I made this one-shot as an apology for my lack of updates...aha... Not really, considering I wrote half of this a long time ago, but I decided to finish it...so now it's an apology... Heh. A lot of randomness my mind thought of. Anyways hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own Ghost Hunt!

Down the halls of the white, sterile, alcohol-smelling hospital the monk and miko went. The SPR team just got through with a very dangerous case which landed our favorite little brunette in the hospital. She ended up with two broken ribs and a fractured ankle with some cuts and bruises here and there. She had been unconscious for a day when the monk received a phone call from Lin, a few hours ago, informing him that Mai finally woken up. Monk said he'd be there as soon as he could but Lin told him—no, warned him—that he shouldn't even come and said Mai wasn't...herself at the moment anyways. Naturally, the monk grew very concerned about his 'little sister' so he called Ayako and told her what Lin had told him. And naturally, she fumed and demanded that he pick her up and then go to the hospital. So here they are now, standing in front of Room 603.

Monk lifted his fist getting ready to knock on the door when they heard muffled voices inside the room. The voices were raised more than normal so they must be arguing. Monk and Ayako exchanged glances. If they're fighting then...Mai must be okay! Monk proceeded and knocked on the door but when there was no reply, he slowly opened it with Ayako following behind.

"Naaaruuuu!" Mai complained. Naru, who was sitting in a chair right beside her bed, held her back by her wrists but she kept trying to reach out. "Why can't I touch your haaair? It's soo soooft!"

"Mai, stop it."


Obviously the couple hadn't heard them knock or come in so Monk loudly cleared his throat to get their attention. Mai stopped what she was doing and put her arms beside her. With doe-like eyes, she just stared at Monk and Ayako like they were the strangest things she ever saw.

"Hey Mai, how are you feeling?" Monk asked as him and Ayako walked closer towards her bed. "Mai?" He tried again when she didn't answer. She just kept staring at them wide-eyed. Monk looked at Naru questioningly but Naru was watching his girlfriend tiredly.

"Naru." Mai whispered loudly as she tugged his sleeve. "Why is that banana talking to me?"

Monk's eyes looked like they were about to pop out of his head. He looked back and forth between Mai and Naru incredulously, waiting for Naru to explain why the heck she just called him a banana. Meanwhile, Ayako had turned around and covered her mouth with her hand and wrapped an arm around her stomach to keep from laughing. But it wasn't really helping, her shoulders were still shaking and she couldn't stop snorting.

"Naru...why did she just call me a-"

"The doctor gave her something to help with the pain. When she woke up, she was like this."

Finally...Ayako couldn't hold her laughter any longer. It started off as a muffle then it just got louder and louder until she sounded like a hyena that had a cappuccino.

"Hahahahahaha! She-she just called you a...a BANANA! Hahaha!"

"Man, that lady is old." Mai commented to Naru, but she looked straight at Ayako in disbelief. She had said it quietly, but unfortunately, the 'old lady' had heard. The miko immediately stopped laughing and began to glare coldly at the injured girl. Then Monk started laughing at Mai's words, causing Ayako to direct her glare on to him.

"Oh shut it." The man said when he noticed the daggers pointing at him. Then he pouted. "At least you're still human and not a weird shaped fruit!"

Ayako scowled. "So I'm guessing this is the reason why Lin told us not to come?" She asked Naru, gesturing to the way Mai was behaving. She received a small nod.

"When she woke up and saw Lin, she started screaming bloody murder. Apparently he looks like a 'hit man' and Mai believed he was going to kill her." The dark-haired boy replied, exasperated. He grabbed her hand again when she absent-mindedly tried to touch his hair once again. A giggle escaped Mai's lips. "Lin had to leave in order for her to stop screaming. He thought it would be best for no one to visit her yet until the medicine wears off so he called all of you."

"Wait a minute, Mai's seeing everyone else as something different, but what about you?" Monk demanded. It wasn't fair that Naru got to be normal one in the disoriented girl's eyes. Suddenly Mai was able to snatch one of her hands away from her boyfriend, who unfortunately let his guard down a bit. Reaching up to his face, Mai pinched his cheek.

"Naru's so cute~! And so tiny too~!" The girl giggled. "Hehe...chibi Naru!"

Monk and Ayako abruptly laughed before they could control themselves. Naru glared icily at them, but it wasn't that effective considering Mai continued to pinch his cheeks.