The Woman Upstairs

Hannah: Well, yeah, but she and LB have to meet somehow! Also, I like to come up with the dialogue on my own! :P Although your ideas were pretty good! I loved them!

Happy Taco Tuesday, everyone! No, seriously! Today is National Taco Day. Oh, it's also my birthday!

Finn was eight and a half years old, but he had never touched a Lego in his entire life. Most boys his age were flipping through the pages of the Lego magazine, reading about the latest Lego sets, designing new worlds. But Finn's father said that he wasn't allowed to play with the Legos in the basement. He wasn't even allowed into the "workroom". The workroom, according to Finn's mother, was going to be a playroom for the kids…but the plans changed so that Dad could be happy. And Dad was the happiest when he was at work or in the workroom with the toys. According to Mom, she met Dad while he was at work. She had gone in for a job interview. (Of course she was given the job.) And he had proposed to her at work. Dad probably wanted to have the wedding at work, but that plan would never have worked out.

Today was a Tuesday. Dad would be home five minutes after dinner started. This gave Finn plenty of time to sneak into the workroom and play with the Legos. This was something he did every so often: sneak downstairs and have some fun of his own. He would always make sure to repair any obvious damage to buildings and to place the Legos back where he found them. All except for the Special one. The Special was named Emmet, and Finn once left him sitting on a couch instead of sleeping in his Lego bed. But Dad never noticed. So Finn moved Emmet the next day and left him in a coffee shop. Dad didn't talk about this. Finn would always make sure to move Emmet, but Dad never once noticed. That's what Emmet was good at: blending in with everything and not being noticed. Emmet was off with Wyldstyle in the Wild West part of the Lego world. He decided to play with Lord Business, who was in his office doing evil stuff. He picked up a Lego woman and examined her brown hair and blue eyes. She looked like Mom. He adjusted her body to a sitting pose and placed her in a Lego chair inside of a room in the evil lair. Then he began to move the Lego pieces around, creating a story and building a fantastic world with what he had...

Mary had been silent in the car ride over to Lord Business' secret hideout. That changed as soon as she saw the tower where the evil billionaire lived and worked. It was far bigger than she ever imagined it to be. She was prepared to take on Bad Cop and his Robots, but decided not to risk escape…just yet. Examining Lord Business' home could be a very interesting chapter in the history of the resistance…

So you can imagine her disappointment when she was placed in the lamest room of the whole building! THE WAITING ROOM. It was so generic and uncreative compared to the rest of the building. (Most of the stuff she had seen inside was awesome and memorable and what-not.) But inside of the waiting room, everything was plain and bland, like the waiting room at a doctor's office! It wasn't special at all! Unless she found something, anything to help her build her way out! Her mind began to analyze the décor of the room. Picture frame…no, that wouldn't work unless she needed a steering wheel. Yes…she'd build another motorcycle! She could use the clock on the desk as a wheel and…no, she needed another wheel! Most of the objects in the room were rectangular. Dang it…

"President Business, president of the Octan Corporation and the world, will see you in the Interrogation Room now," his overbearing Robot secretary announced. Two more Robots appeared out of nowhere, grabbed Mary by the arms, dragged her to the next room, and forced her to sit down before they left. She examined the room. This place was similar to where Emmet was debriefed by the Bad Cop. But before Mary could find the last part of her motorcycle, Lord Business engaged his dramatic entrance. Now Mary got her first look at the evil genius in person. Despite the fact that he was in giant armor, she had always pictured the man inside to be taller. He was in his thirties, she guessed, but his gray hair made him look much older. But despite the expectations she had…Lord Business was still intimidating and impressive. She had to give him that much. She wanted to know if he designed the armor himself, or if the Robots made it for him.

"Oh, wow…"

Lord Business seemed to think that this statement was one of fear, and he lowered himself to her eye level so that he could reassure her…of course, he would be lying, but still… "This isn't anything to worry about. I just have a few questions for yooooooooooooooooooooouu…"

He hadn't seen any pictures of the Lego prisoner yet, so this was his first chance to look at her. And she was not like any other Lego woman he had seen before. Her brown hair, although unkempt, framed her yellow face and brought out her pretty features. Like her eyes. They were blue! When was the last time he had seen blue eyes?

"…ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouuuu…" She wasn't frightened at all! She was just like the other Master Builders. None of them had blue eyes, did they?

"…oooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuu…" Oh, for Pete's sake, say something say something say something smart! NOW! She's looking at you! SHE'S LOOKING AT YOU! She was looking at him!

Mary examined the President's face and blushed slightly. "Um, you've got some fuzz there…" She reached across the table and brushed her hand against the front of the evil fire helmet of awesomeness. "Got it…"

"…oooooooooooooouuuuuu…" THANK HER, YOU IDIOT, THANK HER. Do something! She's waiting! This is not professional!

"THANK YOU VERY MUCH I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM RIGHT NOW." With that, the no-longer confident businessman dashed from the room, his face no longer yellow, but a deep shade of red.

Mary Sue blinked. "What the heck just happened?" She glanced around the room, but no one was there to answer her question. No one was there at all. Perfect. She smiled and reached under the table. She didn't think that her plan to steal part of Lord Business' helmet would work. But it did. With a triumphant smile on her face, Mary resumed construction of her motorcycle…

Today was very sad towards the end because we (me and a few of Jenna's closest friends) ended up talking about how much we miss her.

Review, please! :)