Heya guys, look who's back! Yes, it took me 6 months to write a stupid chapter, and I apologize to all those who thought I might've discontinued this story. But here I am, and even battling through writer's block and the nightmare that is my life, I bring you this new chapter of Megalomania! Enjoy!
Throbbing. That was all Hiccup could think of when he rolled off—quite literally—of the couch the next morning. Throbbing, painful pangs that echoed under his skull, in rhythm with the nagging alarm of his phone.
He sat up—butt stinging from the freezing floor and back propped up against the couch—hiding his face in his hands. His tongue was coated and there was a bitter taste in the back of his throat as he fought back the urge to hurl. His stomach was aching, his skin felt sticky from the sweat on his back, and he just couldn't get rid of that damn taste.
Standing up, he wobbled his way into the bathroom, kicking opened cans and empty bottles on his way there, mumbling angrily at them. The sun was already up, glaring light seeping into the room through the opened curtains, forcing the brunet to step blindly through the hall, eyes shut tight.
His memories from the night before were fuzzy—he vaguely remembered a game involving a lot of drinking, and a late-night commercial about a dancing man in a cat suit. But despite his state of semi-consciousness, the freckled teen deduced that whatever had happened in the evening had something to do with why Jack was sprawled out on his bed, drool pooling on the sheets under him. He decided to ignore that, for now, and focus on taking a shower—and half a bottle of aspirin.
As the freezing water of the shower hit his face with an unwelcomed force, Hiccup could think of nothing other than the throbbing of his head. Aside, maybe, for how he was going to murder Jack for suggesting this stupid game.
« Why did I even think it would be a good idea to agree to this? It's Jack, of course everything he'd suggest would end in a mess like that! Why on earth did I agree to this? »
Astrid watched quietly from the other side of the cafeteria table as Hiccup held his head in his hands, elbows propped on either side of his meal—the greasiest french fries with more ketchup than was considered healthy. The brunet had been loudly complaining about his night ever since he ran into Astrid before classes stared.
From what the blonde understood, Hiccup and Jack had taken part in some sort of drinking game the evening before, and now the freckled teen was sporting a massive hangover.
« Why did you agree, though? » Astrid asked, unable to refrain her curiosity.
Because really, this was an unusual sight. Hiccup had never been one to give into peer pressure, and she just couldn't picture a way to convince him to participate in such a stupid game on a school day.
Instead of an explanation, Hiccup drew an audible groan, and flopped his head on the table, knocking it on the wooden surface a couple of times as he wallowed in self-loathing.
« You really can't hold your liquor, can you? » A voice came from behind them as Jack joined their table, carrying a tray with the largest hamburger Astrid had ever seen.
If Hiccup looked on the verge of death, Jack however seemed unusually perky—which felt extremely odd and uncomfortable. The white-haired teen had been grinning from ear to ear all morning, and given any other situation Astrid would've sworn the world was ending.
« Can too. » Hiccup grumbled, voice muffled as he didn't bother looking up.
Jack clicked his tongue. « Keep telling yourself that, kiddo. »
The singer was too busy relishing in his smugness to notice the brunet lift his head and stick his tongue out before regaining his previous position. A chuckle escaped Astrid's lips, and she tried to cover it up with a cough. Having known the freckled boy since childhood, she of course knew about that childish side of Hiccup, but it was still surprising to see him opening up to someone else so quickly.
Fishing her phone out of her skirt pocket, she promptly sent a message to Hiccup, fingers tapping the screen with a speed and discretion that only came with years of texting during classes in High School. She didn't need to glance at the screen more than once or twice before she hit sent.
It took barely a minute before she saw Hiccup jump at the vibration of his own phone, and pulled it out of his pocket, reading the text carefully.
[SENT] (12:47) Look at you two being all chummy! Glad to see you've made a new friend. Maybe don't get hammered next time you want to be social, though.
Astrid saw Hiccup frown, glancing up in annoyance, before typing an answer. A second after he had put his phone down on the table, Astrid's phone vibrated in her lap.
[RECEIVED] (12:49) We're not friends, Astrid. In case you've forgotten, he's a /client/. And don't speak like that, you sound like my mum.
[SENT] (12:50) Well someone has to. And don't sass me young man. You'd never agree to anything of the sort with just any other client. Despite what you might want to believe, you and Jack actually get along pretty well.
