Chapter Seven

State of Disrepair

From what he heard of human culture, fleshlings formed extremely strong familial bonds. Parents would give their lives if it meant their children's safety. The Earth fauna was similar; goats fainting to lure predators from their kids, rabbits ripping out their own fur to keep their kits warm, and spider mothers sacrificing themselves so their newborns can feed. Self-sacrifice was the virtue of parents. Most anyways.

When Starscream saw the mangled figure of his spawn-twisted and bent in unnatural places-he had to wonder if it would be worth salvaging him. He contemplated leaving him there. It would be the most humane given his current state. Starscream couldn't even begin to imagine how long it would take to repair that much damage. No doubt Knock Out would tear him a new one. 'Such a beautiful finish ruined like that' his fruity voice echoed. But from the dark corners of his mind came another voice, one that reared its ugly head in the light of his failures.

'Starscream you fool!' the voice boomed and he shuddered. Knock Out's wrath would dwarf Megatron's if he just left Flashbang there. He really didn't have much of a choice.

"Frag it just my luck," he cursed under his breath. With the utmost care he inspected Flashbang's body. There was no point in trying to revive someone already dead, but luck would have it the little Seeker was still alive. The faint spark throbbing in his chest said enough. Streams of energon flowed from the wounds on Flashbang's body while Starscream shuddered at the sight that a knee should not bend that way. It would be best to the let the pro handle this.

"Knock Out," the Seeker commander commed. "I'm unfortunately in need of your help."

"A little busy trying to make up for the lost ground you should've helped me with," the Good Doctor snapped back. "It'll have to wait."

"I don't have time to wait! This is an emergency!"

"Alright alright, don't get your nuts in a knot, but it'd better be serious."

Starscream face palmed and dragged his hand down hoping to peel away his face along with his entire existence. Why him? Why in Primus' name had he been given the short stick in life? Of all the bots he was forced to deal with this...this...leech that sucked away every fibre of his being and energy. Like it was his fault for interfacing, no, it was the universe's fault. He had luck on his side all the time, how else would he still be alive? Somehow, it just happened to run out like some cruel joke the world was playing on him. He really should've snuffed Flashbang when he had the chance.

An engine roared nearby, preventing him from drowning in anymore of his self-loathing. Knock Out transformed and casually strutted forward then halted.

"Woahh, Starscream, what happened?"

"I'll explain later!" his Commander squawked. "Just get your aft over here and fix him!"

The red medic rushed up to Flashbang's mangled form and looked it over, not daring to touch him.

"Screamer it's too extensive, I'll have to take him back to the-"

"NO!" Starscream yelled, flapping his arms frantically. "If Megatron sees this he'll-"

"And if he dies," Knock Out interrupted. "He'll be even angrier! Help me carry him!" The doctor commed the base to open a Ground Bridge. It sparked to life nearby and the Decepticon medic took one end of Flashbang.

"Lift him carefully! I don't need his neck broken!" The Seeker grumbled and hauled his end, the top, and awkwardly half-ran, half-pranced through the Ground Bridge.

Boredom had taken its toll on the Commander. The faint whirring and buzzing of the doctor's tolls assaulted his senses as he tried to concentrate on sharpening the ends of his claws. It was a bit awkward since his head slumped on the table, finally giving up supporting him.

The noises stopped and Starscream slowly brought his head up.

"Well the good news is he's gonna live," the medic said as he wiped the spilled energon off his hands.

"Oh goody," the seeker said almost in a growl, slamming his head back onto the table.

"Aren't you gonna take a look at my handy-work?" A simple wave of dismissal came from his Commander. "You're welcome." Knock Out thumped past but not before thunking his hand across Starscream's crest.

"Hey!" Starscream shrieked, jolting his head up.

The medic shrugged, a smile creeping along his face. "My bad."

He waited until the doctor left then went over to Flashbang laying on the angled medical berth. Starscream had to admit, Knock Out did do a good job fixing the little spawn up, although he was still a mess. There were scratches and dents everywhere and energon stains where the medic had to twist parts of his body back into place. A nearby monitor created rhythmic lines and shoved Flashbang was very much alive.

