We do not own Koihime Musou or Kamen Rider Gaim. They belong to their respective creators. We just thought this idea would be fun and decided to give it a try. If you like it then that's great. If you don't then we tried. Anyway, come along and let's see what you think.

KRC: By the way, I recommend listening to "Break the Shell" by Kamen Rider Girls when reading this story just to get in the right mood. Start it up when the Riders return.

Sangokuden Armored War Gods Saga: Destiny of the Armored War Gods

Co-Written By: Ten-Faced Paladin and Kamen Rider Chrome

Chapter 15: The Path We Have Chosen

Kanu panted as she slashed down another Rinshi. The battle was going evenly so far. The monsters had numbers, but the most part they were easy to take down. On the other hand, the united kingdoms had a number of skilled fighters. One thing was going against them, if there had to be one major disadvantage. They went into the battle angry, a number of the leaders, generals, or skilled members went in with heartbreak and rage. They had a strong bond with the Armored War Gods who had touched their lives in such extreme ways.

Ensho was barking orders at her retainers and soldiers, but she was crying as she did so. It was easy to tell she felt her beloved was gone forever and would not be able to come back. Her orders were harsh and angry, obviously wishing to cause as much pain as she possibly could to the advancing Rinshi.

Sonken was throwing her contingent at the enemy, with herself in the lead. It was quite obvious she loved Masataka and seeing him taken away had whipped her up into a frenzy powered by her grief. She had even cut her hair short. She was at the forefront, slashing down as many enemies as she could, wishing to see the enemy dead for taking away someone so precious. She even commanded the soldiers to summon Inves to fight against the undead horde and even to activate the Dandeliners and Tulip Hoppers for added firepower.

Kochu likely was the most piteous, she was slinging arrow after arrow at the targets. She had been doing it for so long her arm was trembling and her fingers were bleeding from shooting so many arrows. It didn't bother her though, her eyes were wide, her teeth grit, and bags were forming under her eyes. She had lost her heart a second time, she would not stop until the ones responsible were made to suffer.

Kakoton and Kakoen were like a pair of wild women, cutting through monsters like they were hacking through weeds. The dark-haired Kako Sister now sported a butterfly eyepatch over her left eye, having been injured earlier. Sousou was especially brutal, looking like a miniature demon as she abandoned strategy for killing the monsters who took away a member of her family and who was so beloved by many of her circle. Her scythe had slain many of the Rinshi and yet she was not satisfied, not until every one of them was exterminated.

Ryofu was a pillar of calm, but Kaku and Kayu were definitely not. Kaku was ordering the soldiers to push ahead while Kayu lead the way, screaming as she cut down more and more of the Rinshi, making her appear like a madwoman on the battlefield. It was only because of Ryofu's natural calm that Kayu didn't dive headfirst and get surrounded by the enemy and get cut down.

However, while Ryofu appeared calm, her fury was translated into the brutality of her blows. Seeing the Armored War God she was so fond of being taken away like that had made her snap into action and she wanted to make the enemy pay for taking Gaim away.

Even Bun'en wasn't her usual self, but her fury was cold and calm. Any enemy that went near her was cut in twain. Her dear friend had been taken away and she planned for there to be blood for that crime. It was a sentiment many of the unique assets agreed with since Marcus had met so many and helped more with his wandering and his art.

Kanu herself wasn't immune as tears ran down her cheeks as she fought. Chouhi and Ryuubi stuck close, but they were also hurt by the removal of their dear friends. Kanu thought someone cut her heart out and she could only express it by bringing pain and destruction to the ones who did it. She would have justice for Nagata! They would pay for taking her lover away!

"We're outnumbered!" Chou'un panted, stabbing another Rinshi. "We must retreat now!"

"No...no…" Kanu shook her head. "Not until they pay! They have to pay!"

"Aisha, I know you are hurting, but if you keep doing this you will die!" Chou'un snapped.

"So if I die I can go to Heaven and be with him!" Kanu screamed, lifting her weapon for another strike.

"He wouldn't want you to throw your life away!"

As the argument went on, Bacho noticed a light in the sky. Glancing up, she spied eight lights in the sky which were slowly growing. At first she thought they were some kind of stars which were starting to come out in the night sky, but they got even bigger than the stars would normally be. It was then that she realized that they were eight falling stars which were coming straight at them!

"LOOK OUT!" she screamed, pointing at the sky.

The united forces looked up at the sky and saw the stars. Fearing it was an artillery attack, the united forces began backing off, leaving the Rinshi confused. As they began to pursue the soldiers, they were suddenly blasted in explosions as the eight stars crashed down, splitting the battlefield back to the respective sides. Both sides eyed the craters where the stars had hit, wondering what was going on. In the smoke and dust, they thought they saw movement. Then they heard...









Many of the attendees to the battle thought that their hearts had stopped. For a select group of ladies, they hoped it was true but feared that it was some kind of cruel trick. Then, one by one, emerging from the smoking craters they made were the armored forms of the Armored War Gods, their armor reflecting the rising moonlight as they stared down at the members of the RinJyuKen Akugata that stood against them.

"RinJyuKen! Your sins against this world cannot be ignored any longer!" Gaim pointed his sword at the enemy. "For trying to destroy this peace, rip apart the lands, and break the hearts of the people, we will destroy you!" Gaim then slashed his sword down, "Armored War God of the Ultimate Sword! Gaim! Arriving on Stage!"

Baron thrust his Banaspear and took a stance, "Armored War God of the Ultimate Spear! Baron! Advancing!"

Ryugen took aim like a classical gunslinger, "Armored War God of the Ultimate Eye! Ryugen! I Always Hit my Mark!"

Zangetsu clanged his shield and took a stance, "Armored War God of the Ultimate Shield! Zangetsu! Authorized by Divine Providence!"

Gridon slapped his Donkachi against his open palm, "Armored War God of the Ultimate Hammer! Gridon! It's Hammer Time!"

Kurokage twirled his Kagematsu and took his own battle stance, "Armored War God of the Ultimate Cutter! Kurokage! Ready to Strike!"

Knuckle slammed his Kurumi Bombers together with a resounding boom, "Armored War God of the Ultimate Fist! Knuckle! Sanjou!"

Bravo scraped his two swords together, causing sparks, "Armored War God of the Ultimate Fury! Bravo! Let's Rock and Roll!"

"MINNA!" Gaim pointed forward with his Daidaimaru, "LET'S MAKE THIS OUR STAGE!" The Riders all roared and charged at the enemy horde.

Gaim hacked and slashed at the Rinshi in his path, making his way towards the Shoku Faction. He then charged at the Rinshi and unleashed his fury. Dual-wielding the Musou Saber and Daidaimaru, each slash hit its mark. Then leaping into the air, he fired several shots before landing and joining his weapons together.


[1, 10, 100, 1,000, 10,000!]

"Hyah! Shi-yah! Oi-ryah!" Gaim punctuated each cry with a swing of his weapon, each wave of orange power engulfing the Rinshi in an orange sphere. He then swung horizontally, a massive blade of orange energy swiping through the spheres and their contents.


A series of explosions erupted as each sphere detonated, vaporizing their contents and sending them to the afterlife.

