You know their story...


"Phineas, why don't you ever tell anyone of your escape from the Dark Side? I mean seriously, not a lot of Jedi can say that."


Now the story continues...


"Well if I tell that story, do you know how valuable to the Empire we would be? Think about it...two boys able to escape the powerful forces of the Dark Side. Do you KNOW how the Empire will look at us? Not only are we a threat to them, but we'd be powerful allies..."




"Wait, Ben is...dead?!"


Their story...


"A new master? But who?"


It's only just begun for them...


"You WILL join the Dark Side, Flynn!"


Phineas and Ferb are back with their friends to take down the Empire again.


"Where's my sister?"

"About that..."

"...Oh no..."


In a newfound struggle with the Empire...


"You blew up my inator! For that, you'll pay!"


You still think you know the story? You've






"Well, kid, here's the thing-"

"Oh gosh, don't tell me you're my father because that is SO cliche," Phineas rolled his eyes.

"What?! Oh good gosh no! I wasn't going to say that at all...that's happening with the other battle here," Darthenshimirtz defended.

"Whoa, dude, seriously?"


Phineas and Ferb Star Wars: The Darthenshmirtz Strikes Back

Coming to Fanfiction August 2014