Here is the prologue of the story, which will introduce Naruto and his background into the Arrow Universe. For people who like the story leave a review and some ideas for future chapters for those that don't like it sorry and please don't hate me.

Prologue: Naruto's origins

During the times of Feudal Japan, there was a nation of warriors that were among the most trained and feared across the lands. These shinobi or ninja were apart of the land of Konoha, The Village Hidden in the Leaves. It was one of the most powerful nations that existed during this time period because of the fierce and loyal shinobi that served their leader, the Hokage.

Unlike the mercenaries and assassins that killed for money, these people were different. They fought to protect the world against the evil of the world, the men and women who would harm innocent people for personal gain or enslave the weak because they were strong would feel the wrath of these shinobi. They worked to help the innocent and fought for freedom and justice.

They worked behind the scenes of events throughout the years to protect the innocent and their work wasn't limited to Japan. England, France, Germany, China, Russia and the U.S., wherever there were people in danger or in need, they would be there to help. Masters of various forms of disciplines and martial arts, they could strike far away with a bow and poison arrow, sneak through a castle of armed guards and steal a scroll or defend and win when surrounded by a group of 50 hostiles.

As the years progressed on, the nation of shinobi had to change and adapt from a more progressive and technological advance world. They central location of the nation disappeared and the large groups of the shinobi moved to different countries to train and combat the growing evil. The advancements in warfare and weapons changed as guns became more powerful and more and more shinobi were having difficulties combating the growing power of their enemies.

The nation's numbers dwindles over the years and soon very few remained. But of the few that remained, they were among of the most trained and skilled shinobi that every existed in the history of the nation. Two the greatest were Minato 'The Flash' Namikaze and Kushina 'The Red Death' Uzumaki. They were the most powerful and well-trained shinobi that Konoha had every produced. Minato was skilled archer and was unstoppable with his signature three-pronged kunai (See Naruto Anime) and was called the flash because of the unbelievable speed he could achieve in combat. Kushina was famous as the red death because the last thing the victim would see would be a flash of red and then death. She was an accomplished swordswoman and her signature sword style "the red whirlpool" was unstoppable.

Over the years of their service, the two fell madly in love and knew that they wanted to start a family together, but they had blood on their hands. Granted, the people they killed were bad and the world was better off without them, they knew that they couldn't raise a child like this. So they decided that after their next mission, they would leave the life. And that is what they did, their mission was to kill the ruthless dictator of Bialya (Dc comic country run by ruthless dictator, needed something for the story) and after would create new identities and live a normal life. Little did they know that their last mission would cause problems for them later.

After their final missions, Minato and Kushina moved to Happy Harbor in Rhode Island got married. Both had accumulated funds over the years from the different jobs they had done but they needed ordinary jobs so they wouldn't raise suspicion. Minato became a writer to honor his sensei Jiraiya who had was traveling the world as a writer after his retirement. Kushina became a stay at home mom but would occasionally help at the local hospital with her knowledge of the human anatomy, she helped many people. 1 year after they had moved, Kushina was pregnant with a child and both of them couldn't have been happier. Both couldn't be happier that they were having a child and months later they had a new baby boy. They named him Naruto after the main character from Jiraiya's book. They couldn't have been happier but couldn't shake the feeling that Naruto could get hurt or worse. They both then made a promise that day that they would always make sure that Naruto would be safe and would die to protect him.