Once he reached his friends, he asked, "Are you girls OK?"

"Nagata-niichan!" Chouhi gasped at the sight of the Ultimate Sword.

"Nagata-sama!" exclaimed Kanu, barely believing her eyes. "You've returned."

"Aisha, you and the others should fall back," ordered Gaim.

"But, Nagata-sama-!" Kanu started to protest.

"You're tired and in no condition to continue fighting," he reasoned. "Let us handle this. We want to pay these assholes back for ripping us away."

Kanu was internally debating with herself. Should she disobey by continue fighting or obey and let him handle it? She then let out a sigh as she nodded, "Very well, Nagata-sama."

Gaim nodded back and turned his gaze towards the enemy forces, his grip on his weapon tightening. This was their stage and he was going to make sure that they knew it.

When Ensho saw that her fiance had returned, she was beyond elated. Bunshu and Ganryo felt the same way as well. He made his way towards them as he knocked away any and all Rinshi that tried to get in his way. He struck and sent them flying with explosive force. A couple tried to hit him from behind but he swung his arms back, sending them stumbling, before turning on his heels and landing strikes of pure power that punched holes into their chests.


"Coming through!" yelled Knuckle as a projection of a walnut surrounded him and he barreled through the Rinshi, crushing them with his power. He reached Ensho and gave her his own personal salute. "Yo, Reiha-chan! Tadaima!" he greeted.

"Haru-sama!" Ensho wept tears of joy as she hugged him.

"Haru-sama, you're back!" Ganryo added, smiling happily.

"Where have you been?" Bunshu demanded.

"A long story, but how about you girls take a break and let us handle the rest?" he requested.

"Haru-sama..." Ensho spoke, "When this is over, you will comfort me all night long for making me cry."

"That's a promise, Reiha-chan, but first I need to take care of this zombie problem," he replied as he gave her a salute.

"Very well. I will do as you say, my love."

A Rinshi was bisected at the waist by a sword wielded by Zangetsu. While he was named the Ultimate Shield of the Armored War Gods, that did not mean his only weapon was his shield. Out of the Armored War Gods, he was one of the two who wielded a Musou Saber, the other being Gaim. Considering his fighting style, the sword was a suitable weapon. The shield was just an accessory designed to give him a bit of a defense.

A Rinshi thrust its spear at him but Zangetsu guarded with his shield and slashed with his sword. While he appeared to be winning, the horde of Rinshi seemed endless and he was slowly getting annoyed.


As his sword glowed, he spun and slashed, sending Rinshi into oblivion and allowing him some breathing space before he accelerated, moving like a white blur as he slashed at the enemy Rinshi. His blade cut through them with ease as he relentlessly cut through their numbers.


The Melon Defender glowed and Zangetsu threw his shield as hard as he could. It spun as it soared, spinning like a disk and striking the Rinshi. Then, concentrating, Zangetsu accelerated towards the Go Faction and cut the Rinshi down with his Musou Saber. Raising his left arm, the Melon Defender returned to him before he turned to face Sonken.

"Sorry I'm late," he apologized before bowing.

"Masataka..." Sonken uttered as tears welled up in her eyes. He gently brushed her tears away with his thumb.

"You shouldn't shed any tears," he advised and then turned to face the Rinshi. "I recommend that you fall back. Me and the other Armored War Gods will handle this."


"I am the Ultimate Shield, Renfa-sama," he interrupted her. "Your shield. My duty is to protect you from harm. That is the oath I made with your sister." He then turned his gaze on the enemy. "These demons will not lay a hand on you! The blade of the White Devil shall cut them down!"

Sonken wanted to argue but knew her advisor had a point. However, she wasn't going to just leave him with basic equipment only.

"Take these," said Sonken as she held out the GenesisDriver and Melon Energy Lockseed to him. He had left them behind but Sonken had kept them for him just in case.

"Thank you," Zangetsu said as he accepted the devices. While he appreciated the power of his SengokuDriver and Melon Lockseed, he could not deny the superior capabilities of the GenesisDriver and Melon Energy Lockseed.

Zangetsu removed his SengokuDriver and put it away before strapping on his GenesisDriver. Once it was secure, he activated his Energy Lockseed and locked it into his GenesisDriver.


He quickly pushed in the Seaboll Compressor, opening up his Energy Lockseed and allowing the container underneath to gather the sparkling 'juice'.


His Melon Arms vanished as the Melon Energy Arms descended, the energy rippling over his body to change his Pre-Arms suit into the one meant for Zangetsu-Shin. The Melon Energy Arms disassembled in a splash of juice then folded onto his body. Unlike most Armored War Gods, his armor was asymmetrical. Also, the suit appeared devil-like and more befitting his title.

He was the White Devil of Go and he was going to send the Rinshi back to Hell where they belonged. He gave Sonken a nod, silently promising to return to her, before charging back into the battlefield.

"Let's Rock and Roll!" Bravo laughed as he savagely slashed at the Rinshi that came at him. A few came at him with spears before he broke their weapons before breaking their skulls, slapping them away. "You know, if you were having a party like this, you should've invited me! It's really a bad idea when the life of the party is absent!"

"Shut up and focus!" snapped Baron.

"Oui, oui," Bravo nodded as he and Baron fought together.



Banana projections struck the Rinshi down as durian-shaped energy spheres blew them up.

"I have a feeling this might make an epic painting. I can remember all the details," boasted Bravo.

"Fine, but focus on staying alive and killing everything that wants to kill us!" Baron shot back.

"Hmph, very well. After this I will need some private time with my lovely angels." Baron rolled his eyes at those words.

"Whatever..." Baron muttered. Though, he could understand what Bravo was feeling. He wanted to go and see the Gi Faction as well after just coming back. However, he needed to take care of this little pest problem first. These Rinshi would fall at the hands of the Crimson Enforcer General.


Kochu had run out of arrows but then purple energy shots gunned down the Rinshi as Ryugen arrived.

"Airen..." Kochu's eyes watered as she was reunited with her beloved husband again. Ryugen took a look at her bleeding fingers and made a decision.

"Shion, you should fall back with the others. Let me and the others deal with this," Ryugen said.

"But I can't just leave you-!" she protested. He gently wrapped his hand around hers.

"Your fingers are bleeding," he said with concern and she hissed as she felt her sore fingers from having fired many, many arrows.


"I will come back," he promised as he gently caressed her cheek. "But remember that Riri still needs you."

"She needs you too."

"I know and I have no intention of falling here!" Ryugen turned and unleashed the full force of his Budou Lockseed with three quick pushes of his Cutting Blade.


The purple spheres on his chest and gun glowed as energy transferred from them and into the Budou Ryuhou. He pulled the hammer and took aim, unleashing a massive beam of energy in the shape of a roaring dragon at the enemy forces. The beam continued to soar, obliterating all in its path.

"Let everyone here know the fury of Ryugen, the Demon Dragon of Shoku!" he declared. He was definitely pissed. Being separated from his family would do that. Now, he was going to pay them back for that.

Gridon was playing a game of 'Whack-A-Rinshi' with his Donkachi. Backing him up was Kurokage who was battling the spear-wielding Rinshi with his Kagematsu.

