Disclaimer: Pretty sure it's obvious, but I don't own the people mentioned in this. I just like to have fun with 'em y'know. They're my puppets right now (;
It was scary.
Being numb as I was.
I couldn't feel, I couldn't live. What used to make me happy and excited no longer did and I could feel myself becoming distant.
My reality was warping and I couldn't see, couldn't feel, couldn't be as I once was.
And I hated.
I hated and I was angry and I was furious at how unkind and fucked up this world was.
How terrible the gods were. (She didn't realize just how right she was before)
And now, as she stood on that cliff, she laughs. Maniacally, sort of. On the brink. On the verge. On the edge. Wanting to let herself fall. Dangerous thoughts, dangerous place. And it would be so easy. So easy to just let go.
She stares down at the stormy waters, looks up at the dark clouds, watches the trees and leaves lash out against the wind as it pushes against them and her cackles cut off suddenly...
...with a sob...
...and her eyes widen in surprise because she's been unable to cry for so long. She couldn't cry when she found out from her mother that Sam and Emily were getting married, couldn't cry when her family distanced themselves, couldn't cry when her dad died, couldn't cry when she turned and she just couldn't cry, couldn't cry, wouldn't cry.
Then her legs give out and she falls backwards as her sobs rock through her body, shake her to her core and make her physically (emotionally) unable to move.
She stays there for hours, soaked through as the storm slowly dies off, wind turning into a gentle breeze, the clouds melting away, the waves calm and the last lights of the horizon...
...shine down on her...
...and she smiles.
By the time her tears stop it's dark and she stares up at the night sky...
...and then she sleeps...
...and she dreams...
...and in them...
...she laughs...
...she smiles...
...she cries...
...she forgets...
...and she's happy...
...she doesn't need to wake up...
...but she does...
...and yet...
...she still smiles...
and she finally lets herself move on.
I have fun with my writing, that's one of the only reasons I do it (: