AN: sorry for the long wait guys, was busy in college due to probation as well as got too distracted by dota 2 and anime.

"Looks like this is my floor... I guess this is where we split, Mami."

"Alright... see you later during patrol, Kyouko."

Two girls, a red head and blonde, called out to each other as they split off in the 3rd floor with the red head going to the hallways while the blonde continued on going upstairs.

"I hope the teacher isn't there yet," Kyouko muttered to herself as she checked her surroundings. "Good thing everyone else is focused on preparing for class to pay any close attention to me."

Just to be sure though, Kyouko kept watching out for the people who turned their eyes in her direction. Everyone who did just gave her a cursory glance before going back to their business, so they failed to notice that the soles of her shoes were glowing red slightly. Kyouko was using her magic to raise the speed of her stride so that she could reach the classroom before their teacher arrived.

"This would be so much easier if Mitakihara's school didn't make their classrooms see-through," Kyouko muttered as she dashed through the hallways. "If this was in Kazamino, I could have just run across the side of the building instead of taking the stairs."

After a few seconds of running, Kyouko finally slowed down as she rounded into the corner leading to her classroom. The glow on her shoes slowly faded away as she walked towards the door and carefully opened it.

"Whew... looks like I made it just on time," Kyouko sighed in relief before stepping into the classroom. "I wasn't able to enjoy a full meal though, damn it."

"A-are you alright, Kyouko-chan?" came a concerned voice as Kyouko reached her chair. "You didn't show up earlier during lunch time and it's almost class time already..."

Kyouko turned her attention to the source of the voice and saw only Madoka looking at her worriedly with no sign of Sayaka.

Sayaka's not here... I guess she's at the rest room or something.

"Ah, no need to worry, Madoka," Kyouko reassured the pinkete with a wave. "I was just held up longer by Saotome-sensei since I already got into trouble more times than you and Sayaka have."

"Oh, so it's like that," Madoka nodded after understanding the circumstances. "Yeah, that sounds like something Saotome-sensei might do."

"Man, Saotome-sensei should really ease up in her punishments," Kyouko complained as she reached inside her bag for some Pocky. "I had to help clean up two classrooms this time."

"Uh, well, I think she just has a lot of stress..." Madoka reasoned.

"Pfft, I doubt that," Kyouko shook her head before sticking a Pocky in her mouth. "Bet she's just mad again because her new boyfriend left her like the others."

"...I guess that could the case," Madoka reluctantly conceded. "I still don't really know everyone here that well yet to be certain."

"Well, I'm pretty sure you'll get used to Mitakihara soon enough," Kyouko said while chewing on a Pocky. "I got used to this place after like just two months."

"Yes, I hope I can get familiar to this place as fast as you did," Madoka said with a worried expression. "I don't want to keep troubling people."

"Jeez, Sayaka was right," Kyouko said with a sigh. "You really are too nice, you know?"

Madoka's cheeks turned slightly red, but otherwise she made no remark to Kyouko's comment. Kyouko knew this wasn't the first time the pinkete heard of it, though considering her personality, Madoka likely still felt a bit embarrassed whenever someone said it to her. With Madoka not saying anything else as well as considering her current complexion, Kyouko presumed their conversation was done and reclined back in her chair.

It's already time for classes, better hurry up with whatever you're doing Sayaka.

After a minute or two of staring at the door, waiting for the blunnete to show up, Kyouko finally let out her irritation.

"Damn, what the hell is that girl still doing?" she grumbled before turning her head towards Madoka. "Hey Madoka, you know where'd Sayaka go?"

"Ah, Sayaka-chan should be at the infirmary," Madoka replied. "She sort of fainted in her seat and was weak so-"

"What!? She fainted?" Kyouko quickly stood up, alarmed at the news. "Why? How?"

"I-I don't know," Madoka stammered, surprised at Kyouko's outburst. "O-one second we were just talking normally and she suddenly collapsed on her chair. She tried to stand up but fell on the floor. I tried to ask her what was wrong but she wouldn't say anything to me..."

"Well, she didn't tell me what's been bothering her either so don't beat yourself up," Kyouko reassured the worried girl. "Sayaka's just being an idiot, still stubborn and keeping things to herself."

Okay Sayaka, this time I'll get you to talk about what's been bothering you after classes are over, even if I have to force it out of you.

"Y-yeah, you're probably right," Madoka agreed as she glanced at their friend's seat. "I hope Sayaka-chan will be alright soon... maybe I should have went with them to the infirmary too."

"I'm a bit worried about her too," Kyouko admitted as well, settling back in her seat. "Fainting is unusual, but Sayaka's a strong girl so she'll be fine."

Plus with that girl's personality, she'd just get mad at us for ditching classes and insist she's fine if we went.

"Yeah, I guess we don't really have to worry about her too much," Madoka said brightly. "Since Homura-chan is watching over her."



"Wait, Homura?" Kyouko asked after a pause. "Why's Homura the one keeping watch over her?"

"Huh?" Madoka blinked in confusion at Kyouko's question. "Homura's the class nurse, right?"

"Oh, right," Kyouko smacked her forehead. "I forgot about that..."

Yeah, it's natural that Homura would be the one to take Sayaka to the infirmary... but something doesn't feel right about this.

Suddenly the conversation she had with Homura earlier flashed in her mind.

"On second thought," Kyouko said as she started to stand up again. "Maybe I should keep an eye on her."

Right after she said that though, the class door slid open revealing Saotome as she stepped into the classroom.

"Alright kids, class is starting now, take your seats everyone," Saotome-sensei announced before her eyes narrowed in on Kyouko. "That means you too, Sakura-san. Your attendance record can't afford too many absences. "

"B-but I have to check up on Sayaka, Saotome-sensei," Kyouko tried to explain. "She fainted earlier for no reason, so she'll need someone to watch her if it happens again."

"Yes, the news about what happened to Miki-san reached me," Saotome-sensei said as she adjusted her glasses. "I understand you want to take care Miki-san, but you should leave it your class nurse, Akemi-san, and focus instead on taking care of your grades."

"But that's exactly why-" Kyouko stopped herself from saying it and shook her head. "I mean, Homura's great and all, but I don't think she can deal with Sayaka well..."

"Homura-chan may seem a bit distant, but she knows how to properly treat and help people around, even someone like me who she just met," Madoka said with gratefulness in her tone. "Homura-chan is someone dependable and honest. Has she ever done something to make you doubt her, Kyouko-chan?"

"Well..." Kyouko's voice trailed off as she recalled their time together during their magical girl activities. ", I guess."

Indeed, while Homura exuded the feeling of being aloof and distant since the first time Kyouko met her, the girl was always reliable and considerate when the situation calls for it. Her performance as a magical girl was also excellent, almost as good as Mami's. Homura has never really done anything that would upset others badly, as if she already knows how that person would feel. Homura also doesn't waste food, which is always a plus in her record. Personally, the only issue that Kyouko could think of with Homura was how she often cleans up the wraiths before she and Mami would arrive.

Oh and the way she smiles so smugly is sometimes irritating.

"Right? You're getting too worked up over nothing," Madoka said as she reassured the red head. "Homura-chan will treat Sayaka-chan nicely."

"Hopefully she will," Kyouko muttered. "Otherwise I'll-"

"Alright alright, that's enough talking from you two," Saotome-sensei said with a clap, interrupting Kyouko. "Take your seats, we've wasted enough time."

"Y-yes Ma'am," Kyouko and Madoka immediately replied together and sat down on their seats.

again, sorry for the really really late chapter.