"Hey, bro! I think it's time we switched it up!" Kurokage suggested.

"Agreed! Time we upgraded for a tactical advantage!" accepted Gridon.



The portals zipped open above them, releasing their A-Class Arms Armor Parts before replacing their Lockseeds.


Gridon's Donguri Arms and Kurokage's Matsubokkuri Arms dispersed, creating a shockwaves which blew the Rinshi backwards before they pushed down the Cutting Blades.



The Arms fell, disassembled, and folded onto their bodies to form their armors. Their weapons formed in splash of juice and they went into action. Gridon bashed the Rinshi with his Rambutan Masher while Kurokage cut them down with his Tomaspear.

Back-to-back, the two supported each other. They watched each other's backs, taking down their enemies with ruthless ease. Kurokage pushed his SengokuDriver's Cutting Blade down thrice, activating his finisher.


Kurokage leapt into the air as he raised his Tomaspear with both hands. He then dove at the enemy Rinshi and spun like a drill, plowing through their numbers with ease.


As for Gridon, a massive projective of a rambutan appeared above him and he brought down the Rambutan Masher to bring the projection down, crushing the enemies as the projection exploded into juicy chunks.

"Ah...it feels so good to be doing this again!" declared Gridon nostalgically.

"Yeah, you're turning out to be quite the scrapper, buddy," Kurokage agreed.

"Only because I've found something worth fighting for," answered Gridon. "Now, let us obtain victory for Yue-hime!"

"You got it, Aibou!"

Right jab, left jab, right hook, uppercut; Knuckle was a whirlwind of punches as he took down the Rinshi. Their spears couldn't save them and their skills meant squat towards the Ultimate Fist. However, they were still numerous and Knuckle wanted to take them all out quickly.

"Time for some more muscle power!" Knuckle shouted as he switched his Lockseeds.



As he pounded his fists together, the Coconut Arms dropped on his head as his Kurumi Arms vanished. The armor then folded on his body, equipping him with the Coco Boxer. After switching to an A-Class Arms, he started exploding Rinshi with his punches alone. The pistons worked to increase the destructive power of his blows, turning the undead foot soldiers into clouds of purple dust. As he pounded the ground, his blows made tremors that shook the ground and caused the Rinshi to become unbalanced. He then capitalized on this and struck them down, brutally. They burst into purple dust before they even hit the ground.

"Yeah! Come on! Show me what you got!" Knuckle challenged, pounding his chest ferociously. He struck his Cutting Blade.


He stomped on the ground and the area around him exploded, sending the Rinshi flying upwards. His pistons pumped and he shot energy coconuts at the airborne Rinshi, blowing them up violently with loud booms.

"What a man~!" swooned Ensho at the sight of her beloved's manliness.

"Hmph, showoff," remarked Bunshu but with amusement as she watched her lord's fiance brutally take down his opponents. He was rough around the edges, unrefined for the most part, and mixed with the commoners. However, his willingness to fight for those under his protection marked him as a true noble.

Ganryo was still planning of becoming Haru's mistress one day. She just needed to ask Ensho for her permission.

The White Devil of Go was living up to his title as he coldly shot down his enemies. He rapidly fired his Sonic Arrow, his arm moving fast to pull the shaft, stretch the strings and release. He repeated this process, firing at quick succession. Energy bolts flew and pierced the Rinshi. Some got in close and he slashed at them with the blades of the Sonic Arrow, bisecting them cleanly. He also landed kicks to push them back before slicing them with his Sonic Arrow.

He pushed the Seaboll Compressor twice, activating the Sparking finisher function. Unlike the SengokuDrivers, the GenesisDriver could only perform the Squash and Sparking Functions, no Au Lait. However, considering the model, those two levels for the finisher were enough.


He leapt into the air and performed a flying kick. Orange energy burst around his outstretched foot before he struck, plowing through the Rinshi, leaving a trail of dust and destruction.

Zangetsu-Shin spotted several more Rinshi coming right at him. He proceeded to unlock his Melon Energy Lockseed from his belt before locking it into his Sonic Arrow. He aimed high and pulled the shaft, stretching the string as energy transferred from his Energy Lockseed into the tip of the Sonic Arrow through the strings.


"HYAH!" Zangetsu-Shin released the energy bolt which trailed a giant melon. An explosion bloomed and hundreds of energy arrows came raining down, destroying the enemy Rinshi with ease.

Meanwhile, the Armored War Devils had been observing the battle. It was just so amusing to watch as the factions fought the Rinshi. Sure, they could have transformed and kill everyone against them. They had the power and had done it before. However, it was just so entertaining to watch their enemies try and fight them, exhausting themselves as they fought to their very limits.

However, their amusement soon turned into surprise, concern and anger as the Armored War Gods returned. It was like a sharp slap to the face for the Armored War Devils.

Saji yelled at Ukitsu, "How could this have happened! You swore that they would never be able to return!"

Ukitsu scowled in thought. How could this have happened? Then, he realized that it could only be one person, "Chosen..."

"Come on, let's just take care of them ourselves!" Shishi encouraged. "If magic can't get rid of them, then let's do it ourselves!"

"Smartest thing you said," Diaochan agreed.

"Time we showed them the pecking order!" Saji ordered as he took out his Cherry Energy Lockseed.





The Energy Armor Parts descended from their portals, floating above their heads. They then locked in their Energy Lockseeds and pushed in the Seaboll Compressors.



The two steel cherries landed on Saji, donning him in his Pre-Arms suit as he became Sigurd. Inside the Cherry Energy Armor Part, his head was covered by the helmet as the headpiece attached. The centre of the fruits folded onto his chest and back to form his torso armor as the two cherry halves connected by the stem snapped together before landing on his left shoulder.


The metal peach landed on Diaochan and covered her with pink and black Pre-Arms suit as she became Marika. The helmet materialized over her head inside the Peach Energy Armor Part before it opened up and folded to her body. The two and right side of the peach folded onto her right shoulder as the front part folded down, melding to her chest. The right and back side of the metal peach attached together and folded behind her.


The Grapefruit Energy Armor Part landed on Shishi's head. He grinned widely as his helmet formed before the armor disassembled. The sides of the metal fruit swung upwards as the front folded down like Gaim's Orange Arms. The back of the fruit folded behind him. Finally, the broad pauldrons settled on his shoulders as the armor snapped together.


The bottom half of the Lemon Energy Armor Part split and spread open before it landed on Ukitsu. As soon as the Pre-Arms suit and helmet formed, the front folded onto his body as the lemon's top landed on his right shoulder. The split bottom half of the lemon had moved to his back to form his cape.

Their Sonic Arrows materialized and the evil foursome entered the battlefield. The Rinshi had already been completed eradicated before both groups confronted each other. It was eight against four, in the Armored War Gods' favor. However, the Armored War Devils were using the power of S-Class Lockseeds, making them superior in terms of power.

"Figures you'd join us at some point," Gaim remarked, shouldering his weapons.

"You shouldn't have returned," Duke stated coldly. He had made plans to get this far but the Armored War Gods' return had spoiled everything once again.

