The Detention Diaries UPDATE (December 05, 2003): Having left this fic unattended to for such a long time, I'm now keen to continue it, just that I'm not sure what you (the reader) think of it and how it may be improved, new story angles, etc. I had a lot of fun writing this fic, and I hope to have more :) But most of all, I'd like you to have fun reading it, and if anyone would like for this fic to be continued, you could drop me a review or an email at [email protected]! The next chapter should be due soon if there still are people wanting to read this... Ciao for now!

Oh my god.

"HAHAHA!!!" I guffawed. "What is up with your hair, Sakuragi?!"

"I look more handsome now, eh?" He said shamelessly.

I laughed.

It was my first day in Shohoku High school. I was fresh out of Junior High – the same one that Sakuragi and the rest came from. We used to fool around together – do such fun stuff together! Oh, I was so lonely after they graduated! But never mind, I now had them for company again.

"You've grown taller," remarked Youhei.

"Of course I have," I said immediately, pleased. I was very proud of my height.

 "How tall are you now?"


"Nyahahaa, you're still shorter than me," Sakuragi said.

Well, that's true.

"Ahh, the bell. Well, seeya later," I waved.

I was stopped on my way out by their teacher, a small bespectacled man.


"What?" I snapped.

"Why does your hair have red streaks?" He asked.

Well duh, I dyed it!

"Because it pleases me," I said placidly.

"Are you going to dye it back or not?"


"One demerit point for you! Give me your name and class!"

Sheesh. A demerit point on my first day at school! Oh well, whatever. I suppose it was, in a way, a smashing start to my High School career.


The day progressed. I got booked 3 times for my hair by 3 different teachers on 3 different occasions. And of course, inevitably…

"You! One demerit point for sleeping in class."

Yawn. Fine, whatever. A vague idea was forming in my head. Demerit points are like tokens in an arcade, except they're given to you, you don't have to spend money on them. One demerit point entitles you to a whole lesson's sleep. That's not so bad a price, really. I was slightly tempted to request for 365 demerit points – a year's in advance, so I could do whatever I damn pleased. I held my tongue, of course.

You know, I think my fellow students were scared of me. Wherever I went, they pointed their fingers at me, and whispered god-knows-what to one another. Quite a few friends have told me that they were quite tempted to beat me up the first time they saw me. It's my scowl, perhaps. I guess these things can't be helped – some people are just born to look lovable, some are born to look hate-able.

So anyway, I received a note from one of the seniors, asking me to meet them at the rooftop after school. I think they wanted to beat me up, but I went anyway. I'd like to think myself as quite a good fighter, though Sakuragi and Youhei keep telling me I'm not that good.

At the rooftop, all I saw was a guy lying down on the floor. He was sleeping, I think. I kicked him.

"Did you call me up here?" I demanded.

He opened his eyes for a few seconds, then fell back asleep.

I kicked him again. How dare he ignore me!

He woke up rather reluctantly, and got up. I gulped. He was quite tall.

"I don't like people who wake me up from my sleep," he said menacingly.

"Well, you should go die if you like sleeping so much," I spat. I was a little scared, just a little, but I never let it show.

Gangster's pov

"Who's that person we want to beat up today?" I asked.

"A freshman – one of us got a glare from him today."

These freshmen were giving us headaches. How could we let them know that we were the bosses? First came Ryota. Then Sakuragi and Rukawa. And now another arrogant little fella.

We climbed the stairs up the rooftop, and heard some argument. Was a brawl going on?

We reached the rooftop. Uhhh. A girl?

Rukawa's pov

A girl. I didn't know her name. She was holding in her hand a half-eaten banana.

"I don't care if you're a girl. I'll beat you up all the same,"

"Well, you know what? I don't give a damn either. Beat me up, then!" She snorted.

Then, she stuck the banana in her mouth and punched me.

What a shrewish girl. She was quite good-looking, and had a ridiculously long ponytail – the longest I'd ever seen. The look she was wearing on her face now – full of scorn, disdain. Ugh. But she was quite strong, so I supposed she had some right to be arrogant.

I returned the punch. She kicked me, and I caught her leg by the ankle.


She couldn't speak properly with the banana in her mouth. Haha! She spat it out.

"LET GO," She shouted.

Haha, I won't, too bad. Go cry yourself a river, shrew.

"Oi!! Let go of my leg! NOW!"

I tightened my grip.

"Ouch! Let go, my ankle!"

Her face was now twisted up in a mixture of anger and pain. She looked… funny. I would've laughed, but I'm Rukawa, and I don't laugh.

Just then, I caught sight of something. Her…


I let go immediately; she lost balance and fell backward. Lucky for me, I just saw her shorts. If I saw anything more, I think I would've puked.

Shit, what makes her think that I was interested in her shorts? I just happened to see it.

She scrambled up and swore under her breath. She then spun round and left. I opened my mouth to say "do'ahou", but ended up with a mouthful of her hair instead. Yuck! Her ponytail – I couldn't stand it. I couldn't imagine her with her hair down, I think she'd look like those witches you read about in children's stories.

I need mouthwash, NOW.

Shizuka's pov

Some twits were standing in my way.

"GO AWAY!" I shoved them aside.

Hmm no, wait. I looked at them.

"Were you the ones who called me here?"

"Well, it was a misunderstanding, we don't really like hitting girls – "

I gave him a punch and stalked off. It was all their fault. Fancy asking me to the rooftop and then being late! And I had to face that – that – what was his name? I'll just call him piggyboy, since he enjoys sleeping so much. And I had to face Piggyboy all alone. It was such a humiliating defeat! I had to plead him to let go. Hmmph.

"I think she got into a fight…"

"Yeah I wonder with whom…"

"She's bleeding…"

"She's such a shrew…"

"Yeah she's a shrew…"


"I can't stand her… she's a shrew,"

Shrew. Shrew. Shrew. This was the word everyone was using to describe me. And I hated it. Though I admit myself to be quite shrewish, but I still didn't like being called a shrew. I mean, half of us out there are idiots, and yet we don't like it when people call us idiots. Get what I mean?


"She's a shrew…"

"Shrew… ewww shrew,"

Ahh. Why can't they just shut up?

"SHUT UP, AND SHREW OFF!" I exclaimed. They scurried away like pathetic mice. Wait, what did I just say?

"I meant – SCREW OFF!"

Well, that was my first day in school – in a nutshell. Full of thrilling activity. Boo.

Oh and, by the way, my name is Shizuka Tendou. And I hate my name.

Author's note: There's the first chapter! She's chalking up the demerit points, ain't she? That means detention in the next chapter, with all the other problematic people in Shohoku (that includes the SD guys). Detention has never been more eventful! RnR if you like =)