Chapter 19

"Down once more to the dungeon of my black despair! Down we plunge to the prison of my mind! Down that path into darkness deep as hell!"

Jax was pulling Emma across the darkened stage, he looking furious and Emma looking scared. Suddenly, he rounded on her.

"Why, you ask, was I bound and chained in this cold and dismal place? Not for any mortal sin, but the wickedness of my abhorrent face!"

They both stopped, as a chorus rang out. "Track down this murderer! He must be found!"

It was the Mob coming to find and destroy the Phantom. Jax began tugging Emma along again. "Hounded out by everyone! Met with hatred everywhere! No kind word from anyone! No compassion anywhere! Christine, Christine. Why? Why?!"

Christine couldn't say a word. Bitterly, he pulled her inside the side curtain.

Daniel and Katie reached the stage, coming to a stop in the middle. Katie turned to him, "he lives across the lake, monsieur. This is as far as I dare go."

Daniel smiled, "Madame Giry, thank you."

He ran to the side curtain, disappearing inside, since Iridium High's stage didn't have a trapdoor built. After his departure, the chorus could be heard again. "Track down this murderer, he must be found! Hunt out this animal, who runs to ground! Too long he's preyed on us -but now we know: the Phantom of the Opera is there deep down below. He's here: the Phantom of the Opera."

Jax and Emma return to the stage. Once in the center, Emma angrily frees herself from his grip.

"Have you gorged yourself at last, in your lust for blood?"

Jax didn't reply, only staring at her darkly.

She pressed further, "am I now to be prey to your lust for flesh?" Her cheeks reddened at the last part. She could remember all too clearly the way his fingers trailed down her arm only a few minutes ago.

At that, the Phantom finally answered. "That fate which condemns me to wallow in blood, has also denied me the joys of the flesh. This face, the infection, which poisons our love..."

The dummy of Christine is off towards the side of the stage. Jax strides over to it, yanking off the wedding veil. Slowly, he began to walk back to the real thing.

"This face, which earned a mother's fear and loathing. A mask, my first unfeeling scrap of clothing."

Now in front of her, he forcibly puts on the veil. "Pity comes too late -turn around and face your fate: an eternity of this before your eyes!"

He grips her by the shoulders, both of them looking intensily into the other's eyes. Calmly, she places a hand on the side of his face. "This haunted face, holds no horror for me now. It's in your soul that the true distortion lies."

Daniel decided to make his appearance at that point. Jax beyond Emma's face, the corners of his mouth twitching into a sardonic grin.

He returned his attention to Emma. "Wait! I think, my dear, we have a guest!"

The witch's eyes widened, spinning around to look at her boyfriend. "Raoul!" She ran over to him, being stopped only by the fake gate separating them.

"Sir, this is indeed an unparalleled delight!" Jax performed a sloppy mock bow. "I, had rather hoped, that you would come." He casually walked to the throne, seating himself upon it, "and now, my wish comes true -you have truly made my night!"

"Free her! Do what you like only free her!" Daniel struggled relentlessly against the bars of the gate, "have you no pity?"

Jax waved off the request, remarking to Emma dryly, "your lover makes a passionate plea!"

"Please, Raoul, it's useless," She turned to Daniel, ignoring the Phantom's jab.

"I love her! Does that mean nothing? I love her! Show some compassion!" Daniel continued his case.

Jax rolled his eyes, if Daniel truly loved Emma, then he was the King of England. But it was time to get back into character. "The world showed no compassion to me!" Actually, his character at that line wasn't too far off.

"Christine, Christine." He regarded her with a small smile, then turned his gaze back to Jax. "Let me see her!"

Jax stood from the throne. "Be my guest, sir." He spat out the last word, Daniel certainly didn't deserve to be called a 'sir.' With a wave of his hand, the gate rose. The couple embraced, though with some hesitation on Emma's part.

