A/N: I do not own Warriors or the plot. The plot idea belongs to xSarcasticNinjax and Warriors belongs to Erin Hunter. The only thing I own is the characters, detailed plot, and well…that's pretty much it.

The new RiverClan leader awoke by the Moonpool with her medicine cat, Berryheart, at her side. Slowly the golden tabby got up tiredly staggering to her paws. Mothstar twitched her whiskers and prepared to go back to the camp. When she got there she was welcomed by one of her followers, Shadefrost.

"Mothstar we found five traitors trying to escape. They attempted to go get the other clans but, they were caught and we quickly stopped them." Mothstar dipped her head to Shadefrost then she bounded into camp. The muscular golden tabby padded over to two warriors who had tried to betray RiverClan.

"P-Please Mothstar w-we didn't mean to we swear," a black and white tom said as soon as she reached them. The she-cat glared at the begging traitor then walked so close to him that their muzzles almost touched.

"Well Patchtail you, Dawnstorm, and the others should have thought about that before you ruined me," she yowled with anger. The RiverClan leader glared down on two of the warriors that traitors who had ruined her entire life. Now that she was leader she'd be getting her revenge once and for all.

"Mothstar stop this please," Dawnstorm begged with urgency.

"Why should I you worthless filth?! After al do you remember what the both of you and many others did to me?!" Dawnstorm looked down sadly then glanced back up to the strong leader.

"Listen Mothstar you are our sister! I know we messed up in the past but, let it go please!" The dark golden leader thought for a moment then sighed. She's right, I mean after all Dawnstorm was one of only a few who were ever nice to me. Besides they are my kin so how could I kill them or the rest who treated me like fox-dung? Also a leader is meant to lead their clan not destroy it, the tabby thought. Mothstar looked down at the warriors who cowered with fear at her shadow. Another thought soon popped into her head. Then again remember what they did to you. Remember how the humiliated you, a voice countered. She looked down at them deciding what she'd do with the traitors. Finally she opened her mouth still glaring.

"Fine I'll spare you but, you must remain loyal to me," with that Mothstar began to pad away. As she turned her back Patchtail got up and ran towards her without hesitation.

"Patchtail no," Dawnstorm yowled to her brother. It was too late for the tom had Mothstar pinned and defeated. The leader looked at her brother full of regret, hate, and anger wishing he'd let her go.

"Patchtail get off of her now," Dawnstorm demanded once more. The tom didn't listen instead he looked up with a mad look in his eyes.

"Poor, poor Dawnstrom. She's brainwashed you into thinking she can change when in reality she hasn't. Listen sister this worthless piece of fox-dung doesn't deserve to live!" Quickly the tom brought up his paw and pounded it down on his sister's neck. He ripped her throat open and slowly Mothstar was plunged into darkness. Dawnstorm looked in horror at the lifeless body of the leader.

"Patchtail you took one of her lives away mercilessly! Why," Dawnstorm demanded.

"Because she would've done the same to us." The tom waited patiently for Mothstar to return so he could kill her again. Once again life filled Mothstar brining her back from StarClan.

"H-How could you," the RiverClan cat demanded as soon as she could speak.

"You really think we'd fall for your act Mothstar? You really think we can trust you after all that's happened? Well you are wrong. Soon to be dead wrong." With that Patchtail killed her once more. The last thing before Mothstar lost her second life was Dawnstorm turning away. As she plunged back into StarClan memories began to fill her mind.


The queen yowled in pain as she gave birth. The old medicine cat, Mosswhisker, was helping the young queen through the painful process of birth. As she did a feeling of uneasiness came over her. A scream disrupted her thoughts as the first kits slid out. Quickly the nipped the sac and licked the kit dry. The first kit was a black and white tom who looked exactly like his mother. Quickly the second kit, a she-cat, slid out. Mosswhisker did the same with the kit like she did with the tom before her. Mosswhisker could tell that Whitespot was getting weaker by the second.

"Ok all done Whitespot," Mosswhisker rasped. As she began to pad out another scream erupted from the queen. A third kit, the old she-cat thought. She rushed over to the queen again helping her with the third unexpected kit. Finally after a long while the kit was born but, in the same instant the queen died. Glancing nervously at the kit a thought crept up on the medicine cat. This third kit is a bad omen. She should've never been born. Sighing she padded out of the nursery to announce the death of the deputy. The leader, Talonstar, called for a meeting so that the entire clan could find out. Mosswhisker padded up onto the Fallenstump to share what had happened.

"I have grave news everyone. Whitespot has sadly died during the birth." Shocked gasps sounded from all around the clearing as the RiverClan warriors heard the news. After it had all died down the deputy's mate, Frogfoot, had spoken up.

"H-how did she die," the tom asked trying to hold back tears.

"T-There was a third kit. An unexpected kit who brought an omen with it. The death was a warning for bad times to come and I believe this kit will be the cause." Once again gasps of shock sounded through the clearing echoing off the walls.

"Well what are we going to do with it," one warrior asked curiously.

"That is for Talonstar to decide. Talonstar what do you say," the old she-cat rasped. Sighing the dark brown leader looked down at his clan mates before speaking.

"I propose this kit stays in the clan. After all don't we need the extra warriors?" The RiverClan cats sighed with anger which told Talonstar that his warriors had not agreed with him. Although the tom believed his loyal medicine cat he knew that in the future they may need more warriors. The RiverClaqn warriors were clearly disappointed with the decision. Talonstar singled for them to stop and they went back to their duties shaken.



Leader: Talonstar- Muscular dark brown tom with pale amber eyes

Deputy: Heatherstorm- Pale tan she-cat with white underbelly and chest

Medicine cat: Mosswhisker- Crazy, old, dark grey she-cat with green eyes Apprentice- Sootpaw


Frogfoot- Pale creamy tom with green eyes

Rockfur- Pale creamy-tan tom with amber eyes

Streamfeather- Pale silvery-grey tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Apprentice: Weedpaw

Cloudheart- Mottled pale grey tom with green eyes

Reedtail- Pale golden-brown tom with amber eyes

Oakwhisker- Sandy-brown tom with dark blue eyes

Willowstorm- Pale silvery-grey tabby she-cat with darker paws and flecks

Apprentice: Ravenpaw

Pebbleflight- Mottled sandy-grey she-cat with blue eyes

Icenose- White tom with grey flecks, ears, and tail

Sageclaw- Black tom with grey paws, ears, underside, chest, and tail tip

Thistleheart- Grey-brown brindled tom with green eyes

Mossfang- Grey she-cat with black splotches


Sootpaw- Pale grey tom with darker stripes and golden eyes

Weedpaw- Brindled grey tom with blue eyes

Ravenpaw- Mottled black she-cat with pale green eyes

Spottedpaw- Ginger spotted she-cat with amber eyes

Queens and kits:

Goldenflight- Golden-tan she-cat with darker paws and blue eyes Mate: Icenose

Kits: Icekit(Whit mottled tom) and Berrykit(Pale grey tom with darker, faded stripes)

Foster kits: Dawnkit(Pale creamy she-cat with white paws),Patchkit(Black and white patched tom), and Mothkit(Dark golden tabby she-cat)


Toadleap- Black tom with ginger chest, underbelly, and tail tip

Duskflight- Pale golden brindled she-cat with pale orange eyes

Words(Not including allegiances, authors note, and this): 1,066