a/n:ah, a new refreshing story that is full with NaLu. Hey NaLu shippers, you know me (Black Phoenix) here with this loving story. If you think that this story will be a happy, loving story well you're wrong. This story will be probably a happy, loving, funny, friendship, and a tad bit of drama. So, leave a happy review at the bottom okay. Favorite or alert (follow). Love ya.

Summary:Lucy is the most beautiful, intelligent, popular, and humble person in Fairy Tail Academy. Natsu, a nerd, loving, caring, usually bullied, intelligent, and dragon loving is in love with Lucy. So how do you get the most popular girl to fall in love with you? Tutor her in English. Full with NaLu ;-)

Dedication:This story is dedicated to xxAniAminexx for writing me a beautiful one-shot for my birthday. Thank you so much. Sorry for not writing my part for the one-shot, but thanks for being a wonderful co-author as always. So, sit tight girl, and enjoy the story. This story may suck. Tehee. Love ya girl.

Disclaimer:I own nothing but the plot.

Warning:beware in this story for: humor, fluffiness (somewhat), cursing, and probably OOC-ness.

Falling in love with a tutor

Lucy suppressed a giggle once she saw her friend, Cana, arguing with Laxus for not buying her a present on her birthday last week. It was funny to see Cana lecture her boyfriend in front of her friends. Laxus just kept nodding and sighing like he just wanted her to shut up already.

Cana folded her arms, sat down on the table, and drank her soda. Cana is now seventeen years old, and Lucy scolded her for drinking soda because it's not healthy but Cana couldn't care less about being healthy. Can you blame her? She has been drinking soda ever since she was a little girl. She's used to going to the dentist office often.

Lucy, Cana, Juvia, Mirajane, Levy, Erza, Laxus, Freed, Bixlow and Jellal were all in the cafeteria, blatant laughter was filled around the table as Laxus continued to get scolded.

"Cana, babe, you need to calm down," Laxus said as he kissed the top of his girlfriend's precious head. Cana narrowed her eyes and huffed in irritation.

"How can I calm down when you didn't even buy me a present? I wanted 200 jewels worth of soda," Cana whined. Laxus rolled his eyes and raised his eyebrows. He looked at his friends, as if telling them; see how she's a pain in the ass. Everyone laughed except for Cana who was still in a fit.

Laxus sat down and put his arms around Cana's waist. His head lay on top of her brown wavy hair. He kissed it again, taking in the scent, apparently, soap.

"Cana what if I buy your soda today, okay?" Laxus asked as he looked at his girlfriend. Cana turned her head and smiled.

"Finally, I was waiting for you to say that," Cana said as she gave him a huge bear hug. Laxus rolled his eyes before accepting the hug.

"Oh and by the way Cana," Laxus said as he earned her attention, "why does your hair smell like soap?"

Cana felt her cheeks getting warmer. She bit her lower lip and looked elsewhere except at Laxus. Laxus raised an eyebrow.



"Cana, answer me."

"Well I accidentally wash my hair with soap instead of using shampoo," Cana said as her cheeks got hotter by the minute. She quietly added, "I thought I was using shampoo."

Laxus blinked at her before a laugh escaped his lips. Cana puffed her cheeks and turned her head to the side.

"Shut up," Cana whispered. Lucy smiled at the adorable couple; they're so cute.

Lucy giggled as she felt a pair of arms around her. She quickly pivoted her body around and kissed her boyfriend, Loke, on the lips.

"Hey princess," Loke said giving his girlfriend another kissed. Lucy giggled into the kissed, once she pulled away; a smile was earned as Loke pouted. He wanted the kiss to last longer.

"Hey Loke, how was history class?" Lucy asked as she batted her eyelashes. Loke smiled and kissed Lucy's temple.

"It was so boring, but I'm glad that I got out of there quickly. I needed to see my precious girlfriend," Loke said grinning at his girlfriend. Lucy's cheeks turned rosy pink at this comment. She felt her legs went to a pile of goo. Lucy was always stickler when it comes to Loke's cliché pick-up lines. She always loved it.

"Can you two stop being all mushy?" Bixlow said as he cringed. He scrunched up his nose to express his disgust. "Get a room for that."

Loke rolled his eyes as he snorted, "Wow thanks for being a nice friend, Bixlow."

