Legolas looked at Lady Eowyn as Gimli told her that Aragorn had fallen. He saw the look on her face and the pain in her eyes and knew it was nothing compared to the pain he felt. He had loved Aragorn and now Aragorn would never know of that love. He looked at the Evenstar he held in his hand and remembered how he had wanted to jump off the cliff after Aragorn. The only thing that stopped him was Theoden's hand on his shoulder and the shock of the announcement to leave the dead.

He wanted to leave Helm's Deep. To hunt the Orcs out himself so that he could swiftly join his fallen love. But he couldn't. He knew Aragorn wanted to ensure that the people of Rohan were safe. Legolas vowed to do everything he could to make sure that happened. He left Gimli with Eowyn and made his way to the throne room. He sat there at one of the tables and put his head in his hands.

He did not know how long he sat there before he heard Gimli's voice. "Come, Master Elf. King Theoden has arrainged a place for us to rest. You may be able to avenge Aragorn on the morrow."

Legolas did not want to follow the dwarf, but he did not want to argue either. He lay down in the bed that had been prepared for him and tried not to let anyone see his tears.

The next morning, Legolas was checking his bow and arrows when he heard a commotion. He heard Gimli say "I'll kill him!"

He rushed out the door and felt his heart leap when he saw who was coming up the stairs. toward him. It was Aragorn. He looked worse for the wear but he was alive. He was gloriously alive. He looked as if he must have ridden all night to reach them. The weariness showed as did the pain. He had his head bowed and did not see Legolas until he almost walked into him.

He looked up and saw the face of the Prince of Mirkwood staring back at him. "You're late," was the only thing Legolas could think to say.

He opened his hand to reveal the Evenstar. Aragorn looked at it for a moment before he took it from his friend. Legolas thought he was assuming that he was returning Arwen's gift. Legolas knew that what he was doing was giving his heart to Aragorn. He just did not know how to tell him.

Legolas stormed into the room he had slept in the night efor. He kept hearing Aragorn say "Then I will die as one of them!"

He could not believe Aragorn had said that. Had he not seen what just thinking he was dead had done to Legolas? How could he so callously throw his life away for these people?

Legolas sat on the bed and wiped his eyes. He knew that Aragorn was not throwing his life away. He was trying to save his people. Legolas knew that he would not act differently if they were defending Mirkwood or Rivendell.

He went to apologize to Aragorn and saw him talking to a young boy. He knew this child could lose his life tonight. He saw how Aragorn had reassured the boy and thought what a good father he would make. Then he sighed. He knew that even though Elven males could carry and give birth to a child, he would not be the one providing Aragorn with an heir. That would be Arwen. If he had any doubts about that, all he had to do was look at the jewel Aragorn had placed around his neck once again.

He had apologized to Aragorn when they heard Haldir's horn. They rushed out to great their friend and the Elven warriors he had brought with him. He watched as Aragorn and Haldir went to the battlements to pick out good places to position the Elven archers.

Haldir looked over his shoulder and saw Legolas stare at them. Legolas turned away and walked to where Gimli was still struggling with the chain mail he had been given. He turned back to Aragorn. "You haven't told him?"

"I'm sorry, I do not know what you are talking about," Aragorn said as he looked into the coming night."

The Elven warrior looked at him and sighed. "*You still wear the Evenstar, but your heart is not with Arwen. It has not been for a great while. You need to tell him how you feel Estel. He will requite your love.*"

"*I wear this still because he returned it to me,*" Aragorn said as he turned and looked toward the keep where he saw Legolas and Gimli. "He gave it back because he thought he was returning the reminder of my love for Arwen. When I took it from his hand, it was to remind me of my love for him."

"Tell him that," Haladir said as he looked back over the wall. "Saurmen's army will be here before the night is through. But there is still time to confess your feelings before the battle starts. Do not let this hang between you as you face death. If he falls, you will never forgive yourself for not telling him who it is you truly love."

Aragorn looked down at the Elven prince again then he nodded. He went down the stairs and over to Legolas. "We need to talk," he said as Gimli stood waiting to be included in the conversation, "privately."

Legolas nodded and took him to the room he had been using. "*What troubles you Estel?*" he asked. "Is it the battle?"

"Not at the moment," Aragorn said as he shut the door. "I must ask a question of you."

"What is it?"

"Why did you return the Evenstar to me?"

Legolas looked at him for a moment then he looked away. "Because I knew you would want Arwen's gift returned."

Aragorn reached out and turned Legolas' face so he could look him in the eye. "Why did you return the Evenstar to me?"

Legolas felt the tears form but bid them not to flow. "Because I wanted to give you my heart as she had."

Aragorn stroked the smooth face before him. Then he leaned in and kissed the lips he had desired for so long. "Arwen is my sister," he said as he pulled away from the Elf. "I realized that before we left Rivendell. My heart belongs to another. It belongs to you."

Legolas looked into the eyes of the man in front of them and saw the truth. He leaned into another kiss and they found their way to the bed. Aragorn knew Saurman's army would be there soon but at this moment all he cared about was showing the Elf beneath him how much he truly loved him.

Legolas drank in the feel, the touch and the smell of the man who he was making love to. He did not think of the battle either. Nor did he think of where their passion could ultimately lead. All he cared about was that Aragorn was making love to him. That Aragorn truly loved him. He heard himself gasp as Aragorn entered his body but both knew it was a gasp of pleasure.

Legolas wanted to scream out his lover's name but he held back. They were not as alone as they would like to be. The preperations for the battle were still going on outside the room they were in. They knew that for now this one time was all they would have.

Aragorn kissed Leoglas again as they were about to leave the room. He looked at his lover. "I cannot promise that we will be victorious this night. Nor can I promise to make it out unscathed. What I can promise is my undying love for you. NO matter what the future may hold, Legolas, always remember that."

They kissed again and then went to join the others on the battlements of Helm's Deep. Legolas stood beside Gimli and Aragorn stood with the Elvis archers. They tried not to think of the danger they were in nor that one or both of them might not make it through the night.