Based on 'Don't Mess With Me' by Temposhark. Also, I ended up using him again, hehe.

As he glimpsed the sight of some of his soldiers surrounding an individual, Jordan immediately relaxed on his throne, giving a grin. His plan was working just swimmingly, wasn't it?

Ah, but did they ever realize he was playing them like puppets? It wasn't like it mattered, in any case. All that mattered was that he was the one in power, now.

How it all began if truth be told

Had a master plan, now I rule the world

His little path to kingship was quite an interesting one. It all started in a little guild. He had been hunting to prove that worth, hadn't he? It was so long ago, Jordan couldn't quite remember.

Whatever it was, it wasn't fast enough for him. He was ambitious, he wanted power. So he simply changed his mindset of hunting monsters to brutally murdering those in positions of power, from all over the empire that the smaller guild was in.

Took 'em by surprise

Worked my way uphill

They saw the man with the high reputation amongst hunter as one of the only strong links in the empire, now tossed into chaos with the loss of the only leaders.

No one knew who did it, but finally the murders quieted down, and slowly stopped until the empire had little to no authority governing them. At least, murders of the royal ranks. Crime sprouted through the kingdom, and finally the people resolved to find themselves a new leader, one to keep them stabilized, one could bring the kingdom to its original prosperity.

They looked into my eyes

I became invincible

So he merely stepped up, and the citizens that hadn't been corrupt by the state of the kingdom looked up to him, admired him. And it was the trust of the people that brought him forward.

They saw strength in his eyes, the need to bring the old kingdom back. What they would never know was that he was the one responsible for it all. Jordan didn't really care that he deceived all his people, after all it wasn't his fault they were so oblivious to what was really going on.

If anyone ever did manage to figure it out, it was as simple as an execution for something silly. Murder, robbery, arson, anything of the sort that would make the crowd feel it right that the person in question would die.

No one can stop me, for only I am in control

If you want me, you better contact my people

Jordan strode onto the one elevated area, his burgundy robe flowing behind him. He turned towards the many people in the clearing, positioned in the formation of a grid.

They all kneeled in in a single almost completely syncronized motion. It wasn't out of fear, however. Rather, it was out of respect.

Sure, to the people, Jordan had a cruel side, but it was similar to that of any king.

They were his military, they came to fight for their kingdom out of their own will. Were they given a choice to? Indeed, and those who said yes were giving great benefits.

It was a wonderful system, kept the kingdom together. It meant that they were doing it willingly, a strong advantage to have when in war.

In my crown, I am king, I love their endless worshipping

I am raw, a dinosaur, but I will never be extinct

It had been three years since his initial climb to power. Three years of prosperity, three years of peace, three years of everything good. Jordan was the one. He was the ruler that would bring the kingdom back to its old self, and then some.

But that day, they would see a different side of him. The one that was still ambitious, power-hungry, irrational, and most of all, paranoid. Paranoid of what? Paranoid of the fact that one day, he would no longer rule. That he would be overthrown, assassinated, forgotten, anything that would pull him out of his reign.

"I have brought you all here for a reason." Jordan spoke loud and clear, his hands folded behind his back. His fierce gaze swept the crowd, waiting for a reaction. Nothing.

"The elimination of magic." He could hear small whispers being exchanged between people, though they were quickly silenced. "For this kingdom can never truly be strong with such a contamination, imbalance in an otherwise unified place."

That really wasn't the actual reason. True, it was an imbalance. But it wasn't that Jordan wanted unification of the kingdom, it was that he wanted

"And so I propose to you a small demand." He continued on, his message still echoing strong and clear.

"And that, my people, is the execution of all magic users."

So don't mess with me, I'll shoot you down

Don't mess with me…

"Either way, these beings are not natural, they should have never existed in the first place." It was important that he swayed his military in just the right way.

He had never used them against the kingdom, only ever for conquering other territories. Even if the magic population made up the slightest percent of the overall people, Jordan would be surprised if there were some who weren't hesitant.

Jordan narrowed his eyes at a face breaking into a mix of emotions. The person had on the standard armor, but at that meeting, helmets weren't required. And exactly for this reason. Good thing that people naturally didn't like to wear uniforms.

The man had his hair held up by a simple white headband, with a single purple feather sticking out of it. Interesting accessory choice.

He noticed the soldier next to him whisper something to 'feather boy', and their face relaxed.

Jordan gave a malicious grin, and knew exactly how to start off his people with the task.

I've come, it's been fun, but won't you please disappear

Something tells me that you can't further my career

"First of all." He pointed his finger limply at the man that was sure to be able to use magic. Who cared if they were a sorcerer, wizard, mage, etc., they all decreased his chance of staying in power. "We start with him."

Jordan gave a small and pleasant smile, as the man's face turned panic-stricken. He swore he could see the soldier repeatedly whispering no to himself. Jordan was quite amused at his friend's reaction, as they backed away, trying to get away from the swarm of knights surrounding that one person.

Talk about being loyal. As if, Jordan thought, scoffing. It wasn't his business if the man with the feather in his hair died now, being witnessed by many. It would probably be quite brutal, too. Either way, he would be found and killed some day.

'Cause all your heads are gonna roll

I've made your misery my goal

And that was just what happened. He was killed on the spot, soldiers shouting at him for being a magical user. Jordan knew it wasn't really the man's fault if he could use magic or not, but he just couldn't take the risk of being overthrown.

So if you want survival, kneel on my arrival

For this is how I rule the world

Ah, but he would be in power for so much longer with this new advancement. He couldn't be having someone going along the same path as he did, could he?

This way he could turn 3 years into 30 years. So much ambition hidden in a single person, and no one would ever notice it.

Jordan gave a faint smile, holding out his hand in preparation for the crown that was currently levitating towards his hand.

If you've ever heard the song, you'll notice that I quite blatantly cut out a part of the lyrics, for obvious reasons.

By the way, the person executed was Seto, if you couldn't tell ^~^ Urgh, so hard to find a different word than 'man'. If you didn't get that little part to the end, it's referencing that Jordan is a sorcerer/wizard/whatever…Sooo not based on some of AutumnRayn's animations, if you know who that is. A Wattpadian.

Also, exactly 245 words away from 50k words on this FF account. Well then.