Disclaimer: Don't own. Btw, this is my first story so constructive criticism is appreciated.


Falling... Falling... Screaming...


Gone, dead, they aren't here anymore... They can't save you from your nightmares anymore... They can't save you from the dark...

Screaming... Panic... Ladies and gentlemen screaming in terrorized and rushed English, too fast for your foreign and young mind to comprehend. All you know now is that they're gone. Killed; murdered; slaughtered; by the man- no, monster, that you were too afraid to say anything about. It was all your fault... All... Your... Fault... Traumatized and scared, you hold on to their broken and bloody corpses, saying words of disbelief in stuttered Romanian, begging for them to come back to life.

They soon pry you away from your parents' dead bodies and take you away from the scene. Scared and shaking, you try to tell the men in uniform what happened, but the English they taught you leaves your mind and you're left speechless.

'They can't be gone... No... No, no, NO!'


He shot up, drenched in cold sweat. He looked around to see the worried faces of his teammates. "Robin..." An orange tinted hand is gently placed on his shoulder. He doesn't look at the alien girl though, instead, he looks down at the blurry ground, finding it more interesting than the anxious stares of his friends. "The night terrors seem to haunt you more than usual this time, Friend Robin...", he doesn't reply to her. His shoulders start shaking as silent sobs seek their way out of the young boy. The small group seemed slightly startled that their leader was crying, but soon gave their own personal support. A hug around the shoulders from the Tamaranian princess, a comforting hand on the back from the half-man-half-machine, a hand on the shoulder from the green shape shifter, and a hand only slightly touching his thigh from the half-demon sorceress. They all stayed silent due to the fact that only one of them knew what had happened in his nightmare.

"They're gone... E numai vina mea..."

They didn't know what he said that night, but they all came to the understanding that under that mask was just a scared boy who lost his parents. He was only human.

E numai vina mea : It's all my fault

Yes, I know that Robin's first language is Romani (Or so I've heard) but Romani is only a spoken language, it isn't written, therefore I'm not going to use it in a story.