A single, sharpened claw traced the new marks along the young Seeker's face. "Hmm...what a shame it would have you pass like this…" Tenderly he lifted Flashbang's chin up, exposing the vulnerable neck tubes underneath. "A simple cut...end all of this…"

A faint clank made Starscream whip around, hot in guilt. Several feet away was the Communications Chief staring back through his emotionless face.

"May I help you, Soundwave?" the Commander said acidly, the burning from his tension ebbing off. Without a sound the indigo mech came up on the other side of Flashbang and looked him over.

"An unfortunate accident," Starscream eventually sighed. "Knock Out says he will make it."

As soon as he came, Soundwave left without acknowledging Starscream's presence. Whatever information he came for was clearly satisfied. He rubbed his pained temples. It would probably be a good idea of debrief Megatron before he found out himself. He went to the nearby hub and pushed a button, ringing his Lord.

"What is it Starscream?" Megatron gravelly voice said, ready to hear the latest disappointment.

"I...regret to inform you that Flashbang has suffered extensive injuries from a recent, uh, scouting mission…"

It went quiet for just a moment. "And?"

"He will make a full recovery." Unfortunately.

Starscream heard a long groan come from the other end. "And what was he doing on this...scouting mission?"

"Uh...he was...I mean we were just checking on an energon mine when the…Autobots showed up."

Another long pause. "Don't let it happen again, Starscream," came the curt response and the line hung up.

Aft, the least he could do is say thank you.

Recharge surely satisfied the spirit, and after a full night of it, Starscream felt energized. He'd need it.

Soft clinking accompanied his footsteps as the Seeker Commander roamed the halls: hunched slightly with his hands folded neatly behind his back with squinted red eyes shifting and eyeing every corner.

"Good morning Commander Starscream," a nearby Vehicon saluted and the Seeker grunted in response. His attention was divided elsewhere, particularly in seeing his mangled spawn to make it at least look like he cared. The doors to the med bay breezed open and Starscream jumped back in shock, thankfully stifling a startled gasp.

"-We were soaring across the desert, way up in the sky!" an excited Flashbang said gesturing with his hand. Megatron was standing beside him in amusement. He continued. "I tried to see if he was in the lead and- I don't know the rest is a blur...oh hi Dad!"

Starscream's entire body flushed cold when Megatron's content optics suddenly became a thousand yard death stare. A pinprick pupil glared back at him that practically screamed murder. Definitely not amusement.

"H-Hello, s-son...glad to see you're awake!" the Seeker spit out nervously and he trembled as Megatron's voice boomed.

"Flashbang's been telling me all about the scouting mission you three went on," the Warlord said, the restraint in his voice undeniable.

The young Seeker cocked his head. "Scouting mission?"

Megatron ignored him. "I'm glad to hear Knock Out was able to fix him."

"He's the best doc around!" Flashbang smiled tapping his feet together in childish amusement.

The Decepticon Lord very gently placed a hand on the young mech's shoulder. "It would be wise to get some rest."

Without even complaining, Flashbang sheepishly turned his head away and smiled. "O-kay…"

Megatron gave him a pat on the head and thumped towards his Commander, who was now backing up, hands raised and eyes wide. Not a second was wasted when the door shut and Megatron struck Starscream across the face, knocking him down.

"Megatron, no, please!" the Seeker shrieked. A thick hand rung around his neck and dangled him up against the wall to stop him from screaming.

"The only reason I'm not pounding your face in right now is so Flashbang doesn't have to see the repercussions and humility that is his father!" the Warlord hoarsed angrily.

"Please understand! He wanted to fly since he can't-"

"Because he's too young you fool!"

Starscream was roughly dropped to the ground on his knees.

"If you ever pull something like this again, you and Knock Out will both paying the price in the form of your T-Cogs," Megatron threatened. It wouldn't be empty. Shockwave could always tear it from the both of them, although no doubt he'd probably do a hack job of it.

As Starscream crawled to his feet his Lord walked away. With a quick adjust of his neck he resumed his hall wandering in search of Knock Out, limping every other step.