Since everyone seemed to love the first chapter so much, I thought I'd post just one more as a thank you! :) And also a big thank you to MzShellSan, who helped me think of images for the rest of SPR!

Disclaimer: I still don't own Ghost Hunt!

"I looooove you, Naru!"

"I love you too."

"I love you lots, Naaaaaruuuu!" A giggle escaped her lips.

"And I love you."

"I mean I really, reaaaally love you!"

"I know." He sighed.

"I love you~!"

"Mai. I know."

"Naaaaruuu~! I lo-"


The monk and miko covered their mouths with their hands to try to stifle their laughter; their other arms were clutching their stomaches. It had been half an hour since they arrived at the hospital to see the girl in front of them, and despite Naru's constant persistent suggestions of telling them to go, they simply refused to leave. The injured brunette was far too entertaining at the moment to do such a thing. After Mai's 'chibi Naru' remark, the two adults couldn't stop laughing and everything the girl said since then just added fuel to the fire.

"Naaaruu..." Mai moaned, dramatically placing the back of her hand on her forehead as if checking for a fever. "Am I sick or something?! I...I mean bananas aren't suppose to laugh, right?" She asked, seriously. She glanced at Monk before looking at her boyfriend in horror. "RIGHT?!"

Naru sighed at having to explain this for the fifth time already. "No, Mai. The doctor gave you some medicine and it's making you delirious right now."

"I'm not crazy!" Mai shrieked, horrified that he would consider such a thing. She had the same reaction for the last five times. Again, the young man sighed.

"I didn't say you were. I said the medicine is making you that way." He was quick to correct her. However, it seemed she already moved on to something else in her absent-minded state. Seriously, it was like she had the attention span of a goldfish.

Then Naru stared at his girlfriend and his face instantly went void of any emotion. He really had a hard time to decide rather to be amused or not by what she was now doing. Giggling to herself, Mai poked the green jell-o in the tray that a nurse had brought in fifteen minutes ago. She kept poking it with her finger, enjoying watching it jiggle from side to side, and then she'd laughed after a couple of seconds before the process repeated itself. Monk and Ayako, again, tried in stifle their laughter but it was still a futile attempt. The girl was just too funny being this way.

It was as if hearing the two of them snickering switched a trigger inside of Mai, which caused her giggles to turn into a full-blown laughter—her jell-o now forgotten. And of course this caused the monk and miko to laugh harder also. Then, as abruptly as it came, Mai stopped laughing and her expression became very serious. The monk and miko stopped as well when they noticed her demeanor.

"What's so funny?" She asked, frowning. The others sweatdropped at her.

"A-ah, nothing, Mai..." Monk laughed nervously.

"How do you know my name?!" Mai demanded accusingly as she pointed a finger at him. Naru groaned and rubbed his temples. How much longer was she going to be under this? Apparently the stupid doctors gave her too much of a overdose—if that was even possible. Did they even account of her height and weight? Idiots... He thought. Upon hearing a knock at Mai's door, Naru groaned a bit louder. Great, now who...?

"Hello? I hope we're not intruding or interrupting anything..." Naru heard John, the priest, say timidly as he entered the room. He lifted his gaze to see Masako and Yasu trailing right behind him. Leave...Mai doesn't need more reasons to act this way. But of course he didn't say it aloud.

"Not at all." Monk grinned, motioning for everyone to come in. "Come, get comfortable, and watch the show."

"Takigawa." Naru glared. His girlfriend was not some type of entertainment for them. The monk held up his hands in defense.

"Hello, Mai." John greeted the girl with a friendly smile. "How are you feeling?"

"Horrible probably. She looked like she took a massive blow before she got knocked unconscious..." Yasu muttered.

"You're really not helping, Yasuahara." Masako told him with a glare. He did not need to be making jokes about the situation. She looked at Mai, ready to tell her to ignore the idiot, but she stopped when she noticed the awe look Mai was giving John. The girl's mouth with gaped open while her eyes were slightly wide.

"Uh...Mai?" John asked, shifting uncomfortably under the girl's stare. Slowly, she turned her head to look at her boyfriend.

"I knew it, I'm dead." She told Naru, who frowned at her words.

"What? No, you're not. Why would you say such a thing?" He demanded.

"Then explain why there's an angel right over there!" Mai flailed her arms around. Naru had to grab them before she could accidentally pull out her wires. It was meant to be a whisper though, but everyone in the room heard it. John's cheeks turned a bright pink.

"What's wrong with Mai?" Yasu laughed. Ayako sighed before explaining everything to them. "S-So...M-Mai..." The young man couldn't help but double over laughing. Even Masako smiled in amusement. Not that anyone could see with her kimono sleeve in the way.

"Ne, Naru, can I pet it?" Mai pleaded with big round eyes. Naru inwardly winced. Even like this she knew how to get her way with him...