"Monsieur, I bid you welcome! Did you think that I would harm her?" The wizard sneakily walks behind Daniel, "why should I make her pay for the sins which are yours?" He seized the punjab lasso, securing it around Daniel's neck. Emma jumped back in surprise.

Jax, in a taunting manner, sang. "Order your fine horses now! Raise up your hand to the level of your eyes!" Mockingly, he rose his hand to his eyes, "nothing can save you now, except perhaps Christine."

He redirected his attention to her, "start a new life with me. Buy his freedom with your love! Refuse me, and you send your lover to his death! This is the choice; this is the point of no return!"

Emma winced, not liking the sight of an angry Jax. She knew he'd never hurt her, but she had to admit that she was a little frightened by the crazed look in his eyes. He was one good actor.

"The tears I might have shed for your dark fate grow cold, and turn to tears of hate!"

Jax shrunk, he knew she didn't mean that, it was just Christine saying that...right? He risked a quick glance at her, hoping to dispel his worries. Emma discreetly smiled, barely shaking her head 'no,' so the audience wouldn't notice.

Neither did Daniel, because he continued on as if nothing had happened between the two. "Christine, forgive me please forgive me. I did it all for you, and all for nothing."

Emma never faltered in her gaze at Jax, "farewell my fallen idol and false friend. One by one I've watched illusions shattered."

The line felt wrong. She didn't want to say goodbye to him, but after this play ended, things would go back to normal. Emma would spend nearly all of her time with Daniel, only having a short amount of time to talk to Jax.

She didn't want that to happen.

Then began a series of different lyrics sung by all three, each line directed at someone else, all with the tune of 'Point of No Return.'

Finally, it was silenced with Emma's address to Jax, with her clutching at his pant leg in a begging manner, "Angel of Music, you deceived me. I gave my mind blindly!"

Jax paused, then with a snarl, moved his head towards hers. She released her hold on the costume, her face by instinct moving backwards a bit. He wasn't deterred at all, only stopping once he was a few inches away from her forehead. "You try my patience!" He walked a few feet away from her, turning his back. "Make your choice."

Emma silently stood. She knew she had the option to not kiss him for real, just to make it look like it was real. But...she wanted to.

She realized she actually wanted to kiss him.

"Pitiful creature of darkness. What kind of life have you known?"

Jax's body stiffened. This was it. Would she do it? He knew he wanted her to but-

"God, give me courage to show you; you are not alone!"

Suddenly he felt himself being quickly turned around. Before he had time to process Emma's firm grip on his shoulders, she brought her lips to his in a searing kiss.

Just as his eyes began to close, she pulled back, wrapping her arms around his waist in a hug. When she released her hold on him, they both stared at each other in wonder. Then, in a bold move that definitely wasn't 'Phantom-like' but more 'Jax-like,' he grabbed her hand and pulled herself to him, crashing his lips onto hers.

Emma moved her fingers through his hair, completely lost. All she knew that it was just her and Jax. Emma and Jax. Nothing else mattered.

Jax lightly swept his tongue along her bottom lip, asking for enterance. Emma allowed, lightly sighing in content. Daniel never kissed her like this.

Speaking of Daniel, the boy himself was staring at the pair with horror and anger across his features. Breaking character, he crossed his arms across his chest when he should've still been holding on to the noose around his neck.

He couldn't believe it.

He lost. Well, partially lost. Emma never broke up with him.

Jax and Emma pulled apart, both panting slightly. The wizard was gazing at her with glazed eyes. Didn't he have to do something? He didn't have a line right now...but wasn't there something he had to do?

That's when he noticed Daniel scowling, luckily he had his hands back on the rope.

Oh, right. I have to free the poor bastard.

He grabbed a nearby fake candle, steadily making his way to the still angry boy. Emma watched, unable to remove her gaze from him.

When he reached him, Jax, with an angry growl, 'burned' the rope, letting Daniel fall to the ground. He recovered quickly enough, getting to his feet and ran to Emma, holding her to him close. However, Emma didn't seem to return any of the affection.

