I am dyslexic, I'd appreciate constructive comment not destructive comments. (not that I would read or take note of Destructive comment any way. You'd be wasting your time) I have spell checked and everything but if you do spot grammar or spelling that isn't correct ( as word is not god!) please PM do not write it on a comment as its very embarrassing having dyslexia! Oh so sorry! Uni caught up with me. No worries though I'll have time to write some more soon.

Aella mounted Zilla and together they walked beside the horses. The horses nickered and snorted until Zilla reassured them they were not on the list for food. Bilbo on his mount stayed close to them trotting along.

"Ah... Zilla, Aella... how do you guys feel about, taking another's life?"

As a dragon I have no guilt in taking another's life if it is Necessary, they mean to kill us, why should I not show them that I do not fear them. Besides I kill to eat, though I will not purposefully go out and kill any who walk on two legs; Zilla replied looking down at the little Hobbit

"I... I only kill when I need to. If they mean to harm me then I must protect myself. I can't say it feels right, only that I need to. I don't think it would be right if I enjoyed going out and seeking death, I feel it would turn me into a Monster of who I once was," Aella explained she looked forward to where they were headed.

Bilbo was quiet, he picked at his nails. Gandalf had said similar things to him. "Do not use this weapon unless you really have to." But now he had and he felt, different. Zilla spotted Bilbo's troubles.

The littlest one is troubled by these trials.

She curled her neck around. Bilbo's horse stopped as she placed her snout on the Hobbits head and sighing. Warm air washed over him, her scales felt rough and warm on his forehead. The Dwarves and Gandalf stopped. Thorin's sword was half drawn.

The fact you are worried about what will become of you when you kill means that killing has not changed you. I can tell you now, you will not become that you fear from killing. Your heart is kind and you are strong and self aware. Fear not Bilbo of the shire Your mind will not be tainted She pulled away from him and hummed.

"Thank you... Zilla," Bilbo replied.

Zilla looked towards the sky and snorted before glancing back at Aella, who was strapping herself into the saddle. The dragon stretched out her large wings. The horses nickered and pawed at the earth. Zilla took flight spinning into the air picking a warm air current. Below her the tree's horses and people were small. In the sky she was queen, not even birds of prey would face her, nor the giant eagles, they did not breathe fire or have razor sharp teeth. Yes granted they might have talons but what are talons compared to four sets of claws. She was also the most beautiful animal in all the lands she was sure of that. Aella smiled feeling Zillas happiness; both of them enjoyed each other's company as well as being free from the ground. Her fears seemed so small up in the sky with her dragon.

Zilla I'm going to have to Scyth Eragon at some point. He needs to send over our Amour

I agree, Smaug is bigger if he bites me I should have some protection with the Amour and wards.

She looped in the sky and circled over the horses. It wasn't long until they reached Merkwood. Zilla landed with a thump and allowed Aella to dismount.

"Zilla... You will have to meet with us on the otherside," Gandalf told the dragon.

She hissed and whipped her head around to look at Aella.

I'm sorry Zilla... Look I'll see you on the other side and keep in contact with you within my mind. If I need you I will shout for you

I guess that will be enough but I'm not happy

Oh take my sword I don't want to lose it in the forest.

Aella drew her riders sword and climbed up onto Zilla's shoulder securing it to the saddle bags.

"Stay in the shadows and run from all with two legs. Good luck Zilla," She placed her head on her neck and climbed down.

Zilla grumbled nuzzling the top of Aellas head before taking flight. With a sigh Aella turned to the forest.

"This forest... It's sick," Bilbo stated.

Aella touched a tree and pulled back sharp, she gave Gandalf a worried look. He walked forward and looked at the trees before turning and crying out that he wanted his horse. Aella turned sharp and stood back as he spoke with Bilbo.

"This forest is thick with illusions stick to the path if you lose it you most certainly not find your way out. Oh and Aella, tell Zilla not to eat any of the animals from the forest. They have spells cast over them and they may cause unusual side effect. Don't worry they do were off but it is better if she doesn't," he instructed. They watched as his sped away.

"I can cast a spell..." Aella began to say.

"No... No spells," Thorin snapped.

