I am SOOOOOO sorry it's taken me so long to get to this. I honestly haven't been on my computer in a long time. Anyway so...uh...
Phineas and Ferb belongs to Dan and Swampy
Hope you enjoy.
Ferb and Isabella ran as fast as they could, Ferb using the Force to sense where Phineas was. Suddenly, Ferb pulled Isabella back. They seemed to be in a room from higher up than Phineas and Darthenshmirtz. For reasons Ferb couldn't understand, he could sense something in Phineas...anger? No, not anger. Perhaps fear? Not quite. Whatever it was, it was a feeling Ferb has never really seen Phineas feel before.
"What do you mean I had two sister?" Phineas asked, "That's impossible!"
"Oh please," Darthenshmirtz rolled his eyes, "This is the age where people can levitate objects and even people. Nothing is impossible, Flynn."
Phineas looked down, unable to process what he was hearing. It couldn't be true. He had another sister? Why wouldn't Candace tell him? Maybe she'd forgotten after all these years. Seeing the young Jedi was distracted, Darthenshmirtz lunged, and he made his attempt. Phineas quickly countered, blocking the other lightsaber with his own.
He glared, "That was a dirty trick."
"Being on the Dark Side, you get to pull tricks like that, but I can assure you that what I say is the truth. Where she is now? I have no idea. She's probably dead by now," Darthenshmirtz taunted.
Phineas backed away as Darthenshmirtz kept trying to hit him. He couldn't believe it. He had another sister all this time. Why would Candace join the Empire if they were responsible for taking her sister?
"What's her name?" Phineas asked as he fought.
"I don't really remember honestly. It was about five years ago that she escaped. I doubt anyone her age could have survived on her own for that long," Darthenshmirtz shrugged, "I found it interesting that her sister joined us. It makes me wonder if she joined to bring her home. Perhaps she did, but she was brainwashed into thinking rebels were the bad guys. Who knows?"
Phineas shook the thought out of his head. He's right. Nobody could survive out on their own for five years without food or water. She was probably lost in the cold vacuum of space. He had to focus if he was going to last. Darthenshmirtz knew he'd had the boy now. With him lost in thought, he attacked again, but Phineas was still too quick. The fight got more intense though as Darthenshmirtz got angrier and faster. The twosome fought till they were on a platform much like Luke and Darth Vader were on except it was on a different side of the city. Phineas backed away from his foe, letting his sweat from the intensity of the battle dry before he dropped something. He felt his foot slip a bit as he realized it was a ledge, and the gap was too far for him to jump it- -even using the Force. A pole seemed to extend from one side to the other, a rather skinny pole. Any thoughts of his lost sister were gone now. Phineas turned to Darthenshmirtz as he came closer now. The boy was still catching his breath, but the Sith seemed have already gotten his second wind.
"Well, it seems you're cornered, kiddo. Stop playing around and join me, geeze," he said.
"Why on Tatooine would I join you?" Phineas replied, "Yeah, you caught me off guard with that reveal, but there's nothing really you have over me."
"Well for one thing, if you join the Dark Side, you could probably find her and revive her," Darthenshmirtz replied, "Plus, let's not forget about your other sister, the one I captured."
"Yeah, you don't have that anymore. While you were busy fighting me, my friends found Candace and got her out safely," Phineas replied.
"Oh...I know," Darthenshmirtz smirked, catching Phineas off guard again.
"You thought I didn't know you were going to plan that?"
"You...you knew?"
"Of course. You're so predictable, ya know. Now you're trapped with no choice."
"Why do you want me to join the Dark Side anyway? I just wanna go home and forget any of this happened."
"Well, kid, here's the thing-"
"Oh, don't tell me you're my father. That is so cliche. You already blew my mind with the lost sister."
"What? No, I wasn't going to say that," Darthenshmirtz defended, and there was a pause, "that's happening with the other battle on the other side of the city."
As he rambled on, Phineas looked at the platform, definitely too far to jump. The beam separating the platform and the structure he and the low level darth were standing on was thin, but not too thin. He knew it was a long shot, but it was better than being within reach of this wackjob.
"You're never going to make that jump," Darthenshmirtz stated, but Phineas was too busy clearing his head of all doubt and outside thoughts.
Phineas sheathed his lightsaber, and he hooked it onto his belt. He slowly spread out his arms as he felt the Force flow around him, and closing his eyes, he slowly stepped back tippy-toe on the beam. He thought only about the Force as he allowed it to carry him as he stepped back, one foot in tip-toe position. Ferb and Isabella watched as the young Jedi performed the stunt.
"He's crazy! He's going to fall!" Isabella exclaimed, but Ferb shushed her. If Phineas lost his focus, it'd all be over.
"Hm, impressive," Darthenshmirtz uttered as Phineas finally made it to the platform, and he opened his eyes, "Most impressive indeed."
"Now what? Last I checked, the Force isn't very strong with you. Plus, that beam is way too skinny for you," Phineas called in a somewhat taunting matter, "I'm all the way over here, and you can't get to me. You may as well give up and leave."
"Uh huh," Darthenshmirtz rolled his eyes, "there's something you didn't think about though, kid. You're trapped over there. You have to come back at some point. It's either that or starve to death."
Phineas gulped, knowing he was right. He looked down at the ground...MILES from where he stood. He could then see holes that probably led to tunnels. He could easily hide there until he could meet up with the others. Their plan was falling apart since Darthenshmirtz knew they'd plan it that way. They'd have to come up with another plan another day. He looked over at Darthenshmirtz who was smirking. Phineas didn't seem to notice Ferb and Isabella.
"There is a third option," Phineas said calmly, and he turned to face the edge of the platform. He took a deep breath, and he jumped.
Time seemed to slow down as Phineas ascended and started to descend, but Darthenshmirtz only smiled as he reached into his cape. He pulled out a small device. Phineas could see as he fired the device at him, but it was too late. Phineas was already midair, unable to do anything. The blast from the device hit him, and he froze as a white glow surrounded him. A line of energy connecting the Jedi and the device brought him closer to his captor.
"Nice try, but you're not getting away that easy."
Ferb and Isabella's jaws dropped, and Ferb got a dark glare. He jumped down to the platform. Darthenshmirtz simply just smacked him away, and he grabbed the ledge for dear life. Isabella quickly came to his aid, but by the time she pulled him off...Darthenshmirtz was gone. They ran as fast as they could to the hangar where the Sith kept his ship, but they were too late. As they arrived, they could already see the ship midair, the darth's cackle echoing as he flew away with his prize.
You didn't read the title wrong. This is the final chapter of the story. What does that mean? YOU ALL ARE LEFT ON A CLIFFHANGER MHUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Also that means a sequel. Hopefully it won't take me forever to update that lol. Anyway please review. Maybe I'll upload a trailer to the sequel.