Bixlow laughed.

Lucy smiled. She was blessed to have friends like them.

Natsu sighed as he watched Lucy laughed among her friends. He's been in love with Lucy since kindergarten. He remembered how they first met as if it was yesterday. Natsu almost ate a red piece of crayon, for he thought it was candy, and Lucy swiftly stopped him before he could ever dart out his tongue.

Natsu narrowed his eyes as Loke and Lucy exchanged hugs and kisses with one another. Natsu hated Loke. Loke usually bullied Natsu in the locker once PE is over. But Loke wasn't the only one who bullied Natsu, many other people did too. Natsu wasn't the type of person to retaliate so he just simply ignores it.

"Hey flame-head, stop staring," Gray said as he raised his eyebrows at Natsu. Gray knew Natsu was in love with Lucy, but seriously, he has to stop staring. Lisanna elbowed Gray in the gut.

"Ow, what was that for?" Gray asked. Lisanna smirked at him and giggled.

"Leave Natsu alone, you know he's in love with Lucy," Lisanna said, "just as I like Bixlow."

Gray rolled his eyes. "Well you like Bixlow and Natsu loves Lucy."

"So? What's your point?" implied Lisanna as she stuffed Mac and Cheese in her mouth. School lunch at Fairy Tail Academy is disgusting but she doesn't have anything else to eat.

"So, like and love isn't the same thing," Gray said. Lisanna glared at him.

"Who cares about their definition," answered Lisanna flatly. Gray rolled his eyes once more before smile was placed on his lips.

"But the staring really has to stop, flame-head," Gajeel said as he walked towards the table with his lunch.

Natsu rolled his eyes as Gajeel sat down next to him. "Shut up."

Gajeel grinned at him.

"Tell me why I'm the only girl who's friends with you idiots?" Lisanna asked as she quirked an eyebrow. She really needs to get a new friend who's a girl other than her sister, Mirajane.

"It's because you love us," answered Gajeel. Lisanna shook her head as if that was a total inaccurate answer.

"Well I have to go," Natsu said. He grabbed his belongings and stuffed a chicken tender in his mouth. He munched on it before pulling out his water bottle. Lisanna watched in disgust as Natsu goggle the water in his mouth. She scrunched up her nose in disgust. Yep, she has to get new friends and fast.

"Where are you going?" Gray asked. His arms behind his head, elbows jutted out. Natsu turned around as he walked.

"I have to go to English class!" yelled Natsu. Gray raised both eyebrows. Before Gray can respond to him, Natsu ran.

"But the bell hasn't even rung yet," Gray said towards Gajeel and Lisanna. Lisanna shrugged her shoulders as the bell started to ring.

"Oh you have to be kidding me," Gajeel said, "I haven't even taken a bite out of the chicken-tender."

Lisanna and Gray laughed and grabbed their belongings.

"Bye Gajeel," Lisanna said as she ruffled his hair. Gray smiled at him.

"Good luck with Erza," Gray said, "y'know how she hates people being late for class."

"Wait, don't just leave me here," Gajeel said. He glared at them as they waved him goodbye.

Gajeel is now the first one in the cafeteria all by himself.

"You know what, I don't care anymore," Gajeel muttered. But let's just hope he survives the all mighty raft of Erza Scarlet, the hall monitor and student council president.

Natsu was the first person in English class to arrive. Mrs. Taylor, the teacher, greeted Natsu with a smile. Mrs. Taylor has gray hair that was pulled in to a nice firm bun. She was wearing a white shirt with a floral skirt. Natsu smiled at her.

"Good afternoon Mrs. Taylor; love your hair as always," Natsu said as he took his seat in front of the classroom. Mrs. Taylor nodded at him.

Soon, everyone else arrived for English class. Lucy walked in the classroom, walking towards to Levy.

Before she can take her seat, Mrs. Taylor said, "Ms. Heartifillia, why don't you sit next to Natsu."

Eyes wide with shock, Natsu watched as Lucy arched an eyebrow. He ignored all the chatting that was going on behind him.

"Did I do something wrong, Mrs. Taylor?" Lucy asked. Mrs. Taylor bit her lower lip.

"You did nothing wrong, now come and sit," Mrs. Taylor said. Lucy slowly nodded her head and sat next to Natsu.

