Chapter Fifteen

"I picked up the marriage license," Edward said as he walked in the front door.

"Well good since we're getting married in a week."

"Hey…baby steps. I'm still pretty sure you're going to leave me and I'll be all sad and broken," Edward sighed.

"Baby, you're the one I'm worried will decide not to show up," Bella teased. They had been getting back RSVPs for the dual receptions but the actual wedding was just for their family and extremely close friends. The girls were just excited to wear big fluffy dresses and carry flowers.

"Irina called me again today," Edward said from the other room. He closed his eyes and counted to five, surprised when something didn't come flying at his head. His ex-girlfriend and certifiable crazypants as Bella liked to call her was a point of contention between them. Edward felt she was harmless, Bella would love it if she moved across the country.

"Is she still upset she didn't get an invitation to the wedding?" Bella asked, her nails digging into her palm in an attempt to stay calm. She knew Edward didn't understand her anger toward Irina, so she did her best to hide it.

"She is. She says we're friends and so she should get invited because of that. I told her she upsets my wife and she should go fuck a goat," Edward said proudly, loving the look of triumph that brightened Bella's eyes.

"You did?" she whispered, moving slowly across the room to where Edward was standing. The girls would be back from their dinner date with Bella's parents any minute and then they were all going in the pool. Their happy little house was soon going to be full of joyful screams, but Bella needed to make sure she'd heard right.

"You have to realize by now that you are the most important person in the world to me. Your happiness is my happiness. I love you," Edward replied, still surprised after nearly a year that Bella doubted she was worthy of such love and kindness.

"I love you more than is rational, even if you are an asshole most of the time," Bella sighed as she let him pull her into his arms. She'd never felt as calm and happy as she did when he held her. Most days she craved that feeling to the point that she jumped on him the moment he walked in the door. Though they'd been through vindictive ex-husbands and jealous ex-girlfriends, in-laws that bickered and fought and the constant challenge that came from raising children, Bella knew she would always have safely and security in the arms of Edward…forever.

A/N: So...I really, really meant to update this before we went to the courthouse, but I was SO busy with the girls and then driving and well...getting married...this is the first time I've had to grab my phone! He actually did show up! And everything went off without a hitch (except for my brother and his best friend getting stuck in traffic and missing the ceremony) I had a few pictures I was able to snag with my phone, but most of them were taken on real cameras *gasp* so now I have to wait to get them from the appropriate people. Which sucks. If you would is a link for the one picture I do have of the girls and I. I have none on my phone of me and my Edward. :-(

Don't forget the http and to get rid of the spaces by the periods.

i1164 . photobucket albums/q565/kitkatcullen/Mobile%20Uploads/image . jpg

I'll be sure to update again in a few days the retelling of the actual wedding, because with the four girls there were some epic little quotes.

Thanks for taking this journey with me!