"I really wanna pay you back for sending us away," Baron declared eagerly.

"Guys, there's four of them, all using S-Class Lockseeds. We're all using A-Class Lockseeds plus one S-Class. Two on one, we can beat them," Gridon instructed.

"Hope you're right," Gaim frowned. "Alright, you heard the plan! Break!"

In teams of two, the Sengoku Riders rushed at the Genesis Rider. Each pair took on one of the Genesis Riders and fought them.

Baron and Gaim engaged Duke.

Gridon and Kurokage were working together to fight Marika.

Knuckle and Bravo both faced Kagemusha.

Finally, Zangetsu-Shin and Ryugen battled with Sigurd.

From the distance, the other faction leaders and their retainers could only watch as the Armored War Gods fought against the Genesis Riders who had sent them away before. They prayed, hoping that victory would go to those fighting for what was right.

Duke parried Gaim's sword and knocked him back before preparing to fire, only for Baron to strike him from the side. Annoyed, Duke landed a punch in Baron's face, knocking him back, but the Genesis Rider ended up being shot at by Gaim who charged at him with both his swords. Duke parried with his Sonic Arrow then slashed down on Gaim who cried out from the strike. Baron lunged at Duke but he pivoted on his heel and shot Baron to send him flying backwards.

"No matter how powerful you think you are, this will only end with your defeat," Duke declared.

"Don't act like you've already won!" snapped Baron angrily as he threw his Banaspear at Duke. Duke was hit and sent stumbling back as Baron performed an Arms Change.



"Here, use this," Baron offered Gaim his Banana Lockseed. Baron then charged at Duke and swung his Mango Punisher. The yellow and blue Genesis Rider dodged the swings before landing a punch to Baron's chest, sending him staggering.

Gaim nodded and removed his Orange Lockseed before unlocking Baron's Banana Lockseed and locking it into his SengokuDriver. He then used the Cutting Blade to slice it open.



The Orange Arms vanished as the Banana Arms landed on Gaim's head before it disassembled and folded onto his Pre-Arms suit to form the armor. A splash of yellow juice summoned the Banaspear. At that moment, Duke slashed at Baron with his Sonic Arrow before landing a kick that knocked Baron backwards. As Baron saw that Gaim was armed with his Banana Arms, he gave him an order.

"Oda, you hit him fast! I'll hit him hard!" Baron shouted.

"Got it!" Gaim understood as he charged at Duke. He dodged an energy arrow and struck Duke across the chest, causing him to grunt. Baron joined in and bashed the stunned Rider with his Mango Punisher. He continued to bash at Duke with Gaim assisting him. Finally, together, they kicked Duke in the stomach and sent him flying.

"Now!" Baron ordered.

Gaim narrowed his eyes and hit the Cutting Blade, twice.


Gaim brought down the Banaspear and the tip of the weapon was buried in the ground. As Duke landed, the spot he had landed on sprouted giant bananas which restrained him. He grunted as he tried to struggle free but to no avail. Baron smirked and hit his Cutting Blade, thrice.


Baron spun around and around as the Mango Punisher glowed before he threw the weapon straight at Duke. There was an explosion and Duke was flung through the air.

"Yatta! We did it!" Gaim cheered. Baron tapped his chestpiece with his knuckle. "Huh?"

"Gimme back my Lockseed," Baron ordered.

"Oh, right," Gaim unlocked the Banana Lockseed from his SengokuDriver and handed it back to Baron before unlocking his Orange Lockseed.

Meanwhile, Duke was picking himself up and staggered a bit as he tried to regain his footing.


Duke looked up and saw Gaim coming at him, wielding both the Musou Saber and Daidaimaru. Duke raised his Sonic Arrow and fired but Gaim deflected the arrow with his Daidaimaru. Once he closed the gap, he repeatedly swung at Duke who had to back away as he was trying to block each blow. Duke then realized he was missing someone when he didn't see Baron, only to be slammed by the Mango Punisher in the back. This pushed him forward to be slashed across the chest by the blade of the Daidaimaru before Gaim swung upwards and slashed him again with the Musou Saber. Another bash from Baron sent the Genesis Rider tumbling.

"How...?...So strong..." Duke groaned.

"This is the power of our rage," Baron answered simply.

"Fall into Madness with Me!" declared Kagemusha aggressively before he roared and charged at Bravo and Knuckle. Knuckle put up his fists and waited for him to come in range. However, Bravo stood in front of him and parried Kagemusha's Sonic Arrow with his Duri Noko.

"Monsieur, you lack delicacy," Bravo spat as he shoved Kagemusha back. Howling, Kagemusha swung at Bravo who parried with his spiked swords. Knuckle waited for an opening and found it before charging forward. He drove his fists into Kagemusha's chest and the explosive force of the blow flung the Genesis Rider backwards.

"Heh," Knuckle pounded his knuckles together and got into a pose, "Nobody messes with Mister Knuckleman!" He charged at Kagemusha as he hit his Cutting Blade twice.


"Atatatatatatatatatata!" As coconut-shaped energy projections enveloped his fists, Knuckle yelled as he landed a series of lightning fast blows with his Coco Boxers' pistons working overtime to increase his damage output. "Woh-chaa!" The last hit was an uppercut that sent Kagemusha soaring into the sky.

"My turn!" Bravo declared as he performed his finisher.


Bravo leapt high into the air, generating a durian-shaped energy sphere with his Duri Noko. Then, his Durian Arms reconfigured into its durian shape before Bravo headbutted the sphere, sending it rocketing towards Kagemusha. The evil Genesis Rider screamed as the sphere connected and detonated, creating a huge explosion. Bravo landed on his feet, his armor folding back onto his body as he raised his fists.

"Victory!" Bravo cheered.

"Yeah!" Knuckle pumped his fist.

Kagemusha crash landed painfully on the ground and groaned. This wasn't making sense and it pissed him off. He rose up to his feet and fired his energy arrow, but both Riders dodged before charging at him from both sides. Bravo was the fastest and hit Kagemusha with a slash before Knuckle nailed him with a devastating punch.

Ryugen fired his Budou Ryuhou at Sigurd, but his shots were countered by Sigurd whose arrows accurately intercepted them with ease. It was like he could anticipate the directions of Ryugen's shot. Zangetsu-Shin stood next to Ryugen, analyzing Sigurd. As Sigurd was more focused on Ryugen, Zangetsu-Shin took advantage of his adversary's distraction to aim and fire his own arrow. The energy arrow exploded against Sigurd's shoulder, knocking him back. He grunted as he was pelted by Ryugen before he pushed in the Seaboll Compressor.


"Watch out!" Zangetsu-Shin stood in front of Ryugen to shield him as he pushed in his own Driver's Seaboll Compressor.


Zangetsu-Shin swung and unleashed a wave of energy which neutralized Sigurd's attack. The evil Genesis Rider then charged at Zangetsu-Shin and locked blades with him as they glared at each other.

"I'm going to send you to the other world in agony!" Sigurd growled.


"Go to Hell!" Ryugen lunged at Sigurd and struck him with the Kiwi Gekirin, causing sparks to fly off his armor.


Ryugen spun around and released the Kiwi Gekirin which curved in the air as they spun. They struck at Sigurd, bouncing off and striking him repeatedly before returning to Ryugen's hands.

"Is that all?" Sigurd taunted. He charged at Ryugen but Zangetsu-Shin intercepted him. Sparks flew as the two exchanged blows.

"Time for some extra firepower then," Ryugen declared as he performed another Arms Change.


He quickly removed his Kiwi Lockseed and replaced it with the Pitaya Lockseed.


Ryugen performed an Arms Change and watched as Sigurd and Zangetsu-Shin were locked in combat. He raised his Pitaya Ryujin Hou and took aim. He just needed to wait for an opening. Sigurd shoved Zangetsu-Shin away and sent him tumbling with a kick.

"Now's my chance!" Ryugen hit his belt's Cutting Blade, twice, and allowed the weapon to charge.


Energy gathered around the front of the Pitaya Ryujin Hou's barrel before he pulled the trigger, shooting a giant pitaya made of energy like a cannonball. Much to Ryugen's shock. Sigurd dropped his Sonic Arrow and caught the energy projectile in his bare hands.

"You think this can stop me!?" gritted Sigurd savagely.

"No, but this will," said Zangetsu-Shin as he locked his Melon Energy Lockseed into his Sonic Arrow and took aim.


He pulled and released, firing an energy bolt straight at the pitaya-shaped cannonball Sigurd was holding. The cantaloupe trailing behind the arrow collided with Sigurd and the resulting explosion sent Sigurd flying and tumbling through the air. He crash-landed, groaning in pain.

"How are they winning...? They weren't this strong before," Sigurd said, confused.

"The strength is possess is matched only by our resolve," spoke Zangetsu-Shin.

"If you knock us down, we'll get back up, as many times as possible to return to those who await us," added Ryugen.

"Don't screw with me!" snapped Sigurd as he charged at both Armored War Gods. Zangetsu-Shin was ready to receive him while Ryugen was ready to blast him again.

Kurokage and Gridon were working together to fight Marika. However, she kept dodging their attacks, showing off how good her reflexes, agility and flexibility were. As Kurokage swung for her head, she bent her body backwards in an arch and then performed a backflip before firing at Kurokage, knocking him back. She then shot Gridon who charged at her before she dashed forward and slashed him across the chest.

"You both are delusional if you think you can fight me," giggled Marika.

"Damn, she's a tough girl," grunted Kurokage.

"Doesn't mean we can't beat her. I got a plan," Gridon replied.

"I'm all ears, buddy."

"Are you just going to talk?" Marika asked as she aimed at them.

"Shit!" Gridon yelled as they scrambled away before the arrow flew at them.

"Rush her!" Kurokage ordered as he charged at Marika with Gridon following. Marika rolled her eyes and slashed at Kurokage who parried with his Tomaspear. She saw Gridon coming at her from the corner of her eye and broke away from Kurokage to kick Gridon right between the legs. Gridon yelped before she hit him with another kick in the head. Kurokage swung down at her from behind but she raised her Sonic Arrow to catch his Tomaspear before pivoting on her heel and then knocking him back with a palm strike, following up with a Sonic Arrow shot to his chest.

"Yaaaaahhhhhhh!" Gridon yelled as he rushed at Marika, spinning the arm holding the Rambutan Masher. Marika simply sidestepped and tripped him up with her foot, causing him to toss his weapon skyward as he fell on his back. He groaned and then grunted as Marika pinned him down with her foot.

"Really?" Marika asked and heard Kurokage yell. She rolled her eyes and without even looking blocked his Tomaspear with her Sonic Arrow. She then turned to glare at him. "Really, is this all you can do?"

"Not really..." Gridon spoke up from where he was still pinned down. "Just don't look up."

"Huh?" Marika looked up and saw the Rambutan Masher coming down.


The Rambutan Masher crashed down on her face. She screamed as she stepped off Gridon and then cried out again as Kurokage slashed her with his Tomaspear repeatedly.

"Told you not to look up," Gridon remarked as he got up and picked up his weapon. "Newton's law of gravity: what goes up must come down."

"And you're going down, bitch!" shouted Kurokage in agreement.

"You..." Marika growled and fired at them.


The blade of the Tomaspear glowed as Kurokage spun the weapon in front of him, shielding himself and Gridon from Marika's volley of energy arrows, deflecting the flying projectiles as they sailed through the air. He then swung, sending an energy wave that pushed Marika back.

"Don't think you can beat us so easily now! We've become new men!" boasted Gridon.

"And we're about to show you what a mistake it was to mess with us!"

The battles went on as both sides continued to clash furiously. However, at some point, this battle must reach a conclusion. Both sides regrouped and now stood facing each other as they brandished their weapons and reached for their belts. Cutting Blades and Seaboll Compressors were pressed, causing the belts to announce loudly:













Energy gathered into their weapons and was unleashed. The attacks from both parties collided and caused an incredibly deafening explosion. As the dust settled, both sides were revealed to be unharmed. They stared each other down, daring the other to make a move.

Duke questioned, "Why have you returned? I sent you back to your world."

Gaim retorted, "You sent us back alright, but you made a few grave miscalculation: you didn't count on us wanting to come back, you didn't count on us finding a way back, and most of all you proved how afraid of us you were."

"Ridiculous," scoffed Duke.

"Is it? So, why send the Kenma to finish us off?" Gaim asked rhetorically before he answered for them, "You sent them to kill us to guarantee that we wouldn't be able to return. The only reason you would do that was because you're afraid of us."

Duke was silent for a moment and then let out a sigh as he decided, "I believe it is time for us to withdraw."

"Running away?" Gaim questioned. Duke wasn't just running from the battle. He was running from Gaim's question, only proving that he was right.

"Just making a tactical retreat," Duke answered as he pointed at Gaim, "But be warned, Armored War Gods. In the end, we will change the world and there won't be anything you can do to stop us."

Gaim replied, "Here's our rebuttal: All this started because someone, I assume one of you, tried to steal a mirror from the museum. I would like to point out for a fact that it was probably the first of many mistakes you have made. You want to know why we came back? You were just our enemies out of principle, but now you've made it personal. Not only have you successfully pissed off eight people that you have tried to get rid of, you have also managed to enrage every major faction who are now more than motivated to take you and your RinJyuKen buddies down. You may have stronger magic, superior equipments, and a big army of monsters to do your bidding, but it won't matter in the end. No matter what you do, no matter where you are, we will be there to stop you."

"So bring it on, motherfuckers. We're not going anywhere," Baron added.

"We're staying and we're united to defeat you," Zangetsu-Shin contributed.

"Yeah, so suck our balls," Kurokage finished as he gave them the finger.

Duke silently processed their words and he scowled along with his comrades. The Armored War Gods had basically declared war on them and the RinJyuKen Akugata.

"Who in the world do you think you are!?" Sigurd demanded angrily.

"The people call us Armored War Gods, but we call ourselves Kamen Riders," Gaim answered passionately as he pointed at them. "Remember that."

"We will be back," Duke promised as he glared at all eight of the Sengoku Riders and then warped away with the other Genesis Riders.

