Hiya! I'm still going to be working on Fractured Family, but I really love this idea. This is going to be a collection of oneshots in no particular order throughout Kari's life! (Kari means "gust of wind"). This is a companion piece of sorts to my threeshot Unexpected, but it can be read alone.
I'm accepting prompts in the reviews! I may not be able to do them all, but they totally help.
"Come on, sweetheart, just say it once."
Kari blinked and put her finger in her mouth
"Just once, Kari, you can do it. Please."
Kari smiled a bit and continued sucking on her hand.
"Are you doing this on purpose?"
Kari giggled.
"I should've known," Hiccup said under his breath. "You are your mother's daughter, aren't you?"
"Mama," Kari said happily. Her vocabulary was growing at a steady pace. She could say about twenty words at the moment. Not one of them was Daddy and it was driving him up a wall. He had tried everything to coax her into saying it and nothing had worked. He was currently laying in bed with her sitting on his stomach, begging her, as that seemed like the only option left.
"No, not Mama. Daddy."
Hiccup tried to be frustrated, but it failed. He started laughing. In all honesty, her stubbornness about the matter was hilarious and adorable.
Kari started giggling as well.
"Still hasn't said it, huh?" Astrid asked, coming into the room. Her voice made Kari turn to look at her. Astrid smiled at the almost nine month old.
Astrid laughed a little, grabbing her comb off the table and sitting on the edge of the bed. "Alright, this is getting really hilarious."
"For you maybe. You were the first word she said!" Hiccup exclaimed.
"Obviously, we know who she loves more." Astrid said teasingly, running the comb through a section of her still-damp hair, earning her a look. Astrid turned to her daughter. "Daddy will stop bothering you if you just say it, you know."
Astrid smiled and shook her head. "Say 'Daddy', Kari."
Kari knew who her daddy was, she just wasn't going to say it. "No." she said with a cheeky little grin.
Astrid started laughing harder than she should have, making Hiccup scowl. Astrid out her comb down and put Kari in her lap. She kissed the top of her daughter's head, still laughing.
Toothless had been watching the scene before him play out from the corner, approached Hiccup, knowing he was feeling a little frustrated. He nuzzled his rider.
Hiccup put his hand on the dragon's snout. "It's nice to know that at least Toothless loves me." He said pointedly.
"Tooluss!" said a clumsy, happy little voice for the first time. The Night Fury crooned at the obvious (first) attempt at his name and went over to the other side of the bed to nuzzle the baby, who giggled happily.
Hiccup threw his hands up in frustration. "Aw, come on!"
A/N: Poor Hiccup. Kari's certainly both of her parents in one being. She'll say Daddy eventually, I promise. :)
Remember: I'm taking prompts in the reviews!