Hey guys, This is my first TMI/TID fanfic, would love it if you could give me some feedback. Also forgive me for any grammatical errors, and any geographical stuff about places in New York.

A/N: if you like it, the sooner I get some sort of feedback/ comment/ follow etc. the sooner ill post the next chapter :)

Disclaimer: I'm not Cassandra Clare and therefore not own any character in this story even though i wish i do... *cough I want William Herondale cough*

Chapter 1: Cat-astrophy (pun intended)

"Let's split up, we will cover more grounds" said the blond teenager, with golden eyes. His other three companions nod as they stood in the middle of Central Park.

"Jace, and I will take the east towards Fifth Avenue, Izzy, Simon, take the west" said the. Simon and Isabel nodded, neither of them didn't want to be in central park in the middle of the night. It's neither of their fault that bloody cat went missing. Brother Zachariah, or Jem as he preferred to be called these days, left to Wales with Tessa for a week and had asked the New York institute to take care of the immortal cat Church (Which he stole from them in the first place) while he is away.

-Three days earlier-

The doorbell loudly. "Coming!" cried Clary, as she walked to the door and tries to tie up her wild red hair and wiping her hand on her jeans before opening the institute door. A woman stood on the porch, with her soft brown curls flowing down her shoulders, behind her Brother Zachariah holding a pet carrier. "Hey! Tessa, Zach- Jem" Clary said. Jace silently appeared behind her.

"Don't tell me" he said as he brush back his blond hair with hand. "You came to return that devil spawn, you call a cat, to us."

"Not exactly, but if you want him back –"Jem began to explain with a sorry expression in his face

"No, you can keep him. That thing is almost as bad as a duck" Jace said leading them to the office. "Never trust a duck" Jace muttered under his breath. Jem smiled at the mention of Jace hating ducks, this reminds him of Will and the time Will tried to convince him that ducks are vicious creatures.

"You know that's a wise words by one of your ancestors" Jem said, looking at Tessa.

"Which one? I only knew a few like, Edmund Herondale, who married a mundane and excluded himself from the clave, James Herondale, known for his handsome features."

"Surely you've heard of William –"said Jem curiously if he has heard of anything about his past.

"I've heard of it, didn't he run the London Institute once?" Jace replied. Though he didn't want to mention the book, the Tales of Two Cities, with his Will's name mentioned in it.

Jem nodded. "He was my parabatai" said Jem, he looked at Tessa with a question in his eyes, Should we tell him? Tessa nod.

"And I was married to him once" Tessa quietly said. Jace stopped in his tracks making Clary bump into Jace, taking his hand in support of this new information and looked at Tessa and Jem. "Let's just say I'm your great great great or so grandmother, you're not exactly THE last Herondale. I'm still one even though I take the name of Gray" Jace didn't know what to make of this, he still have a family, a Herondale family. Jace slowly walked towards Tessa letting go of Clary and hugged her and whispered "Thank you".

After turning into a few hallways decorated with armours and tapestries, then opening a door at the end of the hall.

"Maryse, Jem and Tessa is here." Said Jace, Maryse Lightwood stood up and smiled.

"What a pleasure to see you both again! Come in, what can I do for you?" Maryse kindly asked as she walked around the mahogany study table to greet Tessa and Jem.

"I only ask if you could take care of Church while Jem and I go to Wales for a week." Tessa explained looking at Jem, who slowly took Church out of the pet carrier and curling up into Jem's arm like a sweet little kitten, letting out a yawn. "We will pick him up, when we get back before heading to Los Angeles"

"I was hoping, he would feel much more comfortable here than with Magnus, after all, he lived here with you for a while" Jem said quietly patting church, who quietly purred in his arms.

"Definitely! It's the least I can do for you both" Jace looked horrified at Maryse's answer.

Clary, noticed Jace's change of expression. Clary knew that Jace hated Church, the best she can do is assure him that it's only for a short period of time. "It's only for a week, Jace. We can handle a week with Church" as Clary approached the cat still curled up in Jem's arms. She reached up her hand and slowly began to pat Church, as soon as her finger touches the back of his ear, the cat turned towards her and hissed, baring his sharp teeth at clary. "I hope."

"Fine, but if that cat scratches me, especially my beautiful face, I will feed him to the ducks!" Jace said walking out of the office. Jem and Tessa smiled, Jace reminds them both so much of Will. A sudden pang of sadness hit them. Will. It's amazing how they are different and yet so similar. Jem thought.