Note: Another story comes to a close. Thanks to each and every one of you who took time to read this and post a review.

A massive thank you to Wenwalke for her fantastic help.

Chapter Fourteen.

Danny sat out on the lanai, grateful for the shade it provided. His burns had healed well, but his skin was still sensitive, and he had been advised to wear a strong sun block, even in the shade for, several more weeks.

He watched his friends and daughter playing on the beach, and wished he could join them, but he hadn't yet been able to get himself to step foot on the sand. He'd been released from the hospital a week ago, having spent two whole weeks as a patient. Once moved from the ICU, Danny made steady progress. But the pneumonia had been stubborn, leaving Danny often short of breath and requiring oxygen. The drains, catheter and IVs had all gradually been removed as he improved, and his appetite returned.

Danny finally started to go stir crazy, cooped up in his small private room. With nothing to do but watch TV or sleep, he was plagued with nightmares, initially. Each time he fell asleep he would be transported back to the boat shed, or the beach. After the third night of little sleep, Dr. Pearce had prescribed a night sedative. But that had made it worse, the nightmares continued, and Danny was unable to wake, kept under by the drugs. Finally dragging him self out of the sleepy hazy, Danny had been unsettled and anxious, his breathing laboured and Steve had been called in to help settle his partner. Danny finally relented and told his partner everything he had gone through. Steve quietly listened, asking the occasional question to keep Danny talking, hiding his anger at what his partner had gone through. After which Danny had finally fallen asleep and slept for six whole hours, undisturbed by the terrible dreams.

After that the nightmares had lessened, and Danny continued to talk about them with Steve and only Steve. He knew Amber wanted to be there for him, but he wasn't able to describe what he went through to her. He didn't want to break her innocence with the information of his torture, a small part of him scared that she would leave him just like Rachel, once she was aware of the full risks of his job.

A bottle of water was placed in front of him and Steve sat down in the chair by his side. "You look good today Danno." He commented. "You get a good nights' sleep?"

"Actually, yeah. No dreams whatsoever. I slept like a log for eight whole hours."

"That's great buddy." Steve replied following Danny's line of sight down to the water where Amber was helping Grace build a sandcastle. "We can join them if you want. I dug out an old sun parasol for you. I'm sure Grace wouldn't mind building her castle in the shade."

"Not today." Danny sighed then took a sip of the cold, refreshing water. "Maybe in a few days. Don't worry. I'll get back on the beach. I promised myself I would be done with this by the time we flew back to Jersey to visit Matt, and the rest my family."

"About that Danny, are you really sure you're ready for that? It's a long flight and you're still recovering."

"It'll be fine, it's still a week away, and if I don't go to them soon, the whole Williams clan is likely to descend on the island. Trust me; Hawaii is not ready for that. Besides, Grace is biting at the bit to see her uncle again." Danny explained.

"Fair enough," Steve said taking a swig from his own bottle of water. "I was just worried if you had a nightmare or something on the plane."

"I'll be fine. If I have a nightmare, you'll talk me through it." Danny replied.

"I will? Danny I don't think you'll be able to use your phone up there." Steve laughed.

"I won't need to. You'll be in the seat right beside me." Danny answered trying to hide the smile that was spreading across his face as he slowly broke his surprise to his partner.

"Beside you?" Steve asked confused.

"Yep, you're coming too. Amber needs someone to deflect all the attention from her, and I'm sure my sisters and nieces will just eat you up." Danny grinned, knowing his teenage nieces would be swooning over Steve's tattooed bulging biceps.

"Danny I can't come with you, I have to work. I..."

"You have two weeks off. I cleared it with the Governor yesterday. and the tickets are already booked." Danny interrupted.

"But the team..."

"Will manage just fine without us. It's only two weeks, and when we get back I should be fine to start back on desk duty. Start working my way through all that paperwork you all love to send my way."

"But.. But why?"

"Steve, you've been right by my side through all of this. I think you're long over due some down time. Let me show you the sights of Jersey and New York. Let me introduce you to the rest of my family, it's about time they met my brother, don't ya think?"

Steve smiled, excited about the pending trip. "Thanks Danno. I love you brother."

"Love you too, you goof." Danny replied.

The End.