"Take her -forget me -forget all of this. Leave me alone -forget all you've seen. Go now -don't let them find you! Take the boat -leave me here -go now, don't wait. Just take her and go -before it's too late. Go. Go now -go now and leave me!" Jax pointed to the side, angry and sad. This was the part when he'd have to give up Emma. Even though Emma kissed him, she still hadn't broken up with Daniel, meaning he still partially lost.

Daniel tried to tug Emma away, but she wasn't having it. She stayed rooted to the ground, still looking at the wizard.

She had a choice to make. Daniel or Jax?

It was like coming out of a tunnel, only Jax was the light at the other end. It was all so clear now.


The sound was so low, the mic didn't even pick up on it. With a more forceful approach, she shouted, "NO!"

Daniel, in confusion, removed his arm from her waist. Jax gaped at her, not believing it. Was she-?

The witch marched over to the wizard. Taking him by the collar of his costume, she pressed her mouth to his, giving him another long kiss. Jax, although still in shock, was all too happy to accept. Pulling back, she hugged him tightly.

"How could I have been so blind?" she whispered in his ear.

Jax smiled, "I don't know, Em." He hugged her tighter.

They were taken out of the moment when a member of the audience began to clap. Then, another. And another. Soon enough, the entire theatre had erupted into applause, some 'whoop'ing and whistling.

Ms. Allen, beaming, came onto the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for enjoying our play!" She signaled for the curtain to be closed.

Once concealed, Jax took off his tiny mic. He regarded her with a sly grin, "so, does this mean we're together?"

Emma removed her mic too. "If you want us to be," she smiled.

He smirked, "you know the answer to that." Once again, he brought his mouth to hers.


Startled, they broke away. Daniel was in front of them, fuming.

"No! Emma, you're with me!"

Emma rolled her eyes, "Daniel, I'm breaking up with you. I love Jax." The words flowed so easily from her mouth, it felt right saying that. She found herself feeling that way towards Jax for awhile, she just couldn't admit it until now.

Jax's eyes widened at the confession, yet he smiled victoriously.

"But I love you!"

Jax decided to step in. "Yeah right," he scoffed. "That's why you badmouthed her about being a witch behind her back. That's also why you won't talk to her for at least a week if she uses her powers. Then there's the fact that you made her walk to school in the rain. But who rescued her? I did."

He almost laughed at the shocked expression on his face. Leaning toward him, he eyed him with a smirk, "I always win in the end. Face it Daniel, you can't compete with me."

Daniel, for the hundredth time, crossed his arms together, his bottom lip jutting out in a pout. Jax wrapped his arm around Emma's waist, the latter leaning her head on his shoulder. This felt right to her.

"Daniel is a mama's boy! Daniel is a mama's boy! Daniel is a mama's boy!"

Emma stared up at Jax in confusion, who was now laughing. How did she hear her voice without even talking? And why was she saying that? "What's that?"

Daniel repeated the question, although in a more accusing tone of voice.

Jax reached into his pants pocket, retrieving the cell phone. "Oh, that? That's just my ringtone!" Just as he said that, the phone quieted.

"But how-" Suddenly it came back to Emma, knowing just when she uttered those words. "That was you!" She pointed at him, shocked.

He merely smirked, "yup."

"I-but...ugh! I can't believe you, you scared me half to death! And recorded me?!"

"So you did say it!" Daniel yelled, now pointing at her. "Why?!"

"Because it's the truth," the wizard shrugged.

Despite being mad at him, she giggled a bit. Yes, he scared her, but she had to admit. It was kind of funny, what she said.

A tear rolled down Daniel's cheek. "Mommy!" he cried, leaving the stage.

"I rest my case," Jax grinned. He returned his attention to Emma.

"Now, where were we?"

The End

A/N: I hope you liked the ending! Honestly, I had the whole play thought out...but didn't really think of the ending much XD Regardless, I hope you enjoyed it, and this story! Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing, you guys are the best! :D