an/ Hey! I already got six reviews! Yay!


Ps. This jumps forward five years to when the boys are five and seven.

Oh and this is a shout out to my reviewers!


Bookworm flower


Sarah (Guest)

Anonymous (Guest)

and last but not least...


Zeke's P.O.V

"Zekie?" Asks a voice I know as my baby brother's

"Yeah Uri?" I ask looking up as I wipe tears from my eyes, I can't let Uriah see me cry, he's already seen our mother cry and I'm sure that will haunt him, kids aren't supposed to see their parents cry. Ever.

"Why's Mommy crying?" He asks.

"Come here." I say patting my lap, he obeys and crosses the room.

"Do you know what being dead means?" I ask my voice thick with tears.

"No." Says Uriah nuzzling his head in my shoulder.

I place one hand on his back, and the other on the back of his head. "Well it's kindia like sleeping." I start, but really how can I explain death to my innocent, loveable, five year old little brother.

"What do you mean?" He asked looking up at me, his dark brown eyes bright, like a deer in headlights, he's so vulnerable.

"Dad's gone Uriah." I say tears streaming down my cheeks.

"Like on a vacation?" He asks.

"No. He's gone up to heaven." I say, I don't know how else to put it.

"But, Zekie, when is he gonna come back?" He says also on the verge of tears.

"He's not baby brother, I'm sorry." I sob.

"Why?" Uriah asks he to is crying now.

"I don't know." I say, pulling my brother into a hug.

Mrs. Pedrad's P.O.V.

I can't believe it, I won't believe it, he can't be dead not MY Jackson, not the brave Dauntless-born who held my hand when I jumped off my first train, not the man who insisted I wear a black wedding dress because I was Dauntless. How can I even look at the boys now? Everything about them screams Jackson, their bravery, their happiness, their smiles, their build, and I know their only five and seven but I know they will look like him. Zeke already knows but how will I tell Uriah? I don't know and frankly I don't care. Why should I care? Now that he's gone why should I be here with out him? No. No I can't do this, my boys need me, come on Hana you're Dauntless. You can get though this.

I get up, go to the bathroom wash my face and walk to the boys room and there I find the most precious and heartbreaking thing on this earth. My two boys are sitting together, Uriah on Zeke's lap hugging his waist, his face is buried in Zeke's shoulder and Zeke holding on to his brother for dear life, it's like he thinks if he lets go he'll lose Uriah too

Zeke's P.O.V.

"Boys?" I hear my mother say.

"Yes mom." I reply.

"Are you okay?" She asks, her voice is soothing and calm.

"Mommy?" Asks Uriah looking up at her tears still pouring out of his big brown eyes.

"Yes Baby?" She asks.

Huh baby, that's what she used to call me, I was only two when Uriah was born, but I remember the day he was born, she promised me I would always be her baby, but she lied she never calls me that anymore. No Zeke. You need to shut up they both need you. You love Uriah, it's not his fault it's hers, but she's my mom and she needs me. They both need me. This brief moment of jealousy was requested by Splatteredberry!

"Can you wake up daddy?" Uriah asks.

At this our mother bursts into tears and runs out of the room.

"Zekie?" Uriah asks.

"Yeah little brother." I say, absent mindedly stroking his hair.

"What'd I do wrong?" He asks, tears threating to fall out of his eyes.

"Oh Uri, you didn't do anything wrong." I say

"Then why is mommy crying?" He asks.

I have to think about this, saying the wrong thing will make him cry even more.

"Zeke?" He asks after awhile.

"Oh. Sorry about that. Well anyway moms just sad about daddy right now just like you and me." I say.

"Oh." He says biting his lip, I've noticed that he does that when he's thinking, I do it to, something else we get from our father.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Will we get a new daddy?" Uriah asks.

"Um, no Uri he will always be our dad, no matter what." I say.

"But who will do the things that daddy's are supposed to do?" Uriah asks.

"I will, and mom will you don't need to worry." I assure him.

"Okay." He says.

After that we sit in silence for awhile, Uriah has his head in my shoulder and I stroke his hair. After a few minutes I see that Uriah is sleeping and I set him down in my bed and lie down next to him, in a matter of minutes I'm sleeping to.

The Next Week (Mr. Pedrad's Funeral)

Zeke's P.O.V.

an/ Can we just pretend the Dauntless have regular funerals and not cray-cray ones? Thx. :)

I hate funerals, I hate suits, I hate how sad this is. I mean if funerals are supposed to celebrate life, why is everyone so sad? Dad would have hated this to. I hate how upset my family is, mom has cried all week long, Uriah will only talk to me, and auntie Sara isn't herself any more, she's like and an Abnegation or an Erudite, she's so serious, but if it were Uriah who was dead I wouldn't be very happy either, I don't feel happy, I know that along with my father I've lost part of mother too, she'll never be the same.

"Hey, Zekester!" Says my aunt trying to cheer me up, but the use of this nick name makes me tense up.

"Oh, sorry Zeke." She says softer then usual.

"No, no, it's fine." I lie, it's a good thing I'm not Candor, else I would always be in trouble.

"No it's not fine." She says. "You're not fine." She says.

"Yes I am." I say, but she see's right though me, sometimes she's like the Candor and Sometimes she's like the Erudite, sometimes she's like the Abnegation and she's always Dauntless. Always.

"Zekie, it's okay to be sad." She says pulling me in to a hug.

"I can't be sad." I say. "I need to be strong for Uriah."

"That's not your job honey. Its your mom's" She says.

"Well she isn't doing a good job else I wouldn't have to hold Uriah in my arms every night because he's scared!" I Whisper-yell.

For some strange reason this makes tears come to her eyes and a smile come to her lips.

"Why are you um smile-crying?" I ask.

She lets out a shaky laugh and says. "You are just so much like him." She says.

"Oh." I say.

an/ Review and request! bye!

p.s I cried writing it. Did you cry?