Naruto's childhood was a great one but wasn't exactly normal. He had two formal shinobi as parents, they were very protective of him, whenever he would skin his knee or get a cut they would be there right away. When Naruto turned 2, Minato and Kushina began his training. They knew that if they weren't with him he would need to protect himself from whatever he encountered. Minato would focus on kunai and shuriken throwing and showing Naruto how to use a bow and his three-pronged kunai while Kushina would train in kenjustsu (sword fighting) and bojustu (Staff fighting) and both would train him in hand to hand fighting as well as his stamina, parkour skills and free-running skills and survival. Along with his martial arts training Minato and Kushina also taught him the human anatomy so he would know where to hit as well as the details of herbal medicine to create poisons and antidotes. They also taught him military strategy and leadership and pretty much everything that they had learned when they were becoming shinobi. As Naruto got older and his training got more intense, Naruto discovered his parent's collection of weapons from their shinobi lives and discovered what they did when they were younger. After that his parents told him the truth of who they were and his legacy and why they left. They didn't want to raise him in their lifestyle and always stressed to him that they wanted him to be prepared for anything but not become what they were: killers.

He understood that and that was the one lesson he always took to heart. Growing up, he looked a lot like his father with his spiky blonde hair and blue eyes with the one exception of the six whisker-like birthmarks he had on his face. He personality was more of his mother, he was brash and dense and could be immature at times and wasn't the best with authority, especially his teachers. But he also had a big heart and would always help people in need and hated bullies or people who thought they were better then him which gave the rise to bullies but with Naruto's training that never was a problem. Naruto was everything Minato and Kushina could of hoped for in a child, he was a pure soul who knew right from wrong and was always willing to help people.

They hoped that nothing would tear them away from him but fate had other plans for them.

Three years after Oliver has been stranded on the Island

'ring, ring, ring' is what Naruto woke up to at 9 in the morning, his phone going off. He reached his hand over to pick it up and saw that it was his mother.

"Hey Mom, what's up?" Asked Naruto as he sat up in his bed.

"Hey Naru, did I wake you up?" Asked his mother on the phone.

"Yeah, sorry I stayed up late last night writing for my next book. What's Up." Asked Naruto as he rubbed his eyes.

"Nothing, just wanted to make sure that your coming home at 7 tonight right?" Kushina asked.

"Yeah mom, I got a bus ticket for 7 tonight to Happy Harbor so don't worry ok. I'll be home soon, just make sure that you and dad will pick me up." Said Naruto

"Don't worry Naru, we'll be there, can't wait to have you home sweetie." Kushina said.

"Can't wait to be home mom, love you." Said Naruto as he said goodbye to his mom.

Naruto placed his phone on his nightstand and got up from the bed and woke over to the mirror near the dresser in his room. Naruto had grown in over years, he was now 24 years old and a writer. He wanted to be a writer like his father was and after graduating high school went to college to become a writer and he was on his way to becoming a best selling author. He had one book out already and it was doing pretty well considering he just started writing. It was the first in a series of a ninja who fought to protect the world and protect his precious people. The "Naruto series" was inspired by his parent's adventures when they were younger, with details changed to make it better for a book.

His training over the years had strengthen his body and make him into a force to be reckoned with. He stood at a solid 6ft 1in with a solid muscle build that made him intimidating to someone if they pissed him off but not to the point where he was disgustingly muscular. He was lean yet had enough muscle to be afraid of, tall with a six pack and scars over his body from the training he had received over the years. His training made him dangerous but he knew restraint, he knew that he shouldn't use his training unless he had to or he could really hurt someone. His signature blond hair was a little longer then normal (His hair in Naruto Shippuden) and his whisker marks were still there and they added to his charm.

He stepped out of the shower and dried himself on and put on his clothes which consisted of a dark jeans, blue converse sneakers, an orange undershirt and a black button up shirt and his Uzumaki swirl necklace over his neck he got from his parents when he graduated college. He grabbed his overnight bag and slung it over his shoulder and grabbed his keys making sure that he had everything he needed. Then he noticed he was missing a furry companion.

"Kurama, where are you?" Naruto called out as he looked around the room searching for him.

"yip, yip." He heard from behind, and saw a cute red furred fox come out of the closet.

"Hey there buddy, didn't see you there." Naruto said to his pet fox, Kurama. Naruto found and injured Kurama a year ago when he was walking home. He took the fox to the vet and after they treated the fox, Kurama grew attached to Naruto and Naruto kept him as a pet. Kurama was a loyal pet to Naruto and was very smart for a fox, Naruto thought that he was expecting Kurama to saying something but that was crazy.

