Author's Note:

This is a new short story about 20 chapters.

This story will also be posted on The Writers Coffee Shop, Archive of Our Own, Fictionpad, and my wordpress (when complete).

Thanks to my beta Darcysmom for all her hard work.

I have made a facebook group for my stories if you would like to join. I have already posted the banner and pictures: I will also post teasers on there. www . facebook groups / 316424108454146 /

Banner will be up on my blog made by Mina Rivera

Disclaimer: All Twilight Saga related thing belong to Stephenie Meyer.


Chapter 1

Bella's Point of View

"Did you hear about the new guy?"

"Who do you think he will be interested in first?"

"Did you see how tall he was?"

The talk of the new guy joining our crew was the major buzz going around work. Anytime there was a new guy or girl hired, everyone wanted to know who the person was and what kind of asset they would be.

The latest victim was apparently a twenty-one year-old male who was hired because of his handsome features and he was a friend of one of the other guys.

In this past week Kate, our boss, had hired eight new people. Everyone was shocked, but with the way business was going right now, we needed as much help as we could.

As I walked into the locker room I spotted the two gossiping girls, Emily and Carmen. They were both known to spread rumors. While I may've talked to them on occasion, I wouldn't call us friends. They weren't a part of my group. Here at E.X.P.R.E.S.S. we were split into four different cliques, we had the popular, whatev's, partiers, and wannabe's. Carmen was known for being Miss Party girl, and Emily just went with the flow.

"Hey Bee, have you met the new guy yet? He apparently went to high school with you." Carmen asked, quirking her perfectly shaped brow.

"What's his name?" I asked her, while stuffing my purse in one of the available lockers.

"Edward Masen, he was a basketball star." This was the problem, during high school I knew some of the popular students; however, at the end of my freshman year, my father was convicted for embezzling a couple million dollars, identity theft, and other shit. My high school career was consumed with getting good grades and taking care of my brother while my mom went back to school and worked. My best friend Tia was the only person I ever hung out with during high school.

"Nope, doesn't ring a bell," I told her and quickly walked away.

I spotted my best friend, Jessica, standing by the computer talking to Riley. Riley was an attractive guy who was recently dumped by his girlfriend of four years. He was one of the nicest guys I knew, and the poor guy proposed to his ex-girlfriend on Valentine's Day only to find out that she didn't love him and wanted to have one night stands with random strangers. Poor guy couldn't go to his favorite grocery store since she was the clerk.

"Move bitch, get out of the way," I spoke in a low voice.

Jess turned around laughing at me and started mimicking me.

"Seriously, what are you two going to do when she leaves to go to school in Arizona?" Riley asked with a laugh. His brown eyes were sparkling with wonder.

"We are not discussing this right now!" I placed my palm toward him as if that would stop him. He chuckled at me before putting on his apron and going to his position.

Even though Jess had not planned on going to college in Arizona, they gave her the best financial support. So for the next couple of years I would be living in California finishing up my Bachelors, while she was off in another state. It wouldn't be for long though, we planned on moving to New York as soon as we finished our degrees. I would be attending John Jay College for my graduate school, while she worked at John Hopkins Hospital.

"Why the hell did I pick Arizona? I hate the heat and desert so much!" Jess cried.

"It will be over before you know it. Look at me, I graduated high school four years ago and I still feel like it was just yesterday." I told her.

"This three year age difference really sucks." She huffed.

"Girls, clock in," Irina rushed out as she ran past us and into the back.

I typed in my five digit password and clocked myself in before looking at what position I was in tonight. E.X.P.R.E.S.S. was the hottest restaurant/bar to work at. We had everything from fresh high school graduates to older adults working here. Our boss, Kate, always told us that she only hires attractive people or else E.X.P.R.E.S.S. wouldn't be successful. It also helped that the females wore short body fitting black dresses and black high heels.

"Looks like I'm on phone orders tonight," Jess groaned.

I found my name on the computer and frowned. "I'm on front with the new boy."

"What? Are you serious?" Jess asked with sadness in her tone.

"Yeah, they split us up tonight."

"If they think that will stop us talking, they should just wait and see. We will make our own sign language," Jess stated.

I giggled with her before walking out of the kitchen and toward the front of the restaurant. Standing next to our other manager, Jane, was one of the most attractive guys I had ever seen. He was tall with an athletic build. He had wild bronzish hair and the prettiest green eyes. He was in the standard male uniform— a white button up and black slacks.

Jane spotted me and quickly smiled. "Here's Swan!" For whatever reason unknown to me people tended to call me by my last name here more than my first name.

"Hi Mrs. Jane," I greeted. She responded with a girlish giggle.

"This is Edward, our newest employee," she told me, then switched her attention to Edward. "Edward this is Bella."

"Bella, for a second I thought your name really was Swan. It's nice to meet you." His voice had a rich velvet sound to it that made my insides melt. He held out his hand to shake mine. I placed my hand in his, loving his firm grip.

"Nice to meet you, too," I replied. I wasn't one to overly stare at an attractive guy, but there was something about Edward that I couldn't help but look at him.

"Well, I'll leave you two to greet everyone tonight. Good luck Edward," Jane said as she sauntered off towards the kitchen.

"So, how long have you worked here for?" Edward asked.

"About nine months." I responded.

He nodded his head, and soon we were talking and asking questions in between greeting customers and assigning them their seats. I had learned that Edward graduated a year before me and was quite the basketball player back in high school. I knew his old high school buddies, but was never a part of that crowd. He was shocked that he never knew me in high school, despite it not being that big. I explained that I was involved in dance and had to take care of my brother. Edward showed me an old picture of him in high school; he wasn't quite the looker he was now. He had definitely filled out over the years.

As it moved closer to closing time, Jane appeared again. "Hey Swan, you can go ahead and clock out. Edward I'm going to show you what front people close."

"Okay." I smiled at her before returning my attention back to Edward. "It was nice working with you, I'll see you around." I smiled.

"You certainly will," he whispered flirtatiously with a crooked smirk while Jane's attention was directed toward her phone.

I walked back toward the kitchen with a small smile gracing my face. Maybe the new guy wouldn't be bad after all.

Thanks for reading! Let me know if I should continue or not ;)

I plan on posting teasers every Friday and updating every Tuesday. I'm a bit behind schedule so sorry for the late posting.

I promise there will be no cheating between Bella and Edward and there will be a HEA ending.

If you want me to continue please review to let me know! I will be sending teasers to everyone who reviews! Make sure your PM's are enabled.

I'm on Twitter ADADancerfanfic

Facebook: Becky Rossi