I don't own Transformers Prime.


Today had started out a normal day.I had gone to school, hung out with my best friend, and just done normal, fifteen year old girl stuff.

And then, I had decided to go on a walk. I had called my father, and let him know. The one time I went of of my normal route, the one time I had gone by the canal, everything changed.

A boy on a blue motorcycle drove past me, followed by two purple cars. One of the purple cars swerved toward me, and I dove away- and rolled into the canal. A boy was in there, playing with a remote control car. I stood, brushing myself off. Of course. My dad was going to kill me. I wasn't ever supposed to come into the canal, and I highly doubted that he would believe that I was pushed off of the grass by two road-raging maniacs. Three, counting that kid on the motorcycle. "Well, shit." I muttered.

The boy on the motorcycle suddenly drove into the canal, and I recognized him. Jack Darby. "Woah!" the kid said.

Jack sighed. "You have no idea." Carefully, he got up, as tires squealed above us.

Two cars drove into the canal, transforming. "What the hack?" I gasped, as the motorcycle transformed.

"This ends here, 'Cons!" she said, and started running toward them. The "Cons", or whatever, started shooting at her. She jumped into the air, and kicked one in the face, followed by the other.

"What are they?" the short kid asked.

"Talking cars that turn into robots." Jack said. "Or the other way around."

The motorcycle fought the other two, as I watched. "What is going on?" I wondered aloud.

Two years ago, something had happened. A man had attacked me, but I… turned into some sort of robot, kind of like these ones. I had never told anyone about that, but the man had run away. Backing away from Jack and the other kid, I remembered that day, the anger, and fear. Then, with a flash, I turned metal, and white as snow, except for black striped on my arms and legs, and a black sheath for a knife on my back.

Running forward, I saw that the female was flipping backwards, away from the other two. And then, a shot hit her in the stomach. A yellow sports car drove forward, and also transformed, landing one one of the purples. He-it was pretty clearly a male- punched the other in the face. Stepping back, his foot landed on the kid's toy car. "I'm really sorry." he beeped.

"No problem." the kid said. "Really." But a shot hit the yellow male in the chest, and I ran forward.

"What-Skylar?" Jack gasped.

One of the purples aimed a gun at the male's head. "Leave him alone!" the kid yelled. But the two purples turned at face us. "Please?" the kid added.

I stepped in front of him. "Bad call." One of them started walking toward us. "Run!" I ordered the boys, running up to the purple. However, due to my small size, he just flicked me away. I raised my hands to shield my face- and a blue bolt shot from it. I missed the 'Con-thing, and he ignored me.

Jack and the kid were running toward a drainage pipe, with the purple following them. When they got in, it reached toward them, but he yellow one pulled it away. "Are you guys okay?" he asked.

"Thank you!" the boy said.

"No problem. It's what we do." the male replied, before going back to fighting the purple. I watched him, wishing I could help.

The two ganged up on him, essentially beating the crap out of him. He slid back, toward the female. She crouched, checking on him as the purple cars got closer. "Watch out!" I yelled.

Both of them got ready to fight, but a car horn sounded behind them, as a green truck approached. It transformed. "Who's ready to rumble?" he asked.

The two purples glanced at each other, then transformed and drove away. "What took you?" the girl asked, as I approached.

"Traffic." the green one said, shrugging.

"What… was that?"I asked softly. The girl looked down on me.

"As one of us, you should know a Decepticon when you see one. Who are you, anyway?" she asked.

"One of you? Decepticon? What are you talking about?" I asked, a little rudely.

"Alright, kid. You're coming with us. Bumblebee, you're carrying her." the female said.

The yellow one transformed, holding open his door. "Come on," he said. I nodded, and climbed in. The door shut, and I jumped. "Don't worry about Arcee. She's always like that." Bumblebee beeped.


"Optimus?" Arcee called, in a building that was inside a large rock-hill-thing.

"Arcee. What happened?" a large male asked, as Bumblebee transformed, setting me behind him.

"We got attacked in a canal. Two Vehicons." She went on to describe the fight. "And the 'Cons would have been scrap, if not for the human."

"Human?" Optimus asked.

"Three." Bee beeped.