Hiccup was openly glaring at the blonde when Jack leaned closer to him, trying to get a peek at the screen.
« What's going on? » The white-haired singer asked. « You look like you're about to murder your phone. » He barely caught a glimpse before Hiccup shoved him away. « Who's that? »
« Actually » Hiccup lifted the phone up to his eyes, facing Jack so that the taller teen wouldn't see the screen. The brunet narrowed his eyes in mock concentration. « It's for you! » The boy gave an exaggerated gasp. He pressed a finger on the phone, sliding it along the screen as if following the imaginary lines he was reading. « It says that if you don't stop spying on me immediately, I'm going to smack your head so hard it'll go straight through the table. » He deadpanned.
Astrid choked back a laugh as Jack scooted away from his bodyguard, brows furrowed in a weary expression.
« Well someone's all sunshines and rainbows today... » Jack muttered.
« And whose fault is that, huh? »
The blonde chuckled softly, slipping her phone back in her pocket, as it seemed that Hiccup was in no mood for a conversation. A small smile hovered at her lips as she leaned back in her chair and studied Jack instead. It was amusing how pouty the singer got when Hiccup wasn't paying enough attention to him, although he probably hadn't realized it himself. It wasn't glaring obvious, but Astrid could see clearly enough that the teen has recently started acting like a dejected puppy whose master was too busy to toss him a bone.
Lately, things had gotten interesting between the two boys. Astrid knew that something had changed between them. It wasn't anything big, but it was big enough to keep them off each other's throats, and they didn't seem inclined to rip the other's eyes out quite as much—still, but relatively less.
The blonde was pulled out of her thoughts by Hiccup's groans as he buried his face in his arms, crossed on the lunch table.
« Okay, seriously. » Astrid shook her head. « I've seen the parties your dad throws, Hiccup, and it takes a whole lot of liquor do get you drunk. How much did you drink last night to be hungover like that? »
A mumbled voice came from between the brunet's arms « A whole fucking lot. »
Astrid's lips pressed in a thin line, frowning slightly. But a glance at her watch kept her from pushing the issue. She stood up, gabbing her bag on the floor and threw it over her shoulder, her blonde braid flipping around her face with the motion.
« I have a class now, but I'll meet you after Econ. » She said, pressing a hand to the brunet's shoulder, who simply groaned in understanding. « Try to eat something, or you'll never get over your hangover. » Astrid added, her voice firmer.
Another few mumbled words from Hiccup, and the blonde left Jack alone with his bodyguard, the heels of her brown boots clicking on the tiled floor as she left and resonating through the—now mostly empty—cafeteria.
The two boys stayed silent for a while, and Jack was the first to break the silence.
« Dude, you really look like shit… »
« Thanks. » Hiccup hissed, raising his head to glare at the white haired male. He reached for his glass and swallowed a couple of painkillers from an aspirine bottle all in once.
« Hey don't blame me. » Jack frowned slightly. « You agreed to this. I wasn't exactly holding a gun to your head, you know. » When the brunet's glare softened, the singer added. « Besides, I know you're just pissed because you lost the bet. »
« I beg your pardon? » Hiccup straightened his back, eyeing Jack carefully. « I don't recall losing anything. And there was no bet to begin with. »
« I remember things differently. » Jack insisted. « Clearly I can hold my liquor better, which means I win. »
« Hell no. » The other boy objected. « From what I remember you gave up and fell asleep first. So if there had been a bet—which there wasn't—then I'd have won. »
Jack raised an eyebrow defiantly. He grabbed his plate and shoved the greasy hamburger right under Hiccup's nose. The smell of meat hit the brunet, and he had to jump back, gagging audibly.
« You were saying? »
« Fine, whatever. » Hiccup huffed. « I'll get you a cup of coffee after classes. Now get that thing away from me, I'm gonna throw up. »
Jack beamed. Turning back to his plate, he did nothing short to attacking his meal, and Hiccup had to fight the urge to hurl.
Hiccup's headache was no closer to vanishing as he and Jack strode in the campus halls to their next class. The air inside the building was stuffy, and the brunet wanted nothing more but to skip the rest of his lessons and head straight home. But, as Jack had been nagging him to do just that all morning, Hiccup had decided that he'd rather projectile vomit in front of hundred of students rather than give in to the singer's whims.
