerked Melodic Cudgel away from his assailant, whacking them across the face in the process. The figure fell to the ground with a loud crashing ! If someone heard that, they would run around trying to find the source, and then find his spot in the warehouse. This was inexcusable! Roman frowned at the gray-haired figure. "Now, how many times do I have to tell you..."

"Yeah, yeah, I don't need the usual spiel," Mercury coughed, rubbing his lightly bruised . His constant smirk had not faded a bit, however. "You're losing your touch. I almost had you that time." He stood up again, and Torchwick could tell by the look in the teen's eyes that he was in one of those moods. Damn it all! "Don't tell me that kid has been getting to you."

"Not even close." He glared right back at the mischievous boy in anger- yet, also, in worry.

"Sure, sure." Mercury rolled his eyes in disbelief. "You've got some real balls, giving that girl Cinder's room. I'd be a bit more careful if I were you." The teen laughed lightly. Torchwick, however, did not join in the boy's laughter. He winced a little bit, suddenly thinking about how many different ways Cinder could torture or kill him if she found out. He shuddered in terror before replying.

"What Cinder doesn't know-"

"Won't hurt you?" The smirking teen finished for him. Roman simply nodded, his mouth now dried out. "You aren't very prepared, though. What if she comes back early?" Mercury started circling Roman, almost like a cat toying with a mouse before the final kill. "What if someone told her? Hypothetically, of course." The red-head stared at Mercury Black witha growing sense of dread. Getting anywhere near him when Emerald was mad at him was a bad idea. Unfortunately, it couldn't be helped this time. The teen let out a dark chuckle. "Well, go on, then. I'm just dying to know."

"What exactly, might I ask, are you getting at here?" Roman had a bad feeling that he knew where this was going. The look he was getting from Mercury was enough to confirm it. Torchwick wilted in defeat. Mercury licked his lips before shoving the man before him to the floor, kissing him passionately, but forcefully. He bit at his neck, just below the jawline. Roman moaned, but Mercury covered the man's mouth with one hand.

"Let's play a game." The sadist's eyes sparkled as his second hand reached between their crotches and stroked Roman through the fabric of his pants. Roman started to moan again, but Mercury smacked him with the hand by his face. "Everytime you make those sexy noises of yours..." Quickly, Mercury removed Roman's shirt. "You loose one piece of clothing. And, everytime I make noises..." He guided one of Roman's hands inside his black jeans, where the teen's member was eagerly awaiting it. Hesitantly, Roman stroked the erect cock. Mercury moaned out, quickly pulling Roman's hand away. Then, he smiled, pulling his own shirt off. "I loose a piece of clothing. Whoever is out of clothes first is the other's bitch for the next four days." The teen leaned over and whispered into his prey's ear. "And, believe me, I'll enjoy making you my pet." Without pausing, he started to nibble on the man's ear. Roman bit his lip, determined to stay silent.

Roman did not last very long.

author's note:

CONTEST ANNOUNCEMENT: artists, I would like you to either draw your favorite scene from the story so far, or I would like you to create a cover for this story. you can leave a link to the drawing in your review, or send it through a pm! ( Be sure to space it out of you choose the second option, they don't allow links most the time). It may be made digitally, it could be photoshop or hand drawn, you can make it basically any way you want. you must be able to prove that it is yours (using the account on the site, a certain signature, etc.). Finally, it must be in color! I Will pick one to three winners, with the first place getting a link to their art put on my profile, with credit to them, and I will writea oneshot for them with the pairing of their choice, and their art will become my cover if it fits well enough. second place will have a link put on my page to their art, with credit to them, and a oneshot will be written for the pairing of their choice. the third place winner will have the choice between the link and the oneshot. thanks guys!

I'm so sorry I disappeared guys! I had a long period of writers block, but I'm back now! Updates will probably be slow, though. Still, I plan on seeing this through to completion!

Also *spoiler alert*...

Torchy got arrested... whyyyyyyyyyy?! I was so sad. But, hey, I can see where they might be going with that. Let's hope I'm right! That's it for now, lovelies! Let me know in your reviews what you think about Mercury being bi, as well as their little scene together! what do you guys think? Will Ruby escape from Roman? What's taking Cinder so long? Where'd team JNPR go? Will Ozpin finally let them go after Ruby? Will Glynda ever be able to get Ozpin alone? and, seriously, why is Emerald so afraid of Roman?

MOst of these questions may never have answers, but you should still tune in next time to...

A Torched Rose Christmas!