"Pet what?" He questioned, not sure if he even wanted to know the answer.

"That fox over there." She pointed to Yasu as she tilted her head in an adorable manner. Well, that made the bespectacled man stop laughing like a nut. Naru just narrowed his eyes at her before answering.

"No way."

"Ah! But whhhhyy?!"

"You have no idea where it's been." He replied, chiding her. To anyone else, it would look like Naru was playing along, but to everyone in that room, they knew better. Yasu placed a hand over his heart with feign hurt.

"I'm offended, Big Boss."

Monk and Ayako were still finding with oh-so hilarious, however.

"Okay, Mai!" Monk grabbed Masako by the shoulders and placed her in front of Mai. "What do you see Masako as?!" The injured girl's eyes widened with a hint of terror when they landed on her. Letting out a shriek, Mai reached over towards Naru and buried her face into his chest. Monk frowned. What a let down...

"What is it, Mai?" Ayako asked her.

"V-vampire!" She cried out, clutching tighter into her 'chibi' boyfriend's shirt. Naru sighed, having no choice but to wrap his arms around her. Masako's mouth dropped at her words, truly offended. She 'hmph'ed and turned away from the girl.

"How—or I should why—does Mai even see us as this?" Ayako wondered aloud as she tapped her pointer finger on her chin.

"Perhaps it's what her subconscious sees us as." John kindly suggested, apparently forgetting what Mai just called Masako.

"So she really sees Masako as a vampire?" Monk deadpanned with an eyebrow lifted.

"Weeelll, Masako does seem to have the actions of one. I mean come on, she always lifts her kimono up to her face like a vampire." Yasu stated before going over to window and wrapping his arms in the curtain. Holding on to it with one hand, he covered his entire body and part of his face so only his eyes were showing. "Like this. Mwuahahaha!" He tried to do his best impression of Dracula while wriggling his brows.

"And she does suck the fun and life out of people..." Ayako joked. But that just made Masako fume silently.

"Well, Miss Matsuzaki, I suppose that just means Mai really sees you as an old hag." She shot back, causing the red-head to become furious in return.

"Why you little—"

"Wait," Yasu suddenly laughed. "does this mean Mai really thinks of Naru as cute and adorable?" Everyone's lips twitched upwards as they looked at their boss. Naru gave them all a deadly scowl.

"If you would like to ever see a paycheck again, Yasuhara, I suggest you shut up." He threatened. Yasu raised his hands and backed away in defeat.

"I don't get mine though..." The college man admitted. But John, however, seemed to know.

"You are very sly... Have you ever heard of the saying 'sly as a fox'?" The priest asked politely. Everyone, aside from Naru—who refused to take part in their guessing gamesand Mai, nodded in agreement to his words.

"Alright, so John's an angel though." Yasu grinned. The light reflected off his glasses. "I suppose you do have that holy, innocent, angelic aura around you." He teased. John blushed again from embarrassment. Monk suddenly frowned.

"Wait, all of yours make sense, heck even Lin's does, but what about mine?" He asked. There was no way Mai thought of him as a bright yellow, weird-shaped fruit! Yasu gave him a sympathetic look and placed a hand on the monk's shoulder with such a serious expression that everyone knew it was fake.

"I really...really have no idea."

She was humiliated. Mortified even.

And it didn't help that her so-called 'family'—she was now considering revoking that title—was laughing as hard as they could all around her. Yasu was currently showing her a video of which he took on his cell phone of her the day before. Apparently, as Naru had told her, she was delirious for that day from what the doctor had given her.

She couldn't remember a single thing.

At the moment, Mai was sitting in the hospital bed with her hands covering her bright red face as she listened to the audio. Yasu stood beside her holding his phone in front of her so she could see.

"Naaaruuu!" She heard herself whine. Her boyfriend sighed.


"Do you know what I waaant?!"


Mai dared to peek through her fingers to look at the screen.

"A kiss! You haven't given me a single one since I've been in this dump!"

Immediately, her fingers flew back together to completely cover her face again. How embarrassing! She couldn't believe she said that! And that was just one of the few things she saw; who knows how many more embarrassing things she did!

"And what a kiss it was too!" Yasu gave a whistle, grinning. It had been just a simple kiss that had lasted several seconds, but it's not like he'd ever tell her that. "You wouldn't ever shut up until Big Boss finally gave you one. And once you got him, you sure did refused to release him! I thought Monk and I were going to have to pull him away from you. Oh, I have a picture of it. Would you like to see?" He asked innocently. Mai dropped her hands from her face and glared harshly at him.


Hehehe! XD Well, there you go! The final chapter of this! It made me laugh so I hope yall did too. Lol.

Please review and tell me how it was! ^.^