The halls were far from crowded at that time of day, since most students had chosen to keep their afternoons free, or skipped the period right after lunch in favor of a quick nap—and Gods, a nap sounded really appealing right now. There were only a few students other than Jack and him, so when someone rammed in Hiccup's side and sent him crashing in the nearest wall, the brunet knew straight away it wasn't by accident.
« Watch where you're going, Fuckup. »
His attacker was a short man with more muscles than brains. His beefy arms were swinging by his sides as he guffawed loudly, taking pride in what he had just done. His head seemed disproportionately small compared to the rest of his body, and stuck out like a pinhead on top of the boy's large neck. And if the bully's physique wasn't a desperate attempt to look unquestionably manly, his poor excuse for a beard certainly was.
Hiccup rolled his eyes, unresponsive, and rubbed his shoulder where it had hit the wall. On the other hand, Jack was visibly fuming.
« Hey! » He called angrily, but Hiccup caught his shoulder to keep him from advancing.
« Don't. » He said firmly. When Jack shot him a confused look, the brunet sighed sadly, rubbing his temples as he explained; « That's Snotlout, he's my cousin. »
The white-haired man's eyes shot wide open, and he had to do a double take, trying to find any resemblance between the two boys, but he found none. Snotlout was still standing a few feet away, obviously waiting for any kind of reaction from the two boys. Jack turned back to Hiccup, frowning.
« I don't care if Snotface's your cousin, what's his problem? » He hissed.
Hiccup rolled his eyes. « Just ignore it, Jack. »
« Yeah just ignore it, Jack! » The burly teen mimicked, using an exaggeratedly nasal voice.
« Dude, back the fuck off. » The singer threatened, stance defensive as he faced the bully.
Snotlout had a mocking laugh. « What now, Snow-White, you protecting you' girlfriend? »
« You know what? » Jack asked, looking like he was actually mulling the question over. « I would, but I'm usually too busy pleasuring yours. »
The other boy looked startled, having clearly not expected any answer. His smile vanished and he glared angrily, baring teeth like an animal.
« Laugh it up, new boy. I'm sure you've got nothin' in your pants. »
« Funny, that's not what your mum said last night. »
Snotlout had walked back to the two teens, and was now standing only a few inches from Jack. His chest was puffed in an attempt to look impressive despite Jack being a good foot taller than him. But, although much shorter, the bully looked more than willing to jump head-first in a fight. And from experience Hiccup knew that he was.
« Listen kid. » Snotlout threatened. « If you don't shut up right now I'm gonna punch your face in. »
« Yeah? » Jack scoffed. « And how're you gonna do that? With a step-ladder? »
Hiccup barely had the time to intervene before Snotloud landed a punch right in Jack's face. He shoved the burly teen away, and had to keep a firm grip on the white-haired singer as well.
« Give it up Snotlout, I'm not in the mood. »
After a glare and a handful of threats on his cousin's side, Hiccup was finally able to drag Jack away from Snotlout. The white-haired teen huffed in anger, but cooperated and turned away from the fight, following Hiccup down the hall. They were barely a few feet away when Jack snickered, just loudly enough to be heard;
« Talk about over-compensating through violence. »
Had this been any other situation, Hiccup would've probably given a good chuckle at that. But before he could react, Jack was tackled to the ground and the sound of flesh hitting flesh resonated through the hall. Snotlout was straddling Jack, and although the white-haired man was putting quite a fight, the burly teen managed to land a punch straight to the singer's jaw before Hiccup managed to separate them. The brunet grabbed the bully by the collar of his shirt, peeling him off Jack and sending him tumbling backwards. Snotlout bared his teeth at his cousin, stepping forwards to jump back into the fight, shoving Hiccup to the side with his arm. He was suddenly stopped when the lanky teen took hold of his wrist and twisted it back, pulling Snotlout away and ramming his face in the nearest wall. The beefy boy groaned in pain, and his eyes were wide in surprise as he tried to free himself, in vain.
Hiccup had never shown any signs of physical strength until then. To others, he was just a bookwormish and frail teen still waiting to hit his growth spurt. Astrid knew of his real abilities, of couse, since they sometimes trained together, but it was a fact he had hoped to keep under wraps.
From the incredulous stares and deafening silent of the few students that had stopped dead in their tracks on their way to class to watch, it was fairly certain that his cover had been blown.
