Yay, new chapter time! Bout time right?

Lots been going on, but here I am!


Updated: 01/15/2015



"James?" James turned to see his mom approaching, stopping when she saw who he was talking to. "Mr. Knight. What are you doing here?" Her words were sharp, but Kendall didn't let them sting.

"I'm at my dad's work party. What are you doing here?" Brooke sniffed in distain at his tone and grabbed James's arm.

"Come on James. No need to drag this out."

"Mom," he said, pulling his arm away and looking at her. "Did you know about this?"

"James. Listen to me."

"Brooke!" The small party turned as Julian walked over to them, beaming when he saw who all was there. "Jennifer! Katie! Kendall!" He hugged them all and then turned to James and his mom, who were standing by idly. "Brooke, have you met my family?"

"No, I don't think I've had the pleasure," she said stiffly, watching with wary eyes at the Knights and her boss, all who were staring at her.

"Brooke here," he said, nodding at her, not noticing the tension that was growing, "is my prize employee. Could not run the business without her. Oh!" he said, seeing James now, who was looking at Kendall. "You must be James! Brooke has told me so much about you!" He shook James hand and nodded again.

"Dad," Kendall said, moving towards James, who could tell what was about to happen. "James here is my boyfriend."

"WHAT?!" Brooke cried, ready to seethe now.

"Boyfriend?" Julian asked, staring at his son, who had always been hard-headed, and the young man next to him, who just looked ready to be out of there. "I see. Well… CONGRATULATIONS YOU TWO." He hugged them both, catching them by surprise. "Brooke, you've got a fine son there. Take care of him. Now, who wants a drink?" Julian walked off with Jennifer and Katie, leaving Brooke, Kendall, and James alone.

"Boyfriend? You told me you broke up with him."

"Yeah well… I lied," James said, not caring for the look of disbelief on her face. "Why didn't you tell me he was Kendall's dad?"

"Because work and business do not mix. End this before it blows up in all our faces."


"Excuse me?"

"Mom, you always do this. There's more to life than just your work."


"No. If I'm going to break up with this moron, I will do it on my own terms."

"Hey." James just looked at Kendall, who hung his head. "You're right."


"No. I'm going home."

"No you are not. We need to talk about this."

"What's to talk about? Your boss doesn't seem to mind that his son is dating another guy. Why do you?" Brooke just huffed but didn't answer. "When you can answer that question, then we'll talk."

"Come on James, I'll take you home."

"You think my mom is a homophobe?" James asked, looking at Kendall, who just shrugged.

"I don't know. But even if she is, which I'm not saying she is, but you know you've got me right?"

"Yeah, I know." Kendall smiled and captured James's hand, giving it a light kiss before he let the brunet out of his car. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?"

"I'll be waiting."

The next day, James just completely ignored his mom and just went outside, to where Kendall was waiting. They drove off in silence, James just wondering what was going on with his life now.

"So, you okay?" Kendall asked; he had dragged James to the ice skating rink, where Kendall had hockey practice. James was just going to watch, twirling his comb between his fingers.

"Yeah, I guess…. It's just weird ya know? Mom and I have always been… supportive of each other I guess. She's been as involved in my life as she could be with work, but I've always kinda been alone. And now that I'm not, she wants to be in my life… I just don't understand what her problem is."

"Well, either A) she's homophobic of B) she doesn't like that I could be taking you from her."

"I bet it's that one. Mom has always been… conservative but open-minded too. She hears things out before she judges."

"Well then, we need to talk to her, don't we?"


"James, you're not getting rid of me that easily. After practice, we'll go talk to her. And my dad if we have to."

After practice, with Kendall all sweaty and James looking as put together as ever, the two went to their respective parents' workplace to find out what the hell was going on.

"Kendall! My boy! And James! What do I own the pleasure of this visit?" Kendall's dad asked, happy to see them together.

"Could you call my mom into your office?"

"Of course. Do we need to have a talk?"

"She doesn't like mixing work and business."

"That woman… she's always so hard-headed isn't she? Worked for me for years and still like that..." He pushed a button on his desk and Brooke soon entered, brisk and business-like.

At least she was until she saw her son and his friend, who was grimy and smelly and she had to wrinkle her nose at that.

"James. What are you doing here?"

"I want to talk to you. Why don't you want me seeing Kendall anymore?"

"Well… look at him!" she said, waving her hand at his messy appearance. Kendall just looked smug. "Plus, he's my boss's son. That can't end well."

"Or it could go on forever," Kendall said, shrugging.

"Nothing is forever," she spat at him before she looked at James. "Is he good for you Jamie?"

"I'm happy… when I don't want to strangle him for doing or saying something stupid."

"Brooke," Kendall's dad said, interjecting and giving her a stern look. "Look at them. Let them figure this out for themselves. Thanks to your son, mine's back in my life. Don't you see? This was supposed to happen I think?" She sniffled and turned to Kendall.

"If you hurt my son, I swear you will forever fear for your life. I am not a woman to fuck with."

"Yes ma'am."

"Now go clean up. You stink. My son's boyfriend will not be stinking while around him." Kendall chuckled and watched her walk away, giving James a kiss on the cheek before leaving the office.

"Well, that was fun," his dad said, grinning too. "You really do stink son. Go shower and get out of my office."

"Fine, but only if James joins me."


Well… this was unexpected. This is the end! I hope ya'll enjoyed it enough to leave a last review.

Thanks for reading and see ya'll at my next story.