Aella sighed he still didn't trust her. She hung back as the others entered the forest and turning away she cast a spell over herself, one that would mean she wouldn't get caught in the illusions. She sighed and followed them. Everything seemed normal at first. The Dwarves didn't seem to be effected and Bilbo seemed happy-ish. It was un-natural quiet.

Everything alright? Zilla asked

So far... Oh there was something I was to tell you, I can't remember though.

Then... Everything came to a halt. She almost fell over the hobbit and clung onto his shoulders. Aella raised an eyebrow. Why had they stopped? The path was right there in front of them. Thorin, who was in front of the Hobbit, barged up front.

"What's going on?" Thorin snapped.

"The path it's... gone!" One of the Dwarves replied.

Aella walked up to them. She frowned. The path it was right there in front of them and yet they were panicking screaming about the path being gone. It was the illusions, it had to be.

"The path its right there infront of you look!" Aella said pointing.

Thorin narrowed his eyes.

"Another trick! Every one look for the path!"

"Kili, Bilbo, Fili, Bofur look can't you see it! Can you not help me!" Aella said walking over to them.

She had to make them see she just had to. They shook their heads or denied seeing it or even trying to make her think that she was seeing things. Eventually she gave up and hoped that they would see the path again.

She followed behind in silence. Concern was growing in her belly as they started doing funny things. Aella would give them one day before calling on Zilla for help.

"Look theres Dwarves in these forest."

"A tobacco pouch from the blue mountains no less."

She raised an eyebrow and saw Bilbo climbing.

"Hay where are you going?"

When he didn't reply Aella followed after him careful not to look down. For a little guy he was fast. Eventualy they broke though the surface. The illusion spell on the forest seemed to brake when he hit the air. Aella was a little disappointed she didn't see Zilla but that was to be expected.

"Look Aella the mountain. Guys I see the mountain we are almost there!" Bilbo shounted down.

He looked at Aella concerned and cried out for them again. No reply.

"Thorin!? Fili!?" Aella shouted.


They began to climb down when the branch they reached for broke and they tumbled and fell. Aella felt the fear bubble up inside her as she span in the air in front of the little hobbit. She came to a holt very fast. She sighed and tried to get up her arms didn't move. She kept struggling, Bilbo beside her cried out. She turned looking around then saw a massive Spider. She didn't have a chance to scream when she was wrapped up into a tight cocoon of silk. Aella listened to the horrid scree and scuttle movement of the spiders, she felt sick. Can't move... can't move! She was so close to calling Zilla when a horrid cry came from one of the spiders, then another. The spider silk was being cut. Bilbo suddenly came into view.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

Aella just whimpered In reply. He helped her up and dusted her off.

"Wait here take a breath I'll find the others," he said and ran off.

Aella went to call after him, all that came out of her mouth was a whimper. The sound of fighting caught her attention; she drew her dagger and ran after the sounds. Aella leapt over branches landed on others and swung down the trunk of a tree. Large spiders were scuttling and attacking the dwarves, who barely reached the top of the spider's legs. She cried out and stabbed at the creatures. The dwarves all grabbed one leg each and pulled one of the spiders apart. Thats when she suddenly noted Bilbo was missing.

"Bilbo!?" She cried out, a leg hit her from behind and she dropped her dagger falling into the dirt. Aella's ear twitched as branches above them shook and men, and women came down from the trees.

"Elves!" She grinned climbing to her feet helping, now more confidently with the fight.

"Alfa fricaya," Aella bowed like she was taught by Arya.

The blond elf, known as Legolas raised an eyebrow.

"The Grey Folk's native tongue had not been used in many years. A Halfling I see, I should have known you would be ill educated," He stepped around her, looking at her as if she was dirt before going to insult the dwarves.

"Halfling... I'll show you Halfling..." She growled

"Kili! Where's Kili!" Fili snapped looking around.

A cry of fear rung though the forest hitting Aella's ears. Aella knelt down and put her hand to the floor. She extended out finding the youngest Dwarf.

"He's alright another Elf stepped into help him," Aella replied to Fili with slight venom in her voice.

The group were then starting being ushered along a path. Aella looked around for Bilbo, worry made her heart sick. The Hobbit was so small easily lost.