"I think they got the message," said Gaim.

"Cliche villain quote, wasn't it though?" Gridon questioned.

"What else can you expect?" replied Kurokage.

"But did you really have to say 'suck our balls'?" Gridon asked with a cocked eyebrow, referring to Kurokage's vulgar quip.

"Got caught up in the moment, buddy. Couldn't resist," replied Kurokage with a light chuckle.

"That was a rather nice speech, but like he said they'll be back," Ryugen said to Gaim with concern.

"Yes, and we'll be waiting," stated Gaim resolutely. "Now, come on. We have a few girls who miss us."

"Oh, right! We have to check on Yue-hime!" exclaimed Gridon in a panic. "Come on, Kenshin!"

"Gotcha! Later, fellas!" Kurokage and Gridon both dashed off to reunite with their little empress.

"I gotta go back to Reiha-chan. She's probably crying tears of joy," Knuckle said.

"I still can't believe you and her are an item," responded Baron. Knuckle shrugged and went on his way. The rest of the Armored War Gods separated to reunite with their respective factions.

Marcus and Mitsuki rejoined the Sou Gi faction and were greeted warmly by everyone. Well, almost everyone.

"Hey, I'm back," Mitsuki said to Sousou. She turned away from him in response.

"Let's go home, everyone," Sousou ordered as she went and mounted her horse.

"She seems upset," remarked Marcus.

"Oh, she's happy to see Mitsuki-kun again. She just can't be too emotional in front of the troops," defended Kakoen. Kakoton stood next to her sister, silent.

"Shunran, your eye," Mitsuki noticed the butterfly eyepatch she now wore. "What happened?"

"I got careless," Kakoton confessed, touching the eyepatch.

"A Rinshi managed to injure her. She's blind in her right eye now," Kakoen added sympathetically.

"Don't pity me, Shuran. This scar I carry is the mark of a warrior," claimed Kakoton proudly. Though, deep down, she was afraid that Mitsuki wouldn't find her beautiful anymore.

"You look seriously badass, Shunran," complimented Mitsuki before he gave her a peck on the lips. She blushed and became flustered. To him, badass chicks were very attractive.

Chouryou went and punched Marcus' arm, "You idiot. You made a lady cry."

"Sorry, Shia-chan," Marcus apologized.

"I thought I told you it was time we went home," Sousou, on her horse, repeated her earlier order.

Masataka returned to the Go Faction and knelt before Sonsaku and Sonken, "I have returned."

"Zangetsu-kun, rise," Sonsaku ordered and he did. Sonken suddenly embraced him, burying her face into his chest.

"I thought you would never return," she sobbed. Masataka rubbed her back soothingly but then noticed that her hair was now short.

"Renfa-sama, you cut your hair," Masataka stated.

"She was very upset when you vanished," Sonsaku informed him.

"I see," Masataka accepted and Sonken looked up at him. She stood up on her toes and kissed him passionately.

Ensho was throwing a tantrum as she repeatedly beat Haru's chest with her fists, "Baka, baka, baka, baka!" She was crying as she yelled at him and he took each hit.

"I'm sorry, Reiha-chan," Haru apologized as he put his hands on her shoulders. Ensho looked up at him with a glare but her tear-filled eyes ruined the effect. He gently kissed her forehead and then pressed his forehead against hers. "I promise I won't ever leave you again."

"Baka, you better not," she sniffled. Bunshu and Ganryo were also shedding tears of joy, though Bunshu might just deny it.

Hideyoshi and Kenshin returned to Totaku and the little empress smiled as she saw her two bodyguards had returned. Hideyoshi smiled back at her and then turned to Kaku whose expression was soft and warm because of relief. Totaku went over and hugged Kenshin before she went and hugged Hideyoshi.

"I'm so glad you're both back," Totaku uttered.

"It's good to be back, Yue-hime," Hideyoshi smiled.

Kayu went over and punched Kenshin's arm, "You gave us a big scare, you know that?"

"Yeah, sorry, Miyabi," apologized Kenshin. "Yo, Ren-chan. Did you miss us?"

"Good to have you back," Ryofu said with her usual monotone. She was happy to see the Dynamic Duo who were her friends returned. However, she was absolutely elated since Gaim had also returned. Unfortunately, she couldn't fully display her emotions but deep down she was happy.

When Nagata and Iori returned to their friends, they were immediately surrounded by happy faces and greeted with tears of joy.

"Gaim-sama, I'm so glad you've returned," said Ryuubi as she wiped the tears from her eyes.

"We really missed you, Gaim-sama," Bacho patted on Nagata's back. "It wasn't the same without you."

"Rinrin, are you crying?" Nagata asked the little redhead who was wiping away her tears.

"I'm just so happy to see you again, Onii-chan!" Chouhi beamed.

"But what happened to you? Where did you go?" Komei asked.

"Well, it turns out that Duke's portal sent us home," Iori answered.

"As for what happened..." Nagata started. How to put it into words? Although it was the world he remembered being born in, it seemed so...surreal. "We landed back in our world like we never left, giving us the chance to live our lives like we never came here. Getting a taste of our regular lives, we were given...a test I suppose you could call it. We had to make a choice. We could either stay there or return here. After that there wouldn't be any other chances."

"And since we're here then the answer's pretty obvious, isn't it?" Iori smiled. The Armored War Gods had to make a difficult choice and decided to give up something so great that they could return.

Suddenly, Kanu went and embraced Nagata tightly before kissing him deeply. Her lord had given up ever returning to Heaven so that he could stay on Earth and be with...her. He gave up his home for their sakes.


The noise of Kochu tackling her husband to the ground, kissing him senseless after he told her of his trial caused everyone to turn to the pair. Many blushed at how it seemed like Kochu was trying to suck Iori's tonsils out...or perhaps it was how Iori's hands somehow ended up on Kochu's splendid rear end and massaging it in such a way that was making the woman moan into her kisses.

"Hawawawawa!" sputtered Komei as she blushed at the sight of the married couple making out, covering her eyes with her hands yet peeking through her fingers.

"Phah!" Kochu sat up, taking in a breath of air. Her face was an erotic mix of happiness, tears, and arousal as she looked down at her husband. "No more excuses! No more stalling! We are going to make love to each other until I am pregnant with three of your children!"

Iori's eyes widened. He would probably need to get those herbs that enhanced his virility. He was going to need them if Kochu was this insistent and who was he to deny his wife anything. True, he had his own reservations of having children with her but after almost never seeing her ever again he realized that he shouldn't take for granted the time he had with this woman whom had pierced his heart with an arrow.

"Anything you wish, Koi," Iori smiled. She smiled back and got off him before helping him up to his feet.

"Everyone, it's time to go home," Nagata ordered. Iori nodded in agreement. He wanted to see Riri again. She was probably missing him deeply since he disappeared.

"Actually, there's one last thing," Chou'un spoke up.

"And what's that, Sei?" Nagata asked. He got his answer as she caressed his cheeks and suddenly leaned in to kiss his lips. Ryuubi and Kanu's jaws dropped as Komei sputtered. Bacho gawked while Kochu and Iori looked amused.