Hiccup groaned in frustration. Turning his attention back to his cousin, still squirming against the wall, he pushed the bully's arm harder in his back, causing him to yelp loudly. Hiccup leaned closer to the other's face, so that his voice was barely over a whisper when he said;
« Stay away from him. »
The threat was clear, and the uncharacteristically frightening tone Hiccup had used sent Snotlout running the second he had been freed from the brunet's grasp.
With the bully out of sight, the crowd that had formed broke into hushed conversations, eyes digging into Hiccup's back. He turned to Jack, who was only just picking himself up from the floor, wiping the thin trail of blood that stained his chin with the back of his hand. His gaze was still fixated on the corner where Snotlout had disappeared.
Hiccup held out a hand to help the white-haired boy up, which Jack accepted. Once on his feet, the singer opened his mouth to thank his bodyguard, but instead he found himself being dragged out of sight from the other students. Hiccup was marching fast, Jack struggling to keep in step behind him, and from his stiff shoulders and iron grasp on his wrist, the taller male thought better than to say anything. He waited until Hiccup pulled him in an empty staircase, and massaging his bruised wrist, he waited for the brunet to collect himself enough to speak.
When Hiccup turned around, however, it wasn't relief or gratitude that arbored his face—as Jack had expected—but unrestrained anger. And the brunet was visibly fuming when he threw his hands in the air and yelled;
« What on earth were you thinking? »
Jack was speechless. Of all the things he had expected from Hiccup, this was definitely not the way he had thought to be rewarded. The white-haired teen frowned, feeling the anger starting to pulse in his veins.
« What? » He snarled.
« How could you be so reckless? » Hiccup asked again, hands tugging at the roots of his auburn hair. « You could've gotten seriously hurt, and then what? Show up to you manager the next day all bruised and bleeding and having me fired? That was so stupid of you! »
« Is that how you thank me for saving your ass? »
Hiccup had a humorless laugh. « Funny, I think we have a very different recollection of whose ass got saved by whom. »
« What I do recall » Jack snapped, « Is you letting that idiot walk all over you like a carpet. So what? You're all big talk around others but when it actually comes down to it you'll let anyone push you around? That's just pathetic. »
« Please. » The brunet rolled his eyes. « Snotlout is hardly worth the time of day to me. Let me deal with the likes of him however I want. » Hiccup frowned, his lips pursed and voice curt as he added; « This is my job on the line here, Jack. You can't just go make a mess of everything just because you want to. »
There was a flash of pain in the singer's eyes, and he took a step back, looking as though the wind had just been knocked out of him. But as quickly as it had appeared, any trace of hurt on the boy's face vanished and was replaced by anger. Jack's eyes hardened again, and his voice cut the silence of the staircase like a knife.
« I was trying to help. » He snapped. « Why are you so angry about this? »
« Because I'm not that helpless, Jack! » Hiccup screamed, his hands flying to grab a fistful of his hair. « If anything, it's my job to protect you. » He glared accusingly at Jack. « But if you're not going to take your own safety seriously, then maybe it's best if we just ended things here. »
The silence that followed was agonizingly loud, as the last words spoken hung in the air. The two boys slowly registered their meaning, chest heaving from their screaming match. Before any of them could react, Hiccup's name was called from the hall, and soon Astrid's figure appeared in the staircase. Her pale blue eyes were wide in concern, shooting from one boy to the other in an attempt to grasp the situation.
« What on earth is going on? » She asked the brunet. « I could hear you two screaming from the other side of the building! »
Hiccup answered with a bitter laugh. « Ask Jack. »
And that was all it took for the two teens to go off again. Astrid blinked in confusion as the two males shouted themselves hoarse, with her stuck in the middle of their tantrum. They were gesticulating widely, sometimes addressing less than appropriate gestures to the other. When her eardrums started ringing from all the noise, Astrid huffed and decided that enough was enough.
« Ladies, ladies, please! You're both pretty! » She called out loudly, shoving her hands in each boy's face to catch their attention and keep them at arms-length. She then turned to Hiccup, and adressed him a stern look. « Hiccup, sidebar. »
« Side-what now? » The brunet asked, still glaring at Jack and only half paying attention to his best friend. « What's that supposed to mean? »
« It means, » Astrid snatched Hiccup by the collar and dragged him a few feet away from the staircase. « Get your scrawny ass over here before I knock you unconscious. »
They stopped a little further down the hall. There wasn't a soul left outside of their classrooms at that time, and from their position Hiccup could still spot Jack kicking the landing of the stairs, but they were safe out of ear-shot from the white-haired boy.