Kurama climbed up and sat on Naruto's shoulder while Naruto rubbed his head.

"You ready to go home buddy?" Naruto said.

"Yip, yip." Kurama barked, obviously excited to go home.

Naruto left his apartment in Starling city and was heading to the bus stop to head home. He moved to Starling city a year ago for his work as an author since there was a publishing agency there that was willing to publish his story. He didn't hate it in Starling city but he did miss Happy Harbor. He moved to Starling a year after Oliver Queen died on his boat, he never met him but he felt sorry for what his family must be going through. He did meet some good people in the city like Tommy Merlyn and Laurel Lance. Tommy was a rich kid but was good once you got to know him and Laurel was a great person. She was a lawyer who was working for the unfortunate people in the city. She was going through a lot with her boyfriend Oliver dead and her sister dead as well, and when she needed someone Naruto was there as a friend.

As Naruto got a cab and was heading to the bus station he looked out and saw the two sides of Starling city. The happy rich, well off population and then the poor people of the glades. Naruto wished he could help, because he didn't like watching people suffer. He was hoping that if he could get a best seller he could help the glades more but that was for the future to tell.

Naruto was on the bus heading home with his I-pod headphones in listening to music. He really missed his parents, being the only son of two overprotective parents, he was all that they had and they were all he had. His parents were sad the day he left for Starling to pursue his writing career but they couldn't be happier.

Naruto woke up a few hours later with Kurama licking his face. Naruto blinked his eyes and say that they were in Happy Harbor. He rubbed Kurama's head, thanking him, grabbed his bag and got off the bus. He stood outside of the station and looked at his watch and saw that it was 7:10pm thinking his parents would be waiting for them, he was surprised to see them not there. They were always on time, no matter what. He gave them a call but it was going to voice mail so he decided to wait and see.

45 minutes passed and Naruto was getting worried, he kept calling but he only reached voice mail. He got a cab to his house and was hoping that his parents were just busy with dinner or something like that. When he got home, he paid the cab driver and walked up to the house but he noticed something was off. The lights were off and the front door was slightly open, his parent would never leave the house like that. He put his bag down and grabbed the kunai his parents kept hidden under the mat incase of emergencies and entered the house he was instantly hit with the smell of blood.

Naruto called out for his parents and turned on the light and what he saw killed him inside. He saw blood on the ground with his parents on the ground. They both had knives in their hand but were covered in cuts and wounds and bullet holes. Naruto was frozen in place for a second when he saw his parent there. He then saw his dad move a little and rushed over.

"DAD, can you hear me? Don't worry your gonna be alright!" Naruto ran over to his dad and tried to plug some of the wounds that were bleeding. It must have just happened recently because they were still bleeding.

"Naruto," Minato said weakly, "is that you?" Reaching up to grab his sons hand.

"Yeah Dad it's me, don't worry you and mom and gonna be alright." Naruto said while reaching for his phone and then calling the police.

"Naruto, its too late." Said his mother weakly, obviously trying to stay awake despite the amount of blood she loss.

"Don't say that mom, you and Dad are gonna make it!" Naruto said in a worried voice, just getting off the phone from the telling the police what happened. He moved over to help his mom.

"Your Mothers rights 'cough' we don't have much time son." Minato said as he grabbed his wife's hand.

"No please don't, you guys can't leave I need you." Naruto said while tears fell from his head.

"It's ok Naruto, its ok sweetie, don't cry." Kushina said while holding onto Naruto's hand. "We're just glad we got to see you before we die."

"Naruto 'cough' know that we will always be with you, and you will go on to do great things." Minato said while coughing up blood.

