DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inu-Yasha


Okay, first off, let me just say that you are all WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL people!!!! All of you, who have ever reviewed, bless you a thousand times. I read every single comment at least twice; I even talked to some of you online. You really made this little twisted dream of mine into a reality and I can't thank you enough. This really means a lot to me. An extra big thank you to all who read this the first time through. And give a huge hand to my beta readers, Phoenix Cubed and Sailor Silver Moon!

I'm gonna start this baby off the way it was MEANT to be started, characters first. I've fixed the profiles a little bit, added a last name or something to give them something more life than 2D shading.



*Higurashi Kagome- 16. Lives at the Sunset Shrine with her mother,Mrs. Higurashi, brother Souta, Grandfather Higurashi and Buyo. She is a shrine priestess and helps her grandfather around the shrine when he needs it (however, to the elderly Higurashi's secret disappointment,she hasn't shown any distinct miko characteristics). Transferred in early spring to Tokyo from Osaka. Will now be attending Sengoku Jidai High School, student in 2-C.

*Inu-Yasha- Frequently called "'Yasha" by those he know him best. He's 16, going on 17. Big surprise there: Inu-Yasha's been held back a grade. He lives in a penthouse apartment with his elder 1/2 brother, Sesshoumaru. Inu-Yasha's parents died in a car wreck when he was 4. His papers say he's a student in 2-C at Sengoku Jidai High School (again). However, the term "delinquent" comes to mind much quicker.

*Houshi Miroku- At 17, he's a very charming young man.... for a pervert. Miroku is a stellar student and an all around friendly guy-a bit too friendly. Claims it's a family trait. Miroku lives with his father and his uncle in his uncle's impressive western style house. Now at Sengoku Jidai High School, Miroku is found under the 3-A.

*Taijin Sango- The Taijin Dojo on the outskirts of Tokyo is where Sango lives with her younger brother Kohaku, and her father. A bit on the tomboyish side, but seeing as how her best friend is Inu-Yasha, and her father still trains her in Kendo and Judo, her characteristics are understandable. A Wonderful actress and is enrolled in 2-B at Sengoku Jidai High School. Three months older than Kagome.

*Shiro Kikyou- In Kyoto for a decent chunk of the story, Kikyou the miko is currently studying and training to discipline her miko powers. When in Tokyo, she can be reached at the Sunrise Shrine, across town from the Sunset Shrine. At Sengoku Jidai, she is top of her class and is pretty much the school idol. She is in 4-A. Turns 18 in two months.


*Kuroi Naraku- Evil and plotting on a bit smaller scale (compared to the original source), after all.... he DOES have to keep his grades up. Still, you really don't want to be around him. Period. 4-B.

*Houjo Akai- Captain of the soccer team and an all around nice guy. Book smart but a bit on the dim side when it comes to the real world but, he's shy and sweet to boot. Seems to like Kagome, and is listed under 4-B.

*Wolfsbane Kouga- A good kid with a bad temper, just don't mention Inu-Yasha around him. Seems to be the leader of his pack..er.... gang. A really good dancer and athlete. He too, has a thing for Kagome. Student in 2-B.

*Yura- School slut, creepy, and has the weirdest hair fetish. This is kinda ironic because her own hair is pretty short. 3-B.

*Kagura- A has-been girlfriend of Naraku's way back when. Commonly called "bitch", she pretty much lives up to the part. She's not ALL bad though; I mean she knows Naraku's the bad guy, so that's a start, right? 3-C.

*Thunder Hiten- It's obvious I can't come up with anything better. Hiten's father is American (if ya couldn't tell), is a pretty boy and knows it. Cocky and troublesome, he hangs with Naraku. 3-C.

*Thunder Manten- Overweight, nerdy and picked on quite often. Idolizes his older brother, and tries to be just like him, failing miserably on several attempts. Oh well, he's a first year (1-B) anyways, what do you expect?

*Kanna- The quiet younger sister of Kagura that you'd never know unless somebody said something. Which they won't. 1-A.


All who attend Elementary School of Tokyo

*Higurashi Souta- younger brother of Kagome. Likes Buyo and Pokémon. Idolizes Inu-Yasha.

*Taijin Kohaku- Sango's little brother, who also has a Pokémon obsession. Wonders when Miroku and Sango are going to get their act together.

*Shippo- A cousin of Inu-Yasha's. He also stays with Sesshoumaru, sadly. Likes Kagome.

*Rin- Sesshoumaru has yet to give a reason as to why Rin lives with him. Don't hold your breath waiting. Simple little girl, cute as a button.

*Sotaru- the sickly young boy in Souta's class. Fearful of his older and meaner sister, Mayu.

*Mayu- Bossy, bratty and very mean.


Grandfather Higurashi (Grandfather)

Mrs. Higurashi (Mama)

Dr. Taijin





Saotome Ranma

Tendo Akane

Tendo Nabiki

Hibiki Ryoga

A Sailor Scout of some sort, I'm sure. (It's Tokyo! They have to at least run into each other at some point)


A/N: Let's begin with why I came up with these names. Kikyou, Naraku, and Houjo all have colour names for good reasons. Kikyou's means white. White is generally associated with pureness and whatnot. Fitting, as she's a miko. Naraku's means black......think about it. Houjo's is red, named for his hair. I haven't seen his hair in colour, but I'm assuming it's light brown or a shade akin to that. I'm guessing his hair was strawberry blond or a bit darker when it first started growing. Why wasn't he named before that? A lot of parents don't name their kids immediately. The Houjos were those kinds of people, or perhaps it was my inability to come up with one before. The poor boy seems to find his last name more to his liking and goes by that, rather than his first.

The last one is Sango. Originally, I miss-spelled "Taijia", but even then I don't think I was trying to come up with the original name. I don't know what her last name means, I really don't care (after finally coming up with last names for all the important characters, you must understand, the "why" doesn't matter to me)

I'm telling you now, don't expect Kagome and Inu-Yasha to be all snuggly or even close to being a couple in like, the 5th chapter (unless a LOT has happened or a long time is skipped). I believe in real time and real interaction; if you don't like that, don't read this fic.

That should be about it. If you've read this before I took it down, know this, since I already have a lot of chapters done, the updates will be more frequent this time! Hopefully, I'll have at least a little bit of stalling time to come up with chapters not yet written.

Well, if you've gotten this far, you're good to go. Have fun kiddies!