Astrid crossed her arms on her chest. Her short blue skirt swayed slightly on her hips as she rested her weight on one foot, and she tapped the floor impatiently with the other.
« Hiccup, » She said admonishingly, eyes closes as the pinched her nose bridge with one hand. « You know I'd take a bullet for you… »
« No you wouldn't. » Hiccup cut her off. « You'd probably axe the guy square in the face before he could even have the time to pull out the gun. »
« Hiccup I love you but I will murder you if you keep interrupting me »
« Wouldn't that be conter-productive?—Ouch! » The brunet yelped loudly when Astrid punched him in the shoulder. Hard.
« I'm serious. » She warmed him. « Listen… I love you like a madman, but if things keep up that way I'll make it my personal duty to beat some sense into you. »
« Why? » Hiccup was confused, but did not doubt that she would put her threat into execution one bit. Professionally trained or not, if there was someone capable of kicking his ass, it was probably Astrid.
« You and Jack! » The blonde screamed in frustration. « Gods! You guys are constantly at each other's throats when it's glaring obvious to everyone involved that you just want to hump each other's brains out! »
The freckled teen felt his face flush heavily. He opened his mouth to protest but no words came out. He barely managed to stutter a few incoherent words before Astrid sighed and pressed a hand to his shoulder.
« I'm not trying to push you, Hiccup. » She added gently, eyeing her friend in worry. « You can figure out what's going on between you two in due time, but you have to admit there is something there. Maybe not romance, but there's something. You've never been affected by a client like that before, and you've had some pretty terrible cases that make Jack look like a choir boy in comparison. » She gave a weak smile. « Whatever it is that's going on between you two, you have to talk it over with Jack before it blows in your face and you end up losing your job over it. »
Hiccup's brows furrowed in thought. He had to admit that none of his previous clients had ever gotten such strong reactions out of him. It was clear that Jack was something different, yet the brunet still had a hard time figuring out wether or not it was a good thing.
He sighed in defeat, knowing very well that it was pointless to lie to Astrid. That girl had a sixth sense and would not hesitate to bully the truth out of him.
« I can't help it, Astrid… » He said, voice lower and even now that he had calmed down. His eyes were fixated on the ground as he spoke. « You've seen how he is, we can barely stay in the same room for more than a few minutes before something sets one of us off. And Jack visibly hates me. »
« Please. » Astrid rolled her eyes. « It's clear to anyone with eyes that Jack's the kind of person to push people away out of fear of being rejected. He's an insecure wreck. »
Hiccup felt his heart clench. His thoughts were brought back to that evening in Jack's room where he had walked in on him singing. From what the white-haired boy had said, it was easy to guess that he had a heavy history that had made him the distant and diffident person he was now, the boy that was the polar opposite of the persona he playacted on stage.
For some reason, despite sharing virtually anything with his best friend, he had never mentioned the discussion he had had with Jack that night. He knew that secret would've been safe with Astrid if he had shared it with her, but he had decided against it.
« Besides, » The blonde girl squeezed the brunet's shoulder to pull him out of his thoughts. « Jack didn't just get into any fight. He did it to defend you. » She gave him a soft smile. « Not something someone you would do if they hated you, don't you think? »
Hiccup's stomach did a weird twist. His cheeks heated and his voice got stuck in his throat. Jack hadn't fought Snotlout because he thought his bodyguard was helpless or weak. He'd done it because he cared. Because, at least to some extent, Hiccup mattered to him.
Astrid's smile grew when Hiccup's face lit up with realization, glad to see her numskulled best friend finally use his brains. She crouched down lightly, catching his gaze as he stared at the ground.
« Don't worry. » She reassured him. « Just ease up on him a little—maybe turn down the sass a notch—and everything should be fine. »
Worry flashed in Hiccup's eyes. « Astrid, I— »
« Hiccup… » She reprimanded, frowning slightly although it was light-hearted. « Do you really want me to take the matter in my own hands again? »
The brunet gulped loudly, shaking his head hard. The last time Astrid had intervened in his personal business was when he and a boy from his high school had had a mutual crush on each other but neither had been willing to act on it, vigorously refusing to admit to anything. Back then, the blonde girl had started making widely inappropriate comments whenever the two boys were around, all revolving around the idea that she and Hiccup were sexually involved. It had gone on for three embarrassing weeks before the teens had finally chosen to deal with their feelings.