Chou'un broke the kiss and licked her lips, "Hm...not bad."

"Sei, what was that for!?" Kanu demanded.

Chou'un shrugged and responded, "Oh, I was just afraid he might vanish again before I had my chance to kiss him, that's all." She stuck out her tongue mischievously.

"Sei..." spoke Nagata.

"Yes, Gaim-sama?" Chou'un smiled sultrily at him.

"Your lips taste like menma," he informed her bluntly. Chou'un looked at him, puzzled, before she began to laugh. It became infectious as everyone joined in, even Kanu and Ryuubi who had been upset about Chou'un kissing Nagata like that. "Come on, let's go home."

In Shoku, everyone resumed their daily lives. Touka was being tutored by Komei while Chou'un and Bacho were outside sparring as Batai watched. The battle was behind them now and the men they had missed had returned to them.

"Without a means of returning to our world, we Armored War Gods take strength in the bonds we have forged with the friends we have made in this world."

Nagata and Kanu were taking a stroll together, holding hands while receiving greetings and praises from the villagers. When the villagers had heard that their Armored War Gods had vanished, they felt uncertain and miserable. However, with their return, hope and relief filled their hearts.

"They are true warriors, both in body and spirit."

Chouhi suddenly leapt onto Nagata's back, hugging him from behind and happily asking him to give her a piggyback ride. He did not protest as he laughed along with the redhead as Kanu scolded her sworn little sister.

"My name is Nagata Oda, and though we were not originally part of this world, it appears that we are here to stay."

Kochu and Iori were discussing possible baby names for the child they would have together. Riri watched eagerly. She couldn't wait to be a big sister.

"If any force approaches this land with hostile intent, I swear: We will defend ourselves, we will defend the people, we will defend our home."

(Song: "Now That We've Come so Far" By Jeff Williams)


I keep a picture of you but I don't know just what I'd do if I saw you face to face right now

In Sou Gi, Marcus was painting another wonderful portrait of the Chou Sisters with Chouryou watching. He watched as the sisters practiced and smiled. He had missed them so much and was happy that he was able to see them again. The sisters were also happy to have their beloved Marcus returned to them as they had been devastated when he had gone missing.

You know I've always loved you if I could stop myself I would but there's no easy way to end how I feel

Suddenly, they heard a commotion, and witnessed Mitsuki crashing to the ground. He groaned as he rubbed his cheek where a red handprint glowed angrily. His lieutenants picked him up as Sousou stood before them. She had scolded him for leaving them but he smiled before patting her on the head. She smacked his hand away and turned her back on him, crossing her arms. However, she was smiling as Mitsuki had returned to her. Deep down, she had greatly missed him.

And to change what was real though we try to fade to black in the end we come right back

In Son Go, Masataka was working overtime. In his absence, the Lockseed Distribution Department had turned into a mess. As he was not around to supervise or make authorizations, the entire department had to close shop. Even Kogai was unable to do anything since her knowledge of Lockseeds was not as vast as his. Fortunately, Masataka's return had made things right as the harvest and distribution of Lockseeds resumed as normal.

While trying to finish up some paperwork, he heard a knock at the door and allowed whoever it was to enter. His visitors were Sonken, Sonshoko, Daikyo, Shokyo, Shuutai, Ryomo and Kogai and they were bringing presents to celebrate his return. As this gave Masataka an excuse to take a break from the maddening paperwork, he celebrated with them.

Now that we've come so far

How can we ever start again?

In Ensho's city, a huge parade was taking place. At the front of the parade, Ensho and Knuckle were sitting on a palanquin together that was being carried by four men. On horses behind the palanquin were Bunshu and Ganryo. Marching behind them were musicians and performers hired to entertain the crowd.

The parade was being done to celebrate Knuckle's return. When Ensho wanted to show how happy she was, she really wanted everyone to know. Although the parade looked really extravagant, neither Ensho nor the citizens cared. They were just happy that their protector, Knuckle-sama, had returned.

Memories would lead us back instead we just pretend

Now that we've come so far

But love that never ends

Keeps us, holds us, leads us, always tearing us apart again

In the Imperial Palace, Totaku was taking a stroll in the courtyard when she spotted Kenshin being tackled by Ryofu's dogs before they assaulted him with their licks. The Ultimate Cutter laughed merrily as he was happy to see them too. When Totaku felt a hand on her shoulder, she looked up to see Hideyoshi. She smiled as Hideyoshi revealed that he was holding sweets in his other hand.

The two then heard Kaku's yell and saw the green-haired, bespectacled strategist coming at them. The empress and the bodyguard quickly fled from the strategist who was yelling at them to get back to work.


In the RinJyuKen's training hall, Nise (Bujin Gaim) was receiving extra training. His performance when confronting Gaim at the tournament had been embarrassing as he had shown obvious fear in front of the assembled Armored War Gods. The Genesis Riders saw fit to send him to the RinJyuKen to be trained. He may have the power of an Armored War God, but he was far from one in terms of skill and actual power. At least his hatred for Gaim could be commended. He was actually a good source of Rinki because of it.

In modern day Tokyo, life went on for the family and friends of the Armored War Gods.

kimi no shashin miru tabi omouyo moshi ima kimi ni attara doh naruka

Yang continued to serve her customers. Hearing an order from Tsukahara, she went to his table but paused to look at a picture on the wall of herself, her husband and Nagata. Although she should be worried about where he was. Somehow, she knew that he was alright.

tsutto kimi na suki akirameyo toe shita kedo kantan janai sa kako oh

At a wedding chapel, many gathered to witness Chitoge and her fiancé getting married. Though, Chitoge wished that Mitsuki could've attended.

kai e doo kotowa demo owarasedu demo kitto mododu

In Marcus' room, Charlotte and Ichika were looking at the painting he had finished last night. It was quite beautiful. It depicted four women. The first three looked like sisters in fancy costumes, not unlike the idol singers on TV. The fourth girl looked like a tomboy and was wielding a naginata. Were these the girls he had spoken about to them?

They would miss him, but they should at least take solace that he was doing what he thought was right. He was their petit soldat after all.


At the Kami Neko, Nagata's friends; Takashi, Taro and Daigo laughed their butts off at Yoto's stunt with his fellow waitresses.

Ayumi continued dancing. Although she did wonder where her fellow classmate, Haru had disappeared to.

Shiro was in his office looking at the scroll of Shokatsuryou Komei. One part in particular showed a golden dragon statue which shone light down upon four of the Armored War Gods.

Now that we've come so far

How can we ever start again?

Memories would lead us back instead we just pretend

Back in Ancient China, Nagata stood before the whole Shoku Army who was assembled to hear him speak.

Now that we've come so far

But love that never ends

Keeps us, holds us, leads us, always tearing us apart again

He raised his katana, pointing it at the sky and the crowd cheered. The battle had only just begun…

In modern day Tokyo, Ran Tenmaru was sitting in a cafe. She was having coffee while reading a newspaper. The front page story was about the battle between the Kamen Riders and Kenma. Everyone was still talking about it. As she drank her coffee, she felt a cool breeze. Surprisingly, she smiled as she knows it was a good sign.