"Three humans. Two boys. And the third?"

Timidly, I stepped from behind Bumblebee. "Hello?"

Optimus turned. "Who are you? Autobot, or Decepticon?"

"I don't know what either of those are, sir." I said. "And besides, this… isn't what I normally look like."

"Explain." Optimus ordered.

"Well…" I turned back into my human self.

"A techno organic." Optimus mused.

"This and the other one caught us in action, I don't know." Arcee said. "I was a little busy at the time."

"If the Decepticons are targeting us, anyone perceived as our ally will be at grave risk." Optimus said.

"Excuse me, sir?" I asked. "Not to bug, but.. what's going on? I don't understand any of this, and I'm kind of freaking out! Who are you? What are you? What am I?"

"We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron, also known as Autobots." Optimus rumbled. "The ones that attacked you are called Decepticons. We are on Earth because our planet is uninhabitable, after centuries of civil war, over control of the lifeblood of our race: energon."

I transformed. "But what am I?" I asked.

A white and red one scanned me. "You are a techno organic, a sparkling protoform that was sent to planets such as this one. When an organic lifeform touched you, such as a human, you acquire their DNA, and become one of them."

"Listen, this is all very interesting, but I need to get home before my father kills me. So please, do you have a way to get me home?" I asked.

"Where do you live?" the one who had scanned me asked. I gave him my address, and he opened a green portal. "Walk through that, and you will be in an alley near your house."

Transforming, I slowly walked through. I was in an alley, across the street. Quickly, I ran across, and entered my house. "Skylar Rose Fowler!" my dad yelled.

I turned. "Yes, sir?" I asked.

"Where in Sam's name were you? I couldn't find you!"

"I was at a friend's. Sierra." I said.

"I'm going to trust you. But as soon as I find out you were lying-" Dad said. "You know what? Just… go to your room."

"Yes, sir." I said, passing him. To be honest, I hated Sierra. She had always been a jerk to me, along with her boyfriend Vince.

Falling back on my bed, I fell asleep. It had been a long day.


Vince shoved the books out of my arms, and punched me. "Stupid nerd!" he sneered.

I glared up at him. "Homohabilis just discovering his opposable thumbs says what?"

"What?" Vince asked. I snickered, only to be lifted up by the front of the shirt. "You got a problem, ugly?"

"Have you looked in a mirror lately?" I snapped.

"Hey, Vince." someone snapped. "Leave her alone."

Vince dropped me, stalking toward Jack. "What did you say?"

Jack stood his ground. "I said leave her alone. The girl's half your size."

Vince punched him. "Fine. But the next time she bugs me-" here he made an aggressive motion with his fist, and stormed away.

I stood, feeling my eye beginning to blacken. "Thanks." I said.

Jack handed me my books. "No problem."

After school, I met up with him and Raf. "Raf, hey."Jack said. "Look, let's just keep this between us and forget anything ever happened, okay?"

A horn sounded, and we all turned. "Jack!" Ra gasped, as Bee pulled up, opening his door.

"Oh, not again!" Jack exclaimed.

Bee chirped something.

"He … wants us to get in." Jack said.

"No, just Skylar and I. Yours is over there." Raf said. "How's it going?" he asked, as we climbed in.

"Wait! Stop!" Jack yelled, but Bee ignored him.

From Jasper, it was a short drive to get to the base. I didn't miss the exclamations of the others as we drove in. All four of us got out and I walked over to Ratchet and Bulkhead. "I thought there were two." Ratchet said.

"Haven't you heard? Humans multiply." Arcee said, as I transformed.

Miko ran up to Bulkhead, bombarding him with questions.

"So if you guys are robots, who made you?" Raf asked.

Ratchet snorted. "Puh-lease." he huffed. I punched him.

"Watch it." I growled.

Optimus entered, and gave the others the same basic lecture that I had heard yesterday. I sighed, sitting on the stairs, and listened. "But if Megatron's return is imminent, as I fear, itcould be catastrophic."

I ran forward. "What? Megatron's coming back?"

"I fear he soon will be."


A/N: So, I am writing a new fanfiction. How did I do? Did you like it? Please tell me in a review!