"Kushina and I have done things that we are not proud of, I guess they came back for us. 'cough cough' but know this, out of every horrible thing we have done, we were able to give the world one great thing. And that is you. And we couldn't be happier." Minato said before he closed eyes dead along with his wife. They died in their son's arms holding hands with smiles on their faces, knowing that their son was still alive and that he would live.

Naruto was crying his eyes out as he held his mom and dad in his arms, hoping that this was just a bad dream. The police came into the house seeing Naruto crying, holding his parents with his pet fox next to him. A month later, there was a funeral service for Naruto's parents, the local people who knew Naruto's family was there to offer their condolences to him as well as Tommy and Laurel who came from Starling City to be there for their friend. Laurel had her hand in Naruto's and Tommy his hand on Naruto's shoulder, both of them their for their friend who needed them.

For weeks after the service, Naruto was a wreck, he was back in Starling city but refused to write, he would spend his entire nights drinking to dull the pain away and get in fights with people who pissed him off. He ended up putting three guys in the hospital after one altercation, the police would have pressed charged but Detective Lance knew was Naruto was going through and cut him some slack. Naruto seemed to give up hope until he received a package in the mail. It was a video that would be sent to him if his parents died.

The video was made by his parents ago, they wanted to be prepared should something happen. "Naruto, if you're watching this then were dead. We can't imagine how you must be feeling with us not longer alive."

Naruto just watched his parents trying to finish the message without crying. "We want you to know son, that we couldn't be more proud of who you've become. We both know that you will go on to do great things and help changed the world, without blood on your hands like us. But we want you to know that no matter what happens, we will always love you and never forget what we taught. The world isn't perfect but you have to make it worth fighting for. We love you son." The message stopped after that. Naruto was crying from the message his parents left him, knowing that they were right he should be trying to make a real difference.

Attached to the note and video were also coordinated and a key. He followed the coordinates and it led him to an old house that his parents keep paying for, when he entered the house he saw that is was small and empty except for one closet. He used the key on the door and when he unlocked it was an armory, filled with his parents old weapons from whey they were ninja's. Swords lined the walls, shuriken and kunai were stacked together and his father's signature three-pronged kunai and his mother's sword were together on a pile near a set of clothes. It was a black outfit consisting of a hoodie like top and black pants similar to what his parents wore but more modernized. On the Note said "For when you find something worth fighting for".

As he was reading the note there was a computer on a desk that was flashing, Kurama, who was with Naruto saw it and jumped on the chair and barked. This got Naruto's attention, he went over and turned the computer on and it was receiving and message. When he looked at it he saw that it was the same date that his parents were killed. He clicked play and was shocked at what he heard.

"The Great flash and Red death, your reputation proceeds you but you never faced someone like me." Someone was saying in an Australian-New Zealandish accent. Naruto's eyes widened, his parents were recording the voice of their killer, and sent it to this computer hoping that I would activate it.

"Whoever sent you, we been out of the game for years, we don't want trouble." Minato shouted sounding injured.

"Someone from Bialya made it personal when they hire me to kill you too, you must have pissed someone off big time." The mystery attacker said.

"It doesn't matter what you do to us, just know that you opened a world of pain on you and your employer, mercenary." His mother said.

"I'm looking forward to it, believe this was nothing personal just business." The killer said before two gun shouts rang out and ending the recorded message.

Naruto stood there for second lettings the information soak in, a mercenary, hired by someone from Bialya, killed his parents and it was personal. To him. Naruto's hands tightened into fists and some knuckles in his hand cracked. He walked over the pair of clothes his parents left him. His mother was right, that Mercenary had just opened a world of pain and it was coming for him.

That day, The Kitsune was born.

Hope you guys likes the prologue, sorry it was really long, had a lot to get into the story to give you guys a background into how Naruto will fit. Now you guys have a rough understanding on how this will play out. Don't worry more of Naruto's origins and early life will be explained in other chapters as I go more into his origin. Next chapter: City of Heroes/ The Arrow and the Kitsune meet.