Chosen stepped into the cafe and took a seat across from her, "They are nice boys, aren't they, Miss whoever-you-are?"

"Hm?" Ran looked up at the visitor. "And you are...?"

"Now, don't act like you don't know me. I know you were watching back then," Chosen told her.

"Ara, so you noticed."

Chosen asked, "Who are you anyway?"

Ran answered, "I'm nothing out of the ordinary. I'm just a teacher who likes to see my student happy."

Chosen cocked an eyebrow, "But he'll never know who you really are."

Ran shook her head. "It does not matter. I made a promise to that man."

TFP: And we're done! Through blood, sweat, and tears the AWG's have forced their way back to the people they love and fought off the charge of the Genesis Riders. The first battle of the war to come has been fought and things are only going to heat up. Now that they have been revealed, Ukitsu and his comrades don't have to hide in the shadows anymore. With the Crucial Keys in their hands, what future plans do they have for the world? And what about Ichiro? What role will he play?

KRC: And so ends the third installment of the Armored War Gods Saga. However, there is still more awaiting you guys. That's right! Season Four is in the works! What will it be about and what will be in it? Well, you just have to wait. Sneak peek of future content will be on my anthology and forum so check that out if you don't mind spoilers. Though, now Ichiro chooses to join them. Where will he end up? Which faction will he join? Why am I asking these questions? You guys will know...by reading the next installment.

By the way, I know a lot of you were hoping to see forms like Gaim Kachidoki Arms, the Jimber Arms and/or Baron Lemon Energy Arms. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to fit them in this season. However, I am pleased to tell you that those forms will appear in the next season, so be sure to read that once it comes out online. Most of the work is done, it's the fine touch ups that are needed to make it great. I learnt to never publish a chapter on its first draft. There are holes to fill, revisions to be made and a lot of detailing needed to make the story good. Will it be perfect? What story is perfect? Critics always find a way to nitpick. Will it be entertaining? Well, you can bet your ass it will.

I decided to let them keep the Legend Rider Lockseeds. They might prove useful in the future.

Anyway, I'd like to thank Gkoh for his help and also Vanishing Raptor, Busterleader92 and Timeless Dreamer Neo for their assistance as well when it came to ideas, feedback and editing. So, thanks a bunch, fellas!

Oh, and a teaser for the next season...

"Sayonara!" Ichiro waved as his brother and his friends vanished from sight. He took out the ink painting of his sister-in-law and niece. "Well, I might as well frame this." He turned to leave, trying to keep his heartbreak at losing his brother inside when his foot tapped against something.


Ichiro looked down, his foot having tapped on a Lockseed. It was the crystal color of the Energy types and marked with a watermelon, branded E.L.S.-10. Blinking, he picked it up to feel cold metal, not warm plastic.

"Must've picked this up by mistake and they touched it by accident," he reasoned. Looking down, he saw a GenesisDriver. Nearby was a toy store which had obviously been blown apart by the Kenma attack. Picking it up, it felt cold despite the fires and destruction around him.

"Maybe…" he wondered. Bringing the item to his waist, he blinked when a strong strap wrapped around him and locked the Driver in place. "No...way." Feeling hopeful, he placed the Lockseed into the GenesisDriver and locked it in.


Grabbing the Seaboll Compressor on the side, he pushed it into the Suika Energy Lockseed, causing it to split open in a horizontal line in the centre, but with a curve, making the outside look like watermelon slices. Inside was the familiar pink flesh with black seeds. The canister at the bottom began to glow as pink energy began to fill the container.


Ichiro looked up to see a green metal watermelon drop onto his head. Once the Arms landed, his entire body was covered in a green bodysuit with dark green stripes wrapping around his arms and legs. His chest had quilted fabric covering it. His arms had gilded silver armor for gauntlets and similarly armored greaves on his legs.

The Suika Energy Arms then splashed with pink juice before starting to unfold. The sides pulled away, revealing a green chestplate which had a circular fasting over the heart which was dark green while the rest was lighter green. A triangular portion under the pectorals was bright pink with black seeds decorating it. The right side had the top fold on top of it, stem and all creating a large shoulder plate. The left side had a pink circular plate fold onto the left shoulder, being slightly smaller but still as good as the right side.

The helmet was already formed when the Arms unfolded. The mouthplate was smooth and had a line in the centre. His visor was pink with black spots on the edges, but the head ornament was a silver line with celtic designs on it with a red tear-shaped stone in the centre. Below the jewel was a strip of metal like a nose protector celtic helmets would have. The helmet attachment had watermelon skin colored metal siding perfect for protecting the ears while the back was the same color with a dip again like celtic helmets would have. A splash of pink juice brought out a Sonic Arrow for the new Rider to use.

"WHOA!" he cried, touching his face and torso to see if it was actually there and not some dream brought on by smoke fumes.

"Ah, I was wondering when someone would notice those," a voice spoke up. The new Armored War God looked to see a shirtless man with braids watching with his arms crossed. "One of those Kenma guys turned the Driver and Lockseed real by touching them during the fight. It's a slightly worrisome ability which pops up when dimensions based off of media cross paths."

"H-huh?" the Rider blinked.

"You just got yourself stuck in the same mess that your brother is in," Chosen explained, walking up to the watermelon Rider. "It's still early for you though. You can remove the armor and let someone else find it although there's no guarantee they'll be someone nice. Keep it though, and the world your brother went to will draw you in and there will likely be no turning back."

The Rider pondered for a moment, "Would I be making a difference? Could I save my brother if he needed me?"

"With your suit and new power? Most definitely," Chosen nodded.

"Will he end up needing me?" asked Ichiro.

"Likely," Chosen sighed. "Things are going to be getting worse before they can get better and he can live the happy married life he dreams of with the lovely Kochu."

"Then there's nothing to decide," the watermelon Rider nodded. "I'll go. I'll go to that world wherever it is."

"So, is this your decision?" Chosen asked Ichiro. "Are you going to walk the path of an Armored War God, no matter the cost?"

"My parents may not have cared much for Iori being the spare, but he's my little brother and I will always be there when he needs me!" Ichiro retorted.

"Well then the path is set," Chosen nodded. "But you are going to need a name for your suit. Your actual name will have to remain a secret."

Ichiro nodded, "Then I will be...Armored War God Chulainn."

"A fine name," Chosen nodded before he approached the newly dubbed Chulainn and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Shall we?" Both were lit up by a circle of white light before they vanished.

Nanban was a wild and unexplored territory which was rife with exotic plants and animals which the people of China and their warring kingdoms had never seen before. It was a literal jungle which had many unexpected and unknown dangers in it. People did live there, the various barbarian tribes who were led by the mysterious King Mokaku who was rumored to be the strongest barbarian of them all. The imperial government would say the barbarians were nothing but savages which were better off being removed, but the people who lived near the borders would say the barbarians were people just like them, albeit with a different culture and way of life. It would have been a hot debate if the many provinces in China were not too busy fighting each other at the time.

It was in this hot, sticky, and mysterious jungle province which a young man from Tokyo was discovering nature.

"Where the hell am I!?" Ichiro yelled.