This was not happening. This was. Definitely. Not happening. This thing that was not happening was Mikoshiba's 'lounge camp out' as he called it, to help me accept my new position as the swim team captain. The only reason I ended up agreeing to this car-crash of an event is that Nagisa has this annoying habit of making his powder pink eyes glisten as he asks for the impossible, and the blonde knows it gets him whatever he wants whenever he wants. It wasn't that I don't like Mikoshiba, he's actually a great guy, even if he does have a thing for my sister. I've even learnt to deal with Nitori and his obsession with calling me 'Senpai' every hour of the day. The problem was that Mikoshiba had invited the Iwatobi Swim Team, because he thought it would help me move on and become more accepting of my new team. The problem, more precisely was Haru. Haruka Nanase. Even his name brought butterflies to my heart and goose bumps over my arms...

I can pinpoint the exact moment these feelings started. It was whilst training for the relay with Haru, Nagisa and Makoto when we attended Iwatobi Swim Club together as kids. I touched the wall, finishing my leg of the relay and looked up... He was diving over me with such beauty it brought tears to my eyes. So to solve this, I moved to Australia. I know, stupid idea. But I had to fulfil my Dads dream of becoming an Olympic swimmer, and I was NOT about to follow in his footsteps and be distracted with love. Wait... Did I just admit I loved Haru?! No.

No I didn't.

No, I can't...

So, here I was, staring at my wardrobe deciding what to wear to Mikoshiba's. I decided on some faded skinny jeans and my burgundy vest top, basketball shoes and my signature shark tooth necklace that hung low on my chest to top it off. Throwing my duffel bag over my shoulder and grabbing my duvet, I made my way out of my dorm alone and headed out. Nitori was already there, eager to help set up, so I decided to pick my sister up on the way; I know she'd like that.

After a few minutes of gossip and idle chatter we arrived. And who to open the door, but Haru. The butterflies returned to my heart.

Food was laid out in the kitchen where I was hiding, well I was With Rei and Nagisa, but still hiding nevertheless. There was no mackerel out so I knew Haru wouldn't come in here anyway. At that moment, Makoto walked in saying Mikoshiba wanted to put a film on so we were all to gather in the lounge and pick one. Resigned to the fact that if I didn't go, my sister Gou would personally drag me in there, I decided to keep my dignity and walk in on my own.

"So I'm up for a horror, anyone else?" I casually said as I walked into the room.

"As long as it contains water." Haru added. God, he really was an obsessed water freak, but that was one of the things I loved... No wait... Respected about him. I found a spot on the floor a comfortable distance away from him but close enough to Gou to keep an eye on her with Mikoshiba. She is my little sister after all.

"Awwwwwww RinRin! But Me and Rei want to watch a romantic film!" Nagisa whined.

"Wait what... I do?" Rei shot back.

Nagisa looked through his fringe up at Rei, his powder eyes changing the blue haired teens mind in an instant. A though crossed my mind that if swimming failed for him, Nagisa could make a very successful assassin... He looked so innocent nobody would ever suspect him of twisting every individual though you had to concede to his whims.

We finally decided on some horrible romantic film, Titanic I think, and of course, it had enough water in it for Haru to be happy. Mikoshiba ended up asleep with his arm round my sister, and Rei and Nagisa were watching intently with a box of tissues. Glimpsing out of the corner of my eye to see Haru, he had a dreamy look on his face, mesmerised by the water, looking love-struck by the ocean. And Nitori and Makoto, obviously bored, had started on the food.

"Awwwwwww sniff that was sniff beautiful" Rei said, whilst trying to hide the fact he'd been crying all the way through.

"Yeah it was! RINRIN DID YOU LIKE IT? DID YOU LIKE IT?" Nagisa shouted out whilst smiling his 100watt smile, waking up Mikoshiba in the process.

"Was alright I suppose" I replied, not wanting to admit I had been staring at Haru for most of it.

"Well I think it's about time for food... Well, whatever's left anyway" Gou said from her corner whilst shooting Nitori and Makoto friendly glares, which ended up with everyone giggling at them both.

The food was simple but nice, and the lack of mackerel was complained about, so Haru had to settle with either tuna or squid. I managed a few glances in his direction to make sure he wasn't too disappointed and noticed him looking directly at me. After he realised this though, he quickly looked to the side pouting and moved to the lounge to finish his meal with Makoto.

"Senpai Senpai!" Nitori appeared in front of me "what shall we do now?!" I think he'd had a bit too much of the fizzy drinks.

"I know... Let's play a game." Nagisa said, with a deathly sweet smile plastered on his face, whilst skipping into the lounge.

Oh god, do I really want to know...? Was my last thought before exchanging a worried glance with Rei and entering the lounge.