Natsu glanced at Lucy and then back at Mrs. Taylor who gave him a wink.

What in the world?

Did his English teacher just wink at him? Was his crush on Lucy so obvious?

Natsu pivoted his head to the back and saw Gray and Lisanna giving him thumbs up.

Natsu face palm. Lucy took her seat next to Natsu, staring at him with fascination.

Lucy glanced at Natsu before she decided to greet him. Lucy pivoted her head to face Natsu's direction before smiling.

"Hello Natsu. I'm Lucy; glad to be sitting with you," Lucy said with a gracious smile. Natsu blushed.

"Me as well," replied Natsu as he hid his blush beneath his scaly scarf. Lucy smiled.

"Okay class," Mrs. Taylor said as she clasped her hands together, "it's time to begin the test. Remember, this test is worth fifty percent of your grade."

The class groaned.

Mrs. Taylor smiled. "Yeah, yeah; it really sucks to be you." Laughter filled the room.

Lucy giggled; this is why Mrs. Taylor is her favorite teacher. She's so fun.

Mrs. Taylor passed out the test papers. She looked at her watch and finally said with mischievous eyes, "You may begin."

After the test, the bell rang. Mrs. Taylor jumped out of her seat, startled at the sudden noise. The class laughed at this action and Mrs. Taylor gave a small smile.

"Okay you may go now. Shoo, I don't want you here," Mrs. Taylor said as she swatted the class away. The students' laughed and Mrs. Taylor beamed a little. She just adored these students.

Natsu left the classroom, not taking a glance back at Lucy. Gray and Lisanna ran up to him, walking beside him. Lucy watched as Lisanna ruffled Natsu's hair and Gray elbowing him the gut.

Lucy smiled. It must be nice for him to have friends like that. Lucy thought.

Lucy grabbed her belongings and before she can go, Mrs. Taylor stopped her.

"Lucy would stay for a minute," Mrs. Taylor said. Lucy slowly nodded as Mrs. Taylor closed the door.

"Is something wrong, Mrs. Taylor?" Lucy asked. Mrs. Taylor shook her head.

Mrs. Taylor cleared her throat. "Um no, it's just that after you were finished with your test earlier and handed it in to me, you somewhat did a not-so good of a job."

Lucy's eyes went wide at this comment.

"What?" Lucy choked out. She cleared her throat. "How bad did I do?"

Mrs. Taylor hand Lucy her test paper. Lucy's eyes went bloody wide. She looked up at her teacher, horrified.

"I have 27 questions correct out of 60," Lucy said as she looked at her teacher. Mrs. Taylor nodded. Lucy took a seat. She felt like she was going to be sick.

"How can this be?" Lucy asked. "I studied all yesterday including Wednesday. Sure, I went out shopping with my friends on those days but it was only half of the day."

Mrs. Taylor raised an eyebrow. "Lucy calmed down okay. You can still make this better. You can take the re-take in six weeks from now."

Lucy eyes went wide. "What? Why can't I take the re-take it on Friday?"

Mrs. Taylor chewed on her lower lip, changing the subject, she asked, "You will need a tutor to take this test. Cause I can assure you that this test will be different from the one you took today."

Lucy looked at Mrs. Taylor confusingly. "So where am I going to find a tutor?"

Mrs. Taylor smiled evilly. "There's a student who already signed up and is willing to help you."

Mrs. Taylor grabbed her notebook and shown Lucy the name. It read:

Natsu Dragneel

So how's that? It was my next project for NaLu, and I just thought of this idea today. Inspiration just smacked me in the face. Sorry for any grammar mistakes. I typed this on my phone; I have to, my sis is using the computer and my little sister using the laptop. I have two sisters by the way. Anyways, hope you like the first chappy of the story.

Please check out my other stories for NaLu like Princess meets Dragon, and it's not based on Lucy who is actually a Princess. Too many stories for that, but I love those stories.

xxAniAminexx, I really hope you'll like the story. This my first actual story without working with anyone, so I really hope you'll love it just how I love all of your stories. You can give me some Oreo cookies for a reward. Just kidding. Now, I'm hungry.

Okay, so enough with this chit-chat. Please leave review; I highly appreciate it. Click that favorite button and alert.

See ya in the next chapter.

§Black Phoenix§