Granted, they had dated for seven months after that, and although this time the situation was different, Hiccup really didn't want to know what his devil of a best friend had in mind this time to patch things up between Jack and him.
« Don't worry. » He said, looking back to the other side of the hall, where he could spot Jack sulking. Hiccup smiled weakly at Astrid. « I'll make things right. »
The girl squeezed his shoulder again as Hiccup passed by her. « Go get 'im, babe. »
Hiccup reached the stairway and stood in silence for a few minutes. Jack was sitting at the top of the stairs, frowning as he stared at his feet. If he noticed the brunet reach his side and sit next to him, he made no sign to show it. The boy looked miserable, like a child having been punished unfairly. Hiccup sighed and went to fish something in his back pocket.
Jack jumped slightly when a paper tissue appeared in front of his hands. He turned to Hiccup with wide eyes, but his bodyguard was looking away from him, avoiding eye contact and acting nonchalant yet his ears were slightly flushed.
« Here. » Hiccup said, shaking the tissue slightly so Jack would take it. « For your hands. »
The singer looked back down, examining his hands in confusion. Until then, he hadn't noticed that his knuckles were slightly bloody. They were only slightly grazed, and most of the blood probably wasn't his, but the accepted the tissue nonetheless.
« Thanks. » He muttered.
Hiccup offered a sheepish but warm smile, and the boy felt his hair prickling at the back of his neck. But before he could overthink that fact, the brunet frowned in worry, hand reaching up to tap the corner of his lips.
« You've got some here. » He said, and when Jack tried to mirror his movement, he shook his head slightly. « No, there—let me— » He help out a hand, brushing the side of the white-haired boy's chin with his thumb, tongue poking out of his lips slightly as his brows furrowed in focus. The brunet suddenly seemed to realize what he was doing because he quickly retracted his hand, embarrassed as he met Jack's gaze. « I—Sorry. »
Jack smiled softly and went back to wiping the spot Hiccup had just been touching. He stopped when he heard the freckled boy sigh next to him.
« I… I'm sorry I lost my temper earlier. » Hiccup shook his head slightly, watching his hands fiddling together as he spoke. « And I'm sorry about everything I said. »
« And I'm sorry you might get fired because I got hurt. » Jack replied, looking up at the roof several floors above them. « I might have been a little reckless. »
« Might. » The brunet repeated, smirking.
« Yeah, well… Sorry. »
Hiccup chuckled, and Jack turned his head to raise and eyebrow at him. The smaller teen shot him a crooked grin and nudged Jack's sides with his elbow.
« Look at that. I think it's the first time you've ever apologized to me. »
Jack laughed softly. « Don't get used to it. »
Hiccup joined him with a good-natured laugh, and they stayed in peaceful silence for a few minutes before the brunet cleared his throat.
« Still… Thanks for standing up for me. »
His voice was grateful and his smile was so genuine that Jack stayed breathless for a couple of seconds before saying;
« Anytime. »
Hiccup nodded and stood up, offering a hand for Jack to do the same. Once he'd help pulling the white-haired teen on his feet, the brunet rolled his shoulders and gestured the bottom of the stairs.
« If I don't get fired, I'll really owe you that cup of coffee. » He joked, and Jack laughed. « Let's get you home, and maybe try not to start any other fights on the way. »
Jack puffed his chest. « Can't make any promises. »
Hiccup chuckled, and bumped his shoulders into Jack's, sending him tumbling a couple of feet further. The two of them made their way out of the college campus, occasionally teasing and trying to send the other off course.
It was peaceful, and although they both knew that this wasn't the end of their little personal war, at least for now it was a truce.
And maybe that was all they needed.
Heya guys, I'm back after what felt like ages, with a silly little short story inspired by a tumblr prompt I saw a while back. Enjoy!
Heya guys, I'm back after what felt like ages, with a silly little short story inspired by a tumblr prompt I saw a while back. Enjoy!
AN: There you go! This wasn't the most exciting of chapters, but I believe those two dorks took a big step in their relationship, and things should go more smoothly from now on! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you thought of it and hopefully it won't take me another 